Board of Trustees’ Policy Review Committee Meeting: February 28, 2008 Peralta Community College District Meeting of the Board's Policy Review Committee Thursday, February 28, 2008, 2:00 - 5:00 PM Chancellor's Conference Room District Administrative Offices 333 E. 8th Street, Oakland, California Attendance: Trustees Cy Gulassa, Trustee Nicky Gonzalez Yuen, Trustee Bill Withrow, Student Trustee Reginald James, General Counsel Thuy Nguyen, Risk Manager Joanne Baldinelli, PFT President Debra Weintraub, DAS President Joseph Bielanski, Tae-Soon Park, Mark Greenside, Carlotta Campbell, Tom Branca, Shirley Coaston, Diana Lara, Bob Bezemek, Roxanne Epstein. The meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. 1. Goals for Spring 2008 and Fall 2008 In Spring 2008, the committee hopes to finish reviewing Chapter 6. The committee wishes to show its process of reviewing all of the policies with a timeline. The timeline will be proposed for final acceptance at the next meeting. The committee has a goal to update the student trustees’ policy. 2. Board Policies 2.20, 2.23: DAS and PFT Considerations There has been an ongoing conversation about these policies, so there is no presentation of these policies today. 3. Merge BP 2.30 & BP 3.07 – Freedom of Speech & Policy Concerning Political Activity during Working Hours and Political Activities on District Premises (with Guest: Robert Bezemek, Esq., representing Peralta Federation of Teachers) Attorney Bezemek addressed the group on his views and the controversies about speaking about politics on campus. He feels that a labor organization has an absolute right to do this on campus, in his opinion, in mailboxes and using campus communication devices, even for political activities. He passed out several handouts. (See meeting handout attachment.) The union feels that Peralta’s interpretation is a severe limitation. General Counsel Nguyen shared that employee mailboxes are not a public forum, and that public resources can’t be used for political activities unless a statute specifically says so. College squares are usually considered public, and Peralta can designate a space as a public forum, as long as no district funds are spent for the activity. It is a criminal misdemeanor to violate the statute. She recommends to the Board that they wait and see what the Supreme Court of California says about this matter in the mailbox case, as a violation might put employee’s at risk. A state statute is not negotiable during labor negotiations. The mailbox case involved a union activity memo with political Page 1 of 5 Board of Trustees’ Policy Review Committee Meeting: February 28, 2008 endorsement, where faculty came to their mailboxes to pick-up their mail. At Peralta, an employee needs to distribute the mail here from the duplication department. Even if this labor is of nominal cost, the court said this is an absolute prohibition. Reasonable minds seem to differ on the interpretation of the statute. This has been a consistent interpretation of the law historically here at Peralta and at other government institutions. Endorsements are allowed during a public meeting. It was asked if we currently have a policy on hate speech, also. It was the consensus of the committee that the two sides work to draft a policy of what we can do and agree upon now, and then await the Supreme Court decision. SUGGESTION: It was suggested that the word “political” be changed to “partisan” in all instances to clarify BP 3.07. There was no debate on the following two issues and opinions that Mr. Bezemek presented, but questions on the facts of these issues were allowed for clarification purposes. Policies for administrators moving into the bargaining unit/retreat rights Retreat rights are a bargainable issue. There should be a sidebar agreement for any reassignment as presented in Education Code Section 87458. He’s not sure if a person can waive their retreat rights in their contract. The best person should be hired. Workplace stability should be negotiable, and he is concerned about work displacement issues. There are parts of the retreat rights policy that should be negotiable, instead of talking to the Academic Senate, besides salary. The union discusses this with the Academic Senate, but the Academic Senate can’t enforce the issues. Procedures for investigations of faculty People are informed if they are a target of an investigation, a framework is being developed for this. A copy of the complaint should always be provided to the employee, with a copy to the Union. Due process includes the right to have a union representative present during interrogation. BP 2.30 Free Speech Suggestion to add “and encouraged” after “are respected”. There is no comma after “confrontations”. ACTION: Motion Trustee Withrow, second Trustee González Yuen to send this policy to the Board for approval as amended. Passes. 4. Chapter Six Revisions / Proposed Revision to Chapter 6 Policies a. Feedback from SPPAC BP 6.47 Refund Policy Page 2 of 5 Board of Trustees’ Policy Review Committee Meeting: February 28, 2008 No comments received at SPPAC. In the first paragraph, Passport system has no concerns with this at this time. Don’t know what equivalent means. This only applies to if a student withdraws from all classes. The word could mean something different if referencing intersession or classes that don’t meet as often. We want to give students a refund if they are timely in cancelling. This would also give the evening students a chance to receive a refund. Tell business managers about this to give them notice of how to apply section 1a. CHANGE: Section 1a: To “The first two classes” instead of “the first two equivalent sessions”. Change Section 1d: To “prior to the third class of instruction” instead of “after the first two weeks”. Exceptions should be made in extreme circumstances, and an appeal process should be added as a section C. The student may appeal to the Vice President of Student Services to waive restrictions on the refund policy for cases of extreme hardship. This language shall be drafted by the General Counsel. ACTION: Motion Trustee Withrow, second Trustee González Yuen to send this policy to the Board for approval as amended. Passes. BP 6.48 Non-Payment of Enrollment Fees, Other Fees and Obligations There were no comments by SPPAC. ACTION: Motion Trustee Withrow, second Trustee González Yuen to send this policy to the Board for approval. Passes. BP 6.55 Instructional and Other Materials Fees There were no comments by SPPAC. Distinguish what this includes. Instructional supplies are required for credit, not just the textbook. The course outline must this. CHANGE: Use the term “obtain” rather than “provide” in the first sentence. ACTION: Motion Trustee González Yuen, second Trustee Withrow to send this policy to the Board for approval. Passes. BP 6.60 Safety No response has been received from 1021 or local 39. The Risk Manager distributed copies with her edits of the original policy and adding the role of health and safety committee. (See meeting handout attachment.) She feels that maximum occupancy signs and listing emergency contact information is beyond what a policy document should present. There is a CalOSHA requirement to identify responsibilities in an IIPP program, which is referenced here. There is some frustration that the process is slow to instigate change, which is the reason that so much detail is included in the policy to try to implement administrative procedures. 90 days has been discussed as a timely framework to establish Administrative Procedures after a Board policy is adopted. It is a problem to identify some things, and not identify others, implying it is a priority. All of the important categories are included in IIPP. However, having signs in classrooms and evacuation procedures instructions posted isn’t included in IIPP. A paragraph has been Page 3 of 5 Board of Trustees’ Policy Review Committee Meeting: February 28, 2008 added about the safety committee. The committee asks that a safety program be created and implemented. Our disaster plan talks about emergency procedures. It was also recommended that it’s the employee’s responsibility to work safely, as many of the problems we experience are from employees who are violating safety policies without consequences. Add “attend safety trainings”. Should read “environmental hazard and health and safety policies.” We don’t delegate responsibility, but we delegate the authority to delegate responsibility. ACTION: Motion Trustee Withrow, second Trustee González Yuen to send this policy to the Board for approval as amended. Passes. BP 6.61 Repair and Maintenance of Facilities There was no comment from SPPAC. Combine the first and second sentences, “…which among other items shall include…” ACTION: Motion Trustee Withrow, second Trustee González Yuen to send this policy to the Board for approval as amended. Passes. BP 6.62 Hazardous Material Management The Risk Manager distributed edits for this policy. (See meeting handout attachment.) The goal is to control the acquisition of our chemicals. Our safety equipment needs upgrading and training. How do we alert people that there are hazardous materials? Appropriate signage is important. Number 8 could be added to include a signage procedure. ADD: Sentence 1: “…contractors a healthful and safe work and educational environment.” Sentence 2: “maintain a healthful environment by reducing the dangers of handling, storing, transporting, using and disposing of potentially hazardous materials. This policy shall include: 1. “…and the disposal of hazardous substances…” ACTION: Motion Trustee Withrow, second Trustee González Yuen to send this policy to the Board for approval as amended. Passes. BP 6.63 Reporting Accidents Involving District Vehicles If this policy is ever resurrected, it should include a timeframe by which police services needs to respond, such as “as soon as possible, or by the end of the day.” ACTION: Motion Trustee Withrow, second Trustee González Yuen that this policy be deleted and sent to the Board. Passes. BP 6.64 Use of College Facilities We need to make our facilities open to the Boy and Girl Scouts, which is a statute, even if don’t explicitly add this to our policy. The charges were established by the district for a preferred user at very reasonable costs. It seems as though the prices and equipments lists are not being updated yearly. Show the business managers this. The price list is Page 4 of 5 Board of Trustees’ Policy Review Committee Meeting: February 28, 2008 listed in the Administrative Procedure. The AP should remind business managers to update this list on a regular basis ACTION: Motion Trustee Withrow, second Trustee González Yuen to send this policy to the Board for approval as amended. Passes. BP 6.66 Sexual Assault There are new rules on posting requirements. Posting prevention information on the website that an assault has occurred within a certain timeframe would be helpful. “Office of the Dean” should be changed to “Office of the VP of Student Services”. An emergency alert system could be used to notify people, too. A notice should be posted at the place of the occurrence to alert people of the risk. There was a suggestion to mention state laws, and to reference prosecution to the full extent of the law, as well as through Peralta, and ensure that the laws are enforced, and that we act as an advocate of the victim. General Counsel has concerns about this statement. The committee would prefer to revisit this policy in the future. Posting requirements will be part of the timely notice policy, as well. The meeting was adjourned at 5:02 p.m. There will be no committee meeting next month. Roxanne Epstein Assistant to the Chancellor 466-7203 Page 5 of 5