Peralta Community College District PBIM - District Technology Committee (DTC) Friday, March 4, 2016 – 10:45am – 12:45pm DTC Meeting Minutes Date of Meeting: March 4, 2014 Present: Antonio Barreiro, Sharon Millman, Sampathraj Balamurali, Delia Rosemary, Eun Rhee, Jon-Michaels Cox, Chair/Co-Chair: Gina Tomlinson, Antoine Mehouelley, Fabian Banga Guests: Joseph Bielanski, Dr. William Love, Mario Rivas, George Crosland, Wessen Tsehai Facilitator/Recorder: Sean Brooke, Hayat Guessoum Absent: Evelyn Lord, Mike Orkin, Vina Cera, Agenda Item Meeting Called to Order I. Agenda Review and Approval (Facilitator) Sean Brooke Committee Goal Strategic Planning Goal and/or Institutional Objective Discussion Follow-up Action Decisions (Shared Agreement/ Resolved or Unresolved} Time: 10:50 am The Facilitator begun with the notice of not having enough members in this meeting therefore it should be no approvals at all. James Black retired so we need a replacement. The meeting will proceed and the minutes will be taken for future review. Bruce Shapiro should be contacted to Page | 1 replace Olivia Roche II. Review and approval of Minutes for February 19,2016 (Facilitator) Sean Brooke III. Status Update from Ferrilli Group We have no quorum for this item so we need to bring the minutes back on the next meeting. #1 - Monitor and Report the development and implementation of the Colleges and the District Strategic IT Plan, specifically WebBased Email and Room Scheduling Software projects. A: Advance Student Access, Equity and Success A.2 Student Success A.3 Student Success B: Engage and Leverage Partners B.1 Partnerships D: Strengthen Accountability, Innovation and Collaboration D.1 Service Leadership D.3 Institutional Effectiveness D.4 Global Planning George reported out that first project which is a “password reset” was a major success with the participation of great people. According to him the objective is working with different campuses and the goal is to establish collaborative relationships between the Colleges and the District. Another project will be to look at the Active Directory structure which is Currently not organized according to best practices consequently making operational things difficult. The Ferrilli group will begin formal project management processes to allow better services and also to facilitate project such as infrastructure and smart class rooms. George mentioned that it seems that the Colleges are having lots of pressure in funding these projects. Sampathraj Balamurali commented that he has not seen any funding Page | 2 models for these projects. He recommended to be shown any funding for the project if available. George recommended transparency and working together with all parties involved. Dr. Love argued that George will get resources that the people here will not get. Also argued that more money will be spent on IT because of the presence of the Ferrilli group. Dr. Love is wondering what the District will have once the Ferrilli group leaves us after spending half a million dollars on them and also would like to know if every project or system accomplished will be sustainable and communicated to the District and the Colleges as well. George responded that his program and plans will create more efficiency of the system and will reduce the cost and saves the money for different needs. George mentioned that he will bring transparency and better communication overall. Co-chair Fabian recommended a clear and sustainable plan and clear goals should be defined for the short and long term, especially for times after the departure of the Page | 3 Ferrilli group and thinks that the transparency will help the project enormously. Antoine is requesting from the group a clear and detailed plan to be provided to this DTC committee for review and communication and also stating that this committee can help to push the agenda forward. Fabian recommended establishing an informational site where members of our Peralta Community can go to get information about the process and the plans. George agreed that a website for informational purpose will work effectively especially during times when school closes. Gina responded that no technical information needed but information on the progress and the implementation of the new Technology so that the community will be aware of developments and the process, this way anxiety will be reduced and a better communication is taken place. IV. District-wide Network Infrastructure Report Discussion #1 - Monitor and Report the development and implementation of A: Advance Student Access, Equity and Success Gina has stated that the assessment reports have been delivered to each campus IT team. Page | 4 the Colleges and the District Strategic IT Plan, specifically WebBased Email and Room Scheduling Software projects. A.2 Student Success A.3 Student Success B: Engage and Leverage Partners B.1 Partnerships D: Strengthen Accountability, Innovation and Collaboration D.1 Service Leadership D.3 Institutional Effectiveness D.4 Global Planning Next in line is that all IT Campus teams should go through their reports to make decision on what/where/how to implement and execute. Antoine mentioned that for Laney College the reports has been delivered to the president who submitted it to the chancellor, for him Laney has some measure A for addressing these critical issues. Laney had funding set aside, so Laney can come up with 50% of the budget and asking chancellor to meet them half way to fund the project. There is a proposal to meet with the Chancellor and negotiate these infrastructures upgrades and all switches as well as asking for funding smart classrooms project. Antonio proposed that someone from finance should come to the meeting and confirm these in money for all proposal for IT developments Gina agrees to discuss this with VC Little since she agrees that it should be a Rep from finance in every committee moving forward. Gina will discuss bringing in a Page | 5 Antonio stated that for BCC, the biggest issues are renovating infrastructure and creating smart class rooms- this brings the most impact to the colleges and students. person from Finance to the DTC meeting. Question asked: Are there any energy saving plans incorporated into all structural and technical upgrades? Gina answered: Energy savings is state requirement and will be part of scope of work V. Update Smart Classrooms Initiative #1 - Monitor and Report the development and implementation of the Colleges and the District Strategic IT Plan, specifically Web-Based Email and Room Scheduling Software projects A: Advance Student Access, Equity and Success A.2 Student Success A.3 Student Success B: Engage and Leverage Partners B.1 Partnerships D: Strengthen Accountability, Innovation and Collaboration D.1 Service Leadership Antoine shared with the members that the Chancellor’s first speech at Laney has covered smart class rooms, improve technology and reduce costs. Advanced technology experiment was performed in one classroom by putting lots of technology equipment in one class room and recommendations were made from faculty. The demo will be completed the end of March. With the collaboration and integration with faculty members and students. Page | 6 D.3 Institutional Effectiveness D.4 Global Planning Apple TV smart boards were in class room and students with mobile devices asked to interact with class demo. Surveys and inputs needed from everybody. Focus is to build a smart class room that would meet everybody’s needs. A previous project about smart class room demo was in the range of $67,000 and now we are looking at $25,000 for the smart class room demos which result to tremendous savings. Alameda/Student site / smart class room is irrelevant. Concerns of technology failures and operational issues etc. Concerns about training and support teachers to utilize new technology. Jon-Michaels: smart class room is good. Different learning styles_ teachers saying new technology not necessary because they don’t know how to use. George: put support in project ongoing training evaluation and support is necessary. Also including students impute is important. Antoine: Two things in the class room. Infrastructure and hardware. These should be an instructional technology piece added to have people to teach instructional technology. Hiring somebody just to Page | 7 do instructional technology is being addressed by technology committee. VI. Distance Education report Fabian: Updated us about the DE committee. Recommendation to change Moodle passwords every semester. Migration to Canvas will require time and resources, it will be expensive. Involve migration. VII. College Reports VIII. Meeting Adjourns: 12:45PM Next Meeting: April 8, 2016 9:00am – 12:00pm Minutes taken by: Hayat Guessoum Attachments: All documents and/or handouts for this meeting can be found at: 1- DTC Agenda March 4, 2016 2- DTC Minutes- February 19, 2016 Page | 8