BOARD FACILITIES & LAND USE PLANNING COMMITTEE Peralta Community College District ADOPTED MINUTES –MARCH 09, 2007 Meeting of the Board’s Facilities & Land Use Planning Committee Meeting Date: Time: Location: Friday, March 09, 2007 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm District Administrative Center Department of General Service Physical Plant Conference Room 333 E. 8th Street Oakland, CA 94606 Present: Dr. Sadiq B. Ikharo, Vice Chancellor of General Services Trustee Dr. William Riley Trustee Bill Withrow Trustee Dr. Nicky González Yuen Trustee Abel J. Guillén Robert (Bob) Beckwith, Facilities Operations Manager Joseph Belanski, Academic Senate President Debra Weintraub, Peralta PFT President George Herring, President of Merritt O’Del Johnson, Past President of Laney College Margaret Haig, Vice Chancellor of Educational Services Bill Proctor, Bovis Lend Lease Atheria Smith, Scala Design & Development (Consultant) Rosemary Vazquez, Staff Service Specialist, General Services (Recorder) AGENDA ITEMS DISCUSSED: Item #1 – Approval of Agenda Items The agenda was approved as presented. Item #2 – Consider Minutes of the Last Board Facilities & Land Use Planning Committee Meeting The February 23, 2007 minutes were approved and adopted. Gonzalez Yuen will hold approval of January 12, 2007 until further review. Item #3 – Parking Lot Fee Hike Dr. Ikharo addressed the committee relating to the Administration proposal to raise the parking fees for all three colleges. For the past 15 years the parking lot fee for Peralta’s meters has been just 50 cents, for all the three colleges. The Administration is proposing that it be increased to $1.00 or $1.50. An in-house survey was conducted of the Bay 10 colleges to see what their Board Facilities & Land Use Planning Committee Meeting Minutes of 03/09/07 Meeting Page 2 of 4 parking meter fees are. Their fees ranged from $1.00 to $2.50 to $2.75, with Peralta being the only college charging 50 cents. The cost to run and maintain the college parking lots is enormous. The source of revenue for the parking lot funding comes form the meters and citations and is managed by Douglas Parking. . The level of work and activity that is being done, or that is being planned to be done, on the parking lots will cost the District, at least, 1.5 to 2 million dollars, which includes ADA upgrades, proper lighting systems, meter and asphalt upgrades, repairing drainage problems and other upgrades and repairs. The Administration will be presenting to the entire Board a report that will contain a detail analysis and recommendations. In addition, the Administration is considering having a conversation with the Vice Chancellor for Budget & Administration to explore revenue sharing methodology where-by a percentage of the funds collected from this fee hike could go to the Associated Students Government. Wtihrow stated that he was uncomfortable, from a public relation standpoint, with using the parking fee hikes as a fund-raiser for student associations; he feels this is how it will be viewed by the students. Weintraub would like to see some type of protection for students that get citation due to broken meters. Gonzalez-Yuen asked that the final recommendation report be brought to this committee, first, for review and further discussion before it is presented to the entire board. Report should contain more detail information about current revenues, detail cost on how much neighboring colleges charge for semester parking pass, what Peralta currently charges for semester passes and explore more the possibility of sharing funds with student associations. He would like to hear from student government and Student Trustees regarding their thoughts on this issue, it would be informative. Item #3 – Safety & Security Plan (Blue Phones) Dr. Ikharo reported that a meeting was conducted with Johnson Controls Inc. (JCI) to discuss the seriousness and magnitude of safety and security issues on the campuses relating to blue phones that are not working. The District asked JCI to take ownership of the work that they do. A team has been formed to resolve safety issues and a Letter of Intent has been sent to JCI requesting them to immediately mobilize and initiate work as described in their proposal of March 1, 2007. Work is to begin right away so that the schedule would not be delayed and the sequencing of the work would not be affected. Approval will be requested from the Board, at the March 13, 2007 Board of Trustee meeting, for a change order in the amount of $285,813.72 to the existing JCI contract, in order to upgrade the existing Code Blue Emergency Phones at College of Alameda and Merritt. JCI’s proposal also includes the installation of additional Code Blue emergency phone units and the installation of a new license plate camera and mounted camera to view activity and license plates of cars entering the rear parking areas at Merritt. Below are the staff negotiated costs for the proposed work: Merritt College PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER WORK Underground Cabling Allotment 9,860.00 Board Facilities & Land Use Planning Committee Meeting Minutes of 03/09/07 Meeting Page 3 of 4 Merritt College Merritt College College of Alameda College of Alameda College of Alameda Laney College Merritt & COA Existing Emergency Phones Make-New Project New Emergency Phones & Extreme CCTV Underground Cabling Allotment Existing Emergency Phones Make-New Project New Emergency Phones Phone Line Repair D-Marc Phone Line Tagging TOTAL CHANGE ORDER 57,818.75 98,784.65 10,030.00 49,013.98 52,755.21 2,799.13 4,752.00 $285,813.72 Their schedule has them completing work around May 4, 2007 (in approximately 2 months). Beckwith will be monitoring these projects. The Maintenance & Operation department will be responsible for obtaining an annual contracted service plans to do preventive maintenance, once phones are in workable order. Future plans include an upgrade of all the workable blue phones at Laney to match upgrades done to Merritt and College of Alameda. A cost assessment of costs will be done after JCI complete its work. It was recommended that when all blue phones are upgraded and functional that campus engineers conduct monthly test to monitor their workability. Item # 5 – Measure A Update (Facilities Improvement Initiative - Road Map to the Future) Dr. Ikharo along with Atheria Smith gave a substantial report and presentation relating to facilities improvement initiative “Road Map to the Future”. Binders were distributed that contained materials recently sent, electronically, to the entire Board of Trustees The objective of the facility planning processes and mission is to provide facilities that are environmentally sustainable in a responsible manner with the intent to be able to utilize this for life-safety and educational components. Dr. Ikharo’s report and presentation included An Historical Perspective An Introduction to initiative, which included an Executive Overview Background information of both Measure A & E funds Objectives, which included delivering maximum returns Program Building Block, which included various components Program Implementation, which included best practices & control and direction Dr. Ikharo then led a discussion and answered questions or concerns relating to this presentation. Suggestion and comments from committee members included: Making changes to pie chart on page 8 - breakdown of Facilities Master Plan to include Energy Master Plan and change format to show a more circular communication process Identify milestones on a separate chart Better timeline with more realistic time frames Demonstrate how parallel planning does not interfere with long-term activity efforts Board Facilities & Land Use Planning Committee Meeting Minutes of 03/09/07 Meeting Page 4 of 4 Include a Departmental Organizational chart identifying key personnel and their responsibilities Include technology and equipment need- to- upgrade as a written plan When new facilities are built, include the costs to maintain them Dr. Haig gave a brief explanation of the internal and external processes that drives the Education Master Plan process. Committee members commended Dr. Ikharo, Ms. Smith and staff for their hard work and commented that this was a very informative and productive discussion regarding this subject matter. Yuen Gonzalez suggested that the committee revisit this item at a later meeting. Next Meeting Date & Time Next meeting date will be on Friday, April 13, 2007 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the Physical Plant conference room. ANNOUNCEMENTS Gonzalez Yuen reminded the committee members that the 2007 Peralta Conference on Sustainability is scheduled for Friday, March 16, 2007 from 9:00 am and 4:30 pm at the Berkeley City College. Meeting Adjourned.