Minutes: 9-17-09

The Peralta Colleges’ Governing Board Audit and Finance Committee
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Present: Trustees Withrow, Gulassa, and Riley, Chancellor Harris, Thomas Smith, Gail Waiters,
Alton Jelks, Joseph Bielanski, Jeff Heyman, Student Trustee Rita Mouton-Patterson, Heidi White,
Karolyn van Putten, and Mark Harris.
Report by the Inspector General (IG).
“Ethics point” works as a hotline and case management program software. There are categories
for the client to identify, with 24 hour service to receive the concern. Then, issues are fettered
and sent to the client. Complaints can be tracked with a report produced. It helps with initial
investigation. The IG website is getting “hits”, but with no greater complaints, possibly for fear
of retaliation. UC, Kern county CCD, and Portland CCD are clients.
She plans a PowerPoint presentation in October to show what’s done with contracting and
contract administration. Performance evaluation models for contractors are available, including
an affidavit, progress report, etc. An example is for the project manager to certify work, prior to
an invoice proceeding to the next level.
She is continuing working on the HR project. She conducted interviews with staff about their
responsibilities and other issues. Her research into recruitment, the hiring process, and evaluation
process continues.
Vice Chancellor Ikharo shared that the existing general services’ contracting procedures and
forms can help other departments as a model. At the end of project, services are detailed, that
goes into a pay application. Two models are available, for general services and also for architect
forms. The IG reported that part was missing in the actual bid file. Dr. Ikharo reported that it’s
not filed, as it’s an ongoing project file, until the job is complete, to show a trail of authority for
the project. The purchasing file has the information given at time of the bid.
The IG suggested the need for a standard operating procedure (SOP) to share who is the custodian
of all of the different files. Accounts payable reported that they don’t have a way to track how
much has been spent on the contract, as a checks and balance system. Dr. Ikharo shared that
construction projects are tracked by Gali Sapitan in General Services, which serves as a project
summary. The software Primavera also provides gives scheduled reports.
Evaluation of The Pineapple Group in their performance as the financial advisor to
The Peralta Colleges.
A report was given to the committee by the Pineapple Group (attached). The Board would like a
yearly report updating basic issues, sharing that the fund outperformed CalPers fund. This can be
added to the Board yearly calendar. A combined report could also be provided in conjunction
with Neuberger, with a January date suggested for joint report. Vice Chancellor Smith
recommended that the Board continue retaining the group, and commended them for their good
Evaluate, and redraft where appropriate, Board Policies 6.02 through 6.95.
This will be reviewed at the next meeting.
External Audit Report.
A statement needs to be submitted to the accreditation Board, stating that the update will be
handed to them. Comments should be available by November 15th. The report is due by March
Board Audit and Finance Committee Minutes September 17, 2009
15th. The visiting team reads the report first. It should go to the Board in January, with the report
being available in February. We are now using SAFE more than Regent at the colleges. Many
funding issues have not been clarified by the State Chancellor’s office. A guess about the
unrestricted money could be $300,000, but is currently unknown.
The audit status report was reviewed (attached). The auditor reviewed the items and listed the
status of each item. The error rates for Financial Aid are greatly reduced at the colleges. The
system is being standardized and consolidated. An update on this is requested for the next
meeting, with outstanding items presented. The action plan needs to go to the visiting team, and
telling them how the item was completed would be helpful.
Update on ACCJC recommendation for full implementation of the financial
management system.
Trustee Riley left the meeting at 6:09 pm
The issues raised by the audit have been addressed, and all but two have been resolved. The wait
list and grade book issues are improvements, and Minh Lam has asked the faculty how they want
to use this information. We need to articulate our goals, why we are trying to achieve them, how
they are prioritized, and where we are in the process. These issues will also be addressed in the
IT strategic plan. There is training available for people to see their budgets online, and the
budgets are loaded. User interface needs improvement, and the steps involved need to be made
available. It was suggested that a program be standardized. The Peralta website lists some
commonly used steps:
http://www.peralta.edu/apps/pubs.asp?Q=1&T=FAQ&P= The visiting team wants to know that
problems have been resolved, or the steps being taken to cure problems. A system is needed with
business team end users to prioritize concerns and ideas, and the CIO can assist with this, if
programmers are available. Administrators need to better communicate issues to the Board,
pointing out the value of spending funds on something abstract, such as change management,
identifying outcomes, and tracking service outcomes. A presentation could be helpful to give the
Board added information. The enterprise system is a standardized system, which is not
compatible to specialization. A process to handle suggestions is needed. The colleges need some
time to review the applicable reports, as well.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 14th from 12 – 3 pm in the District,
Chancellor’s conference room.
Respectfully submitted,
Roxanne Epstein
Assistant to the Chancellor
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