DEC Resolution in Support of Academic Advising Module Implementation and Transcript Summary Query

District Education Committee Action on the Counseling Functionality Team
The District Education Committee moved, seconded, and unanimously approved the
Counseling Functionality Team resolution, with the understanding that this request is
also top priority on the PeopleSoft Resolution Team’s Issues Log. The District
Education Committee motion is as follows:
That the District Education Committee (CED) approve the Counseling Functionality
Team’s Resolution, as amended, in support of the completion of the Transcript
Summary query in PASSPORT and support implementation of the Academic
Advising/Degree Audit module and move this motion to the Planning and Budgeting
Council (PBC) requesting that the PBC recommend action thereon by the Chancellor.
Resolution in Support of Academic Advising Module Implementation
And Transcript Summary query in PASSPORT
Counseling Functionality Team
Whereas, Counseling faculty have been involved in the PeopleSoft conversion since “fit
gap” meetings in spring 2005,
and, Whereas the Counseling Functionality Team (Counseling Business Team)
has submitted counseling priority issues* in Fall 2007 with no resolution, three of
which have been in the top five priorities of the PeopleSoft Resolution Team** since
September 2010 and for which there has been no action, and
Whereas the Admission and Records evaluators, Counseling Faculty, Financial Aid staff,
Student Services administrators, and students need a transcript summary immediately .
This critical functionality was available in the mainframe/legacy system and
the PeopleSoft resolution was promised in May 2008, and
Whereas, the lack of a transcript summary impacts graduation and transfer rates, the
awarding of financial aid, the development of student educational plans, the effective
use of student contact hours, and other issues directly affecting student success, and
Whereas, the Vice Chancellor of Educational Services and staff have identified a solution
to the critical need for the academic advising issues identified,
Therefore the Counseling Functionality Team requests the immediate completion of the
transcript summary query, and the implementation of the Academic Advising module,
as a critical priority, which would require
an Admissions and Records functional lead to implement PCCD course mapping
and evaluation of out of district transcripts
an imaging system
consultant to assist with the implementation of the Academic Advising module
a project manager knowledgeable of PCCD business practice
the identification of long term support , i.e. training, maintenance,
*Counseling priorities
**Issues log