October 17, 2014

Peralta Community College District
District Education Committee
Date of Meeting:
October17, 2014
MOrkin, JBielanski
Facilitator/Recorder: MBBenvenutti
Present: JBielanski, EBugg, ACedilla, LCelhay, MChen, LCook, AEsquivel-Swinson, MGoldstein, DHankins, TKaras, BLove, CMadlock, CMcLean,
AMcMurdo, AMontevirgen, ROlive, MOrkin, TPark, DPetrilli, CSmith, ATrotter, KvanPutten, TVo-Kumamoto
Guest: KEngel, LHotep, CNeal, NPellegrin, TVasconcellos
Absent: PArmstead, MBenvenutti, JBlake, TBrown, MJones, JLowood, TMoore, LSanford, FShah, TSingh, TWalton
Agenda Item
Planning Goal
Meeting Called
to Order
1. Agenda Review
2. Review of
Minutes for 919-2014
3. Peralta
(Lasana Hotep)
(Shared Agreement/
Resolved or Unresolved}
Time: 9:12 The Facilitator was not able to
attend the meeting. The Co-Chairs
facilitated the meeting.
The minutes were approved. It was
suggested that in the future the minutes
only list key points for each agenda item.
8. Monitor,
analyze and
regarding the
Gap programs
and services
A.2 Student
C.1 Student
The presentation by Lasana Hotep, Dean
at Merritt College was a follow-up to a
presentation by the Chancellor at the
September DEC meeting.
Dean Hotep’s presentation provided the
DEC with additional information
regarding the proposed Peralta Scholars
Program. There is an advisory group that
will work with Dean Hotep to address
how the program will function in Peralta
at a district-level.
Dean Hotep provided a PowerPoint
presentation which is posted on the DEC
website. Recruitment of students for this
program will include outreach at high
schools, community organizations, and
working with programs at the colleges
which have students who would benefit
from the Peralta Scholars Program.
It is anticipated that the advisory group
will assist in screening applicants for this
Some funding for this program will come
from PASS funding, although the
administrator’s salary will not. There are
also Equity Funds that can be used.
It was noted again that there will be a
need to develop a comprehensive plan.
This will be critical given that the sense is
that the four colleges have four distinct
student populations. There will be a need
to reach out to those who work at the
colleges to get their input. The plan will
be clear and list all that will be done from
a district-level perspective, how students
will be selected for the program, how to
incorporate instruction in to the planning,
etc. The goal is a comprehensive
program with more depth than current
There also will be outreach to faculty
who are employing specific classroom
strategies that are and have been
successful and to have them contribute to
the Peralta Scholars Program.
4. College SSSP
(VPs of Student
4. Monitor,
analyze and
completion of
SSSP core
A.2 Student
C.1 and C.2
This process/program will take some
amount of trust and good faith as the
advisory group moves forward with Dean
Hotep to develop and implement the
Peralta Scholars Program.
Reports from colleges providing an
update on finalizing their SSSP Plans
which are to be sent to the State.
Merritt- The VPSS stated that he began
at Merritt in July 2014 and so he got a
later start than others. He is putting the
plan together with the help of a
committee. He is enlisting the assistance
of key individuals at the college. He
noted that a major challenge is putting the
budget together. He sees the need to hire
Counselors to assist in providing the core
services to students. He is also
considering hiring a program coordinator.
COA- The VPS noted that SSSP is not
necessarily new but a strengthening of the
purpose and services of the previous
matriculation program and making many
service mandatory to new students. COA
has a task force assisting with the
planning process. It was unfortunate to
only find out in September that they
would need to develop a budget plan for
$780,000. In some sense both the SSSP
plan and the budget plan will be the best
possible at this point in time. They will
reconvene their SSSP committee. The
COA PowerPoint was posted to the DEC
Laney – Laney sees this as an ongoing
planning process. They have a committee
that has met monthly. There is a goal of
providing orientation to students prior to
their enrollment in courses. There is a
need to develop an early alert program.
They are creating a Laney college early
Mobil app. for just in time updates. The
Laney PowerPoint was posted to the DEC
BCC – The VPSS reported on the effort
to have a one stop service. Counselors
will have a caseload of students. The
SSSP plan is a team effort; shifting to
more accountable deliverables; keeping
focused on the important services that
will also generate funding to provide
those services. The plan and the
suggested budget plan are ready to be
sent to the State.
It is important to have regular updates
regarding the colleges’ SSSP plans and
how those plans are working and in doing
so to determine what can be done at a
district level to support the colleges and
to ensure that students are successful.
5. College Equity
(VPs of Student
8. Monitor,
analyze, and
regarding the
A.2 Student
A.4 Student
Updates were provided by the four
COA- noted that the Equity Plans are due
to the State at the beginning of January
and will need Board approval. Their plan
Gap programs
and services and
College Equity
is being developed through a committee
that is chaired by Dean Toni Cook. Some
of the discussion to date has included acceleration, learning communities,
bridge program opportunities. A question/
concern at this point in time is how the
district will allocate the Equity Funds to
the colleges since $1.7 million is being
given by the State to the district.
COA is looking at their 2009 plan as a
part of the process; looking at pertinent
data; they envision submitting the plan in
January as required and doing a revision
in May based on their work to that point
in time.
BCC- The development of the Equity
Plan is being led by Dean Brenda
Johnson. It was noted that BCC is also
updating their Education Plan and so
there will be a link with the Equity Plan.
Even in the BCC Education Plan there is
a need to address the achievement gap.
BCC’s VPI provided a PowerPoint
presentation which is now on the DEC
website. As the college goes through this
planning process this is even being
looked at in terms of writing the
accreditation self-evaluation report.
There is a goal to develop an overarching
educational plan for the next 10 years and
to provide a vision until 2024. A goal is
to have students complete 70% of the
courses that they sign up for; this
involves defining pathways at the college;
there is a goal of having students engage
in at least one outside of the classroom
learning environment at the college. So
the college is moving ahead on this
planning initiative.
Merritt- They reported having hired a
consultant to help them gather all needed
data and information. They have obtained
some data from district institutional
research. This will provide more
opportunity for interaction with their
committee. They also are focusing on the
achievement gap. Leslie Scurry is
directing the effort. They are putting
much effort into this planning process.
6. CPT Grant &
AB86 Adult
Planning &
(Karen Engel)
7. Monitor,
analyze and
regarding the
Career Pathways
Trust Grant and
AB86 Adult
2. Monitor,
analyze and
regarding student
success in
completion of
A.2 Student
A report was provided by Karen Engle.
She started with an update regarding the
memo from the CTE subcommittee which
had been provided to the DEC in
September regarding the loading of CTE
budgets, carryover funds in CTE budgets,
and other problems encountered. She
reported that VC RInne agreed that there
are problems that need to be addressed
and that she would work with the college
Business Managers. Director Engle
stressed that these are 12 month
The AB 86 planning effort has been
going on for some time. The draft plan is
due at the end of December (2014). The
strategies to be included in the plan were
presented to the local AB 86 leadership
degrees and
group last week. The goal now is to move
to who is going to do what and how to
divide up the funding when it comes from
the State. The leadership group asked the
working group to address distribution of
the funding soon. They are having a half
day retreat, Nov. 3. They are inviting
others to join. There is a broad dialogue
about non-credit and how it will change.
The colleges will receive the same
amount of funding for credit as non-credit
in areas of ESL and career development.
Career Pathways Trust- They are at
present building a webpage. They have
hired a director -- Rebecca Lacocque.
They had a launch event meeting with
each of the sector pathways teams. They
are identifying leaders at each of the
colleges to assist with this work. There is
a need for a strong and transparent
involvement in deciding what adult
education is and what it is not. There is a
need for the district to step up and ensure
that faculty from the colleges are
involved in this conversation. It’s about
curriculum, working with students, and
being involved in the discussions. What
can we do together and with K-12? There
have been several meetings where faculty
have participated and have been involved.
There is a need to send out an invite
throughout the district to the upcoming
November 3 meeting. As much Academic
Senate participation as possible would be
7. Student
(AVC EsquivelSwinson)
4. Monitor,
analyze and
completion of
SSSP core
A.2 Student
C.1 and C.2
The Associate Vice Chancellor’s reported
on the FERPA training that had occurred
on September 30 and that the PPT from
the training had been distributed. She
sees the need to review all of our core
policies in light of the information
regarding the FERPA requirements. She
noted the need to update information we
provide in the college catalogs. She
provided specific examples. She even
focused on the issue of sex offenders at
the colleges and in classes and the
associated responsibilities in this area.
This topic alone generated a significant
amount of conversation, a significant
amount of concerns in this area, as well
as what needs to be done and what can be
She also provided some information
related to SSSP and follow-up services.
She specifically addressed the need to
work with students on academic
She also reported on SARS and working
with IR to ensure data being used from
SARS is accurate. MIS data will match
our records from SARS. Also, working
on providing students the option of
making Counseling appointments online
through SARS. It is being tested a
Laney. Will need to be rolled out at
COA, BCC, and Merritt.
Academic Advising is moving forward.
There is a working SEP at this moment
which was reviewed by the Counseling
Functionality Team. She spoke to the
issue of using courses students have taken
at other colleges, how those are
incorporated into the GPA, and how to
address grades from other colleges that
are plus or minus.
8. Institutional
Research: Tour
of State and
Federal Data
(Nathan Pellegrin)
2. Monitor,
analyze and
regarding student
success in
completion of
degrees and
A.2 Student
C.1 and C.2
She also reported that currently there are
a significant number of students who
have not received grades for each and
every course they have taken. They are
working on a solution and how to resolve
this issue in the system.
Postponed till the November meeting.
3. Monitor,
analyze and
regarding student
success in
completion of
transfer ready
and Basic Skills
9. Adjournment
Time: 11:57
Minutes taken by: Laura Leon-Maurice
Attachments: All documents and/or handouts for this meeting can be found at: http://web.peralta.edu/pbi/educational-committee/educationcommittee-documents/
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