February 28, 2014

Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
February 28, 2014
Mary Beth Benvenutti, James Blake, Timothy Brice, Elmer Bugg, May Chen, Sharon Clegg, Jon Drinnon, Matthew
Goldstein, Rick Greenspan, Jennifer Lenahan, Jenny Lowood, Thuy Nguyen, Adan Olmedo, Mike Orkin, Tae-Soon
Park, Trulie Thompson, and Elnora Webb
Chair/Co-Chair: Susan Rinne and Karolyn van Putten
Evelyn Lord, Sadiq Ikharo, Charles Neal, Calvin Madlock, Norma Ambriz-Galaviz, Dettie Del Rosario, Trudy Largent,
Debbie Budd, Phyllis Carter, and Brian Adair
Facilitator/Recorder: Linda Sanford and Joseph Bielanski
Agenda Item
Meeting Called to Order
I. Agenda Review
February 28, 2014
9:04 AM
II. Review of Minutes:
January 31, 2014
Minutes: APPROVED as amended
Page 3: Clarification - there are five members on the strategic
planning update proposals review committee, two are from the
Page 3: Clarification – RRQ stands for Request for Qualifications.
Page 3: Combine the last three bullets.
Page 4: Remove parenthesis around “Director of Purchasing” and
“BCC President” and replace with commas.
Page 4: Insert quotation marks around “the term
underrepresented…at this time.”
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or Unresolved?)
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
February 28, 2014
Page 5: Under the second bullet, insert a period after “webpage”.
Page 7: Under the tenth bullet, insert a period after “enrollment”.
III. Revised PBC
IV. Updated Budget
Allocation Model
VC Rinne
The language will be changed from “Faculty and Staff” to
“Human Resource Personnel Request” under “Unit Plan
Resource Requests: Faculty and Staff”.
Per VC Largent, to fill a current/new vacant management
position, the request starts at the college with the College
President, then to Human Resources, then to Finance, and
then to the Chancellor’s Cabinet.
The current Student Services Annual Template includes
current staffing level for Faculty (full-time and part-time),
Classified (permanent and hourly), ICC/Consultant and
other, Student, and a section below for HR/personnel
Motion to approve the request that if the District
service center unit plan involves the request for new
staffing for the next fiscal year that it goes through the
same approval process as the colleges. APPROVED
Tracked changes was used to track the changes made to
non-resident enrollment fee, multi-year IT expenditure
planning, facilities maintenance and operations
expenditure planning, and parcel tax. New language was
inserted in colored font. Minor changes were made to
spacing and page numbering in the Table of Contents.
In regards to the Parcel Tax, the oversight committee for
the Parcel Tax is the Measure A oversight committee. This
oversight committee has not met recently. Deputy
Chancellor Hendrickson is getting the committee together.
The committee will be meeting in March and May.
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The District
service centers
reviews and
requests will
be placed on
the April
V. Updated Budget
Calendar, 2014-15
Budget Assumptions,
and allocation of
2012-13 Carry-over
VC Rinne
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
February 28, 2014
Concern was expressed in regards to new resources being
allocated by FTEs. There is no explicit language that we
would use additional funds to bring us closer to full
implementation of the Budget Allocation Model (BAM).
Recommendation was made to have rigorous planning and
thoughtful analysis to strengthen this document. A request
was made to include a narrative with examples so we can
see what that would look like and how it would work.
Request was made to include specific language on the
decentralization of Admissions & Records and Financial
Aid in regards to funding and positions. Per the PBC
Facilitator, we will develop more specific language this
fall. Concern was expressed that it is not timely enough for
the colleges to include this in their accreditation
Institutional Self-Evaluation Reports.
Motion to calendar our discussion this semester so we
can come up with a framework for fully implementing
the BAM and realizing the full allocation of resources
to BCC and Laney. APPROVED
Support: 9
Not Support: 1
Abstain: 6
Include on the
March agenda.
Budget Development Calendar
VC Rinne will
 Request was made to distribute the positions spreadsheet to delete wages
and fringe
the PBC.
amounts and
leave only the
Budget Assumptions
names, FTES,
Revenue Assumptions:
and funding
o #7 - We are taking a conservative approach by
sources for the
reducing access money (formerly referred to as
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VI. Committee Reports:
Calvin Madlock (IT)
Mike Orkin (Ed)
Sadiq Ikharo (Facilities)
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
February 28, 2014
growth) from 3% to 2.5% ($2.1 million). This will
be updated after the tentative budget.
o #9 – Other community colleges didn’t meet their
FTE target so growth dollars were reallocated to
colleges that met their FTE target. Peralta received
additional funding for about 30 FTEs. This became
part of our base budget.
Request was made to have a count of those forty (40)
faculty positions that were hired.
Distribution on the 19,186 FTES is an aggregate for all
four colleges. Request was made to have the FTES report
based on the 320 Report. This will be important for the
BAM discussion.
Concern was expressed regarding the actual impact on a
college for exceeding funded FTEs. Per VC Rinne, in the
past $75,000 was added to the college’s discretionary
budget if they stayed within their budget. For colleges that
overspent their budget, the next fiscal year’s budget was
District Technology Committee (DTC)
 2nd phase of the Financial Aid project (verification) was
successfully rolled out this past weekend.
 3rd phase (packaging) is scheduled for March/April.
 4th phase (award and disbursement)
 Colleges are working on their technology budgets.
Technology needs will be prioritized and consolidated. The
DTC will have the recommendations by next week.
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VC Orkin will
provide a
Include on the
March agenda.
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
February 28, 2014
District Education Committee (DEC)
 Discussion was led by Deputy Chancellor Hendrickson
about the ways to fund student success efforts in line with
the Student Success and Support Program (SSSP). One of
those ways might involve Parcel Tax funding. AVC
Swinson gave a report that described the SSSP committee
and its work. AVC Madlock gave a technology update on a
joint IT and SSSP project: the academic advising module.
The bidding process for the module begins on March 6th.
 Karen Engel is leading the efforts to put together a districtwide CTE committee. The Chancellor wants it to be a
subcommittee of the DEC. A draft document for the CTE
Committee is being reviewed by faculty, administrators,
and students.
 Peralta applied to be the financial lead on the Career
Pathway Trust Grant (ABv86). The deadline for
submission is March 28, 2014. It is a $15 million grant and
includes the East Bay 880 corridor, K-12 districts from
Richmond to Hayward, and community colleges, such as
Contra Costa and Chabot-Las Positas.
 DEC will be forwarding a prioritized list (by subject) of
faculty hiring to the PBC for the March meeting.
 Concern was expressed about the potential use of the
Parcel Tax fund and deviating from the original intent and
 Motion to request Deputy Chancellor Hendrickson and
the head of the oversight committee to provide, at the
March PBC meeting, a brief update regarding the
Measure B Parcel Tax and uses of the Parcel Tax
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PBC will send
a formal
Provide parcel
tax language.
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
February 28, 2014
 Request was made to have the parcel tax language be
brought to the March meeting.
District Facilities Committee (DFC)
 Presentation was given regarding two vendors which
supply electric charging stations.
o NRG eVgo from Texas will be utilizing a grant for
this and it will cost Laney $5,482; Merritt $6,405;
District Office $5,454; and COA $14,000. COA
has a higher contribution cost as a result of a being
on a separate utility district.
o GCN Green Charge Network can provide fast
charging stations (charges within 30 minutes).
Users will pay $0.50 to the colleges for electricity.
The colleges will own the unit in 18 months.
 The Chancellor is reviewing the package and suggested to
use the sustainability funds to pay for this project. The
item was presented to the Chancellor’s Cabinet, but no
decision was made.
 As a reminder, the process is to also forward such a
proposal to the PBC for review.
 Concern was express on the issue of plugs not being
standardized. A request was made to include in the
contract a statement that states the plugs would be updated
by the vendor.
VII. Measure A and
Measure E Project
Balances Report
VC Ikharo
Dr. Ikharo gave a presentation on Measure A projects for
each college including the original budget and current
balances. (His PPT presentation is posted on the PBC web
o Laney: Original Budget -- $144,049,662. Balance
is 63,899,904.
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VIII. Energy Savings
Charles Neal
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
February 28, 2014
o Merritt: Original Budget -- $90,818,144. Balance is
o District-wide: Original Budget -- $40,001,440.
Balance is $5,534,647.
o BCC: Original Budget -- $25,100, 603. Balance is
$12, 858,292
o COA: Original Budget -- $74,063,894. Balance is
Balances are funds not yet encumbered for ongoing
projects. The District does not have a written contract to do
the work. The amounts for completed projects are
available for use.
860 Atlantic is a split between Merritt and COA.
In regards to the Laney Library, Dr. Ikharo received a list
from Dr. Webb with steering committee members, but is
waiting for the accurate count. Dr. Webb suggested that he
move forward. Dr. Ikharo had a meeting with Phyllis
Carter and Peter Crabtree. Dr. Ikharo is waiting for the
design build from Noll and Tam Architecture. Next, Dr.
Ikharo will take Noll and Tam’s proposal to the Board of
Trustees for approval.
Information was requested regarding the journal backup
information for the lump sum charged to COA’s Building
A for $4 million from project #0000. Dr. Ikharo explained
that the bill was from Measure E.
Information on energy savings was requested because PBC
committee members wanted to know if this will have any
effect on their general operating budget.
Mr. Neal provided a handout on cost avoidance from
photovoltaic systems at Merritt and Laney College.
o Merritt has a total cost avoidance from 2011-2013
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Per Dr. Webb,
the list is
Dr. Ikharo will
provide the
IX. Budget
Directions for 2014-15
(based discretionary
VC Rinne
X. Consequences for
Over-spending Budgets
VC Rinne
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
February 28, 2014
of $525,998.
o Laney has a total cost avoidance from 2011-2013
of $126,567.
Clarification: The electricity bills at both colleges were
reduced the cost avoidance amount, but it does not take
into consideration the rate of escalation of 4-6% each year.
Per VC Rinne, prior to November 2013, electricity bills
were paid from General Services using the colleges’
budget. A copy of the bill was then sent to the college. The
utility budget was setup within the colleges’ 5xxx object
code and was always under the colleges’ control. The
college can move budget within their discretionary budget.
The directions are very similar to the prior year. It is
scheduled to go out today to the colleges. It includes a
15% discretionary budget restoration to Fund 01. The
utility budget will be pulled from prior year and add 2% to
the total utility cost.
Carryover will not be done until the books are closed for
fiscal year 2013/14.
Concern was expressed in terms of the BAM not having
clear language that if a college overspends then the college
will not receive full allocation of growth.
Bottom of Page 9 in the BAM: Under Productivity (from
the last bullet), “Did not deficit spend in their respective
fund 01 budget in the ‘past and current fiscal years’” will
be changed to “previous year or the current fiscal year”.
In regards to the $75,000 allocated to COA for staying
within their budget but was taken from their 1351 budget,
VC Rinne explained that the intent was to increase COA’s
discretionary budget. 1351 budget funds are allocated to
the colleges, but are covered by the District’s funding.
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VC Rinne will
do a
analysis to the
VC Rinne will
add to the
the BAM
XI. Policies and
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
February 28, 2014
 Motion to revise the language such that it reflects our
discussion and to eliminate any ambiguity. APPROVED
AP 7123 Management Hiring
In reviewing this updated administrative procedure the question
came up as to what happens when faculty have a schedule conflict
because of their teaching schedule, and a management hiring
committee is down to one or no faculty members? VC Largent
and PFT President, Dr. Goldstein, will talk about it first before this
administrative procedure is finalized. There is a need to have a
process when there is a replacement or the committee addresses
scheduling meetings when the committee faculty members are not
teaching. Another issue raised -- what if a candidate is coming
from out of state, do we cancel the interview? Per VC Largent,
the committee commits to attend the first meeting. At the first
meeting, they are to schedule the interview date(s).
Motion to table the item until discussion has been fleshed out.
Next Meeting
AP 7127 Salary Placement for Regular, Interim, and Acting
Academic and Classified Managers (will be on the March agenda)
12:04 pm
March 28, 2014 9:00am-12:00pm
Minutes taken: Sui Song
Attachments: All handouts for this meeting can be found at
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