September 06, 2013


Peralta Community College District

PBIM – District Technology Committee - Meeting Minutes

District Board Room

September 6, 2013 – 9:00am – 12:00pm

Present: Fabian Banga, Antonio Barreiro, Joshua Boatright, Eric Gravenberg, Nate Heller, Justin Hoffman, Calvin Madlock, Antoine

Mehouelley, Mike Orkin, Bala Sampathraj, Manny Uy, Mary Louise Zernicke, Hui Zhang

Guests: Joseph Bielanski, Michael Dioquino, Adela Esquivel-Swinson, Ranell Holmes, Patricia Rom, Aisha Williams, Mark Wilson

Facilitator/Recorder: Karolyn van Putten, Evelyn Lord

Absent: Vina Cera, Johnnie Fudge, Lee Marrs

Follow-up Action


(Shared Agreement/


Agenda Item and Presenter(s)

Meeting Called to Order

I. Review and Approval of



II. Review and Approval of

Minutes from May 3, 2013 and

PBIM Summit


III. DTC Report to PBIM

Summit (Presentation)

Facilitator/AVC Madlock


9:10 am

Introduction of new DTC members.

AVC Madlock would like to rename the IT Reports under Item VIII:

PRT Report

IT Strategy Report (this will include all projects within the IT


Technology Service Update (this will cover guidelines and IT related facility projects).

Agenda approved unanimously with changes.

Motioned by Eric Gravenberg, Second by Mary Louise Zernicke

Minutes from the May 3, 2013 meeting were approved unanimously.

Motioned by Fabian Banga, Second by Calvin Madlock.

Minutes from the August 23, 2013 meeting were approved unanimously.

Motioned by Mary Louise Zernicke, Second by Eric Gravenberg.

All meeting materials are posted to the PBI website

AVC Madlock did a presentation at the PBIM Summit and today he showed the full presentation to DTC. This presentation covers the IT

Strategy and all the projects cover by the IT Strategy.

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Peralta Community College District

PBIM – District Technology Committee - Meeting Minutes

District Board Room

September 6, 2013 – 9:00am – 12:00pm

This year DTC will be looking over and revising the IT Strategy and DTC might need to re-prioritize the projects.

These are some of the projects we will be looking at:

Universal Portal: This will give us the opportunity for Identity

Management; which is not part of the IT Strategy.

Improve Communication: Director of Technology Services,

Michael Dioquino will be the rep from technology at the DFC and he will provide feedback in all facilities projects that relate to technology. AVC Madlock would like to recommend for an IT staff member to sit on the DEC and AVC Madlock will attend PBC in order to provide better updated to this committee.

AVC Madlock summarized the 2012-13 DTC accomplishments:

Finalized the decision about Gmail,

Definition of 'technology'

Memo for BAM language for multi-year IT expenditure planning

Reviewed of AP 3720 Computer Use/Network

Adopted the IT Budget Planning Model

Evaluation of Distance Education technology

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) checklist (to be used prior to making any technology purchase)

And he also mentioned all the facility projects that IT is working:

860 Atlantic (COA)

Allied Health and Science Building (Merritt College)

Laney Tower

AVC Madlock will add smart-classroom to the list of continuing projects.

It is important that DTC reviews and re-prioritize the projects, given the number of items projected for this year.

The PowerPoint of AVC Madlock's presentation is posted on the PBC website.

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IV. Review/Assess DTC

Goals for 2013-14 and

alignment with PBIM

Planning Calendar

Facilitator/AVC Madlock

V. Process for aligning DTC

Goals for 2013-14, IT Strategic

Plan 2012-15 with PCCD

Strategic Goals & Institutional

Outcomes for 2013-14

AVC Madlock/Facilitator

Peralta Community College District

PBIM – District Technology Committee - Meeting Minutes

District Board Room

September 6, 2013 – 9:00am – 12:00pm

Postponed from 2012-13: Alignment of college IT needs/priorities with

District IT Strategic Plan projects/timeline (carry forward to AY 2013-14)

At the PBIM Summit we talked about the goals from last year that DTC will continue or will be carried over to this year. The DTC will continue to monitor and support Priority A projects; start the Universal Portal project; and improve/formalize communication with other committees. The alignment of IT to HR needs is the only new goal for this year.

Projects within the IT Strategy include developing cloud service, but we need to worry about policy regarding employee and student data. Cloud services will also help with disaster recovery and end-of-life equipment issues.

The alignment of the IT Strategy with the colleges and district's needs was not completed because not all the colleges have IT Strategy plans. DTC needs to work on the integration of all the needs, especially as they related to technology.

Karolyn van Putten mentioned the role of the committees, as described on page 2 of the PBI Model Overview. In here the committees are charged with using program reviews and unit plans in making decisions. DTC will need to revise the program review templates to include data that will speak to this requirement.

President Gravenberg mentioned that a number of colleges are experimenting with online counseling and orientation. We need to have a process for evaluating these new services.

Incorporating the results of student learning assessment with institutional planning and committee recommendations.

Nate Heller suggests that some of the projects that DTC could look into could be Orientation (student success), smart-classrooms and Financial


Can DTC ask the Technology Committees at each college to formally

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Peralta Community College District

PBIM – District Technology Committee - Meeting Minutes

District Board Room

September 6, 2013 – 9:00am – 12:00pm created strategic plans, which put emphasis on Student Learning Outcomes

(SLOs)? Look into the utilization of smart-classrooms (how many are there and how many are being used as smart-classrooms).

BCC has a Learning Assessment Committee and this is something they might be able to do.

DEC saw the online orientation Laney was using and forwarded a request to the Chancellor for funding to be rolled out to the other colleges. The

Chancellor's Cabinet has approved the online orientation and all colleges will provide online orientation.

Manny Uy would like to include the use of Peralta email and Moodle by students (show students how to access and use email and Moodle).

Mark Wilson would like to include the Gmail implementation. The Google project is more than just email and he would like for this project to be called Google Project. Karolyn van Putten explained that the transition to

Gmail was put in alignment to other project that were consider of more priority, like the PeopleSoft upgrade, Financial Aid, and Document










Motioned by Nate Heller, Second by Manny Uy

The smart-classrooms discussion started with the alignment of unit plans

(colleges and district). The process of integration should include assessment.

As a college president, Eric Gravenberg would like for the college

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VI. Developing a process for addressing facilities projects

(planning and execution) that require technology integration

(coordination with the DFC and/or Department of General


Facilitator/AVC Madlock

VII. Smart Classroom maintenance and support: current status and future planning

Facilitator/AVC Madlock

Peralta Community College District

PBIM – District Technology Committee - Meeting Minutes

District Board Room

September 6, 2013 – 9:00am – 12:00pm

Technology Committees to establish a strategy to support student services and outcomes, but another part involves establishing the processes for doing this.

Justin Hoffman suggests looking at progressive colleges that are using technology in a progressive manner and what their outcomes are. Then we can look at what we can apply at Peralta.




Fabian Banga brought up the fact that the term smart-classroom is obsolete.

(Smart-classroom was a short cut to 'interactive technology' classroom).

VC Ikharo promised that the District was going to pay for one Level 3 smart-classroom at each of the colleges. As of today, Berkeley has one

Level 3, Laney has two, and Merritt has one, but is not being fully used.

Bala Sampathraj asked for clarification as to how the smart-classrooms were funded. The District funded the installation (Measure A) and the colleges purchased the equipment.

All classrooms should be smart-classrooms in order to better service our students, but a lot of our current smart-classrooms were not properly set up.

This goes back to the service support and implementation of this project; which General Services lead.

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VIII. District IT


AVC Madlock/Banga

Peralta Community College District

PBIM – District Technology Committee - Meeting Minutes

District Board Room

September 6, 2013 – 9:00am – 12:00pm a) PeopleSoft Upgrade and PeopleSoft Resolution Team – timelines, etc.:

Director of Enterprise Services, Ranell Holmes has looked at all the processes that are done through PeopleSoft. He is trying to streamline some of the process.

Director Holmes will be putting together a calendar for fixes, enhancements, and bundle releases. Fixes and enhancements might be done on a weekly or monthly basis, with the understanding that there might be emergency situations, which will require for fixes to be applied outside of the schedule.

PeopleSoft Bundle releases will be applied quarterly. PeopleSoft Bundles are upgrade/enhancements to the application that Oracle releases every 3 months.

AVC Madlock and Director Holmes have looked into the admissions application process. The programming language being used is obsolete and this makes it difficult for the developer to troubleshoot when issues arise.

Will need to re-design the application in order to ensure student success.

The programming for the new application should be completed by the end of September and the rollout of the application is linked to the purchase of new equipment needed to maintain and support this application.

The new CCCApply application will be ready by June 2014.

Director Holmes is teaching and instilling in his team the idea that they need to keep in mind the students and to make sure students have a great experience. b) Financial Aid Module Implementation Project Status:

ISERS have been loaded and Michael Dioquino, Director of Technology

Services, has completed the hardware assessment.

Staffing issues have come up at the colleges. Need to set up a process to request overtime for this project.

The Fit-Gap report will be presented at the next DTC. It will provide a

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Peralta Community College District

PBIM – District Technology Committee - Meeting Minutes

District Board Room

September 6, 2013 – 9:00am – 12:00pm view of what the system can do and what our timeline will be.

Project Manager, Aisha Williams, will include a communication piece to make sure the colleges are informed about this project.

At the moment IT does not have a programmer for the Financial Aid project. We will need to bring a consultant until we can hire a permanent employee.

Aisha will communicate to DTC any issue (something that will impact the scope or budget of the project) or risk (something that might get in the way of the project) for any of the projects. c) Electronic Content Management Project (ECM, formerly knows as

"Document Management System"):

The district and Perceptive Solutions have signed the SOW.

Aisha has met with the Project Manger from Perceptive Solutions and the equipment needs have been assessed.

This project will scan transcripts and other documents in order to expedite and/or automate some of our processes. d) Computer Use Guideline (pertaining to AP 3720 – Telephone, Computer and Network Use)

Director of Technology Services, Michael Dioquino, is working with the

ENG team to setup the standards that Peralta should have when using email and computers. After reviewing the guidelines with ENG, Director

Dioquino will bring them to DTC.

Director Dioquino will also be giving reports on all technology related issues with construction projects. As of now, the first phase of the Laney

Tower has been completed. Working with the vendor to complete the second phase. Phones have been setup for floors 4 th through 7 th .

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Peralta Community College District

PBIM – District Technology Committee - Meeting Minutes

District Board Room

September 6, 2013 – 9:00am – 12:00pm

The next construction project is the Merritt Library. We have the pricing for the equipment and working with the vendor to lower the implementation costs.

Other projects that are coming up are the district IT refresh, Allied Health

Building at Merritt College, and the Building A and C at College of


Director Dioquino is assisting college IT by working with Bala, Antoine,

Vincent, and Patricia, but he wants the college IT to spearhead these projects. District IT is there to support them.

Director Dioquino found out that we are not conducting patch cycles. This is crucial because we are not maintaining our servers. He will be implementing a monthly patch cycle that will include network and desktop patches. e) District Student Authentication Policy (draft) and other distance education matters ( Banga ):

Different servers host the colleges and Moodle websites. Peralta will be applying to the CCC Online Education Initiative. This will give resources to the colleges for the expansion of online education. Sacramento is trying to push for a more centralized place for students to find online classes in


The other issue is authentication. Students that take online classes need to be authenticated. Faculty cannot police students, but a system can be put in place to avoid any cheating.

Fabian presented the draft of the Student Authentication Policy to DTC for review. The next steps will be to get feedback from DTC and move it forward to DEC, PBC, and DAS.

This item will come back to the next DTC for approval and to move it forward to the other committees.

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Peralta Community College District

PBIM – District Technology Committee - Meeting Minutes

District Board Room

September 6, 2013 – 9:00am – 12:00pm

No reports. IX. Reports from Colleges

(Includes Smart Classroom status, if not previously addressed above in item VIII)

College Reps

X. New Business


There are two items that need to be included in our goals:

Recommending college and district priorities for the BAM

Aligning 2013-14 Goals with the PBC, which have not been setup yet.

11:50 am

October 4, 2013, 9:00am to 12:00pm


Next meeting:

Minutes taken: Silvia Cortez

Attachments: DTC Meeting Agenda – September 6, 2013

DTC Meeting Minutes – May 3, 2013

DTC Meeting Minutes – August 23, 2013

DTC Committee Members 2013-2014 (as of 9/7/2013)

DTC Meeting Schedule 2013-14

Strategic Goals & Institutional Outcomes 2013-14

CCC Online Education Initiative

PCCD Student Authentication Policy (online classes) – Draft

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