Peralta Community College District District Education Committee Date of Meeting: Present: November 21, 2014 MBBenvenutti, JBlake, EBugg, ACedillo, LCelhay, MChen, LCook, AEsquivel-Swinson, DHankins, MJones, TKaras, ELord, BLove, JLowood, CMadlock, CMcLean, AMcMurdo, AMontevirgen, MOrkin, TPark, DPetrilli, LSanford, FShah, CSmith, KvanPutten, TVo, TWalton Chair/Co-Chair: Mike Orkin, Joseph Bielanski Guests: FBanga, KEngel, RLacocque, LQuinlen, TVasconcellos Facilitator/Recorder: Linda Sanford/MaryBeth Benvenutti Absent: JBielanski, PArmstead, TBrown, Agenda Item Committee Strategic Planning Goal Discussion Goal and/or Institutional Objective Meeting Called to Order I. Agenda Review 8:41 am the meeting began. II. Review of Minutes III. CPT Grant, AB6 Adult Ed Regional Planning & CTE Committee Updates- Approved. (Director Karen Engel) Follow -up Action Decisions (Shared Agreement/ Resolved or Unresolved) Agenda review – Item IV moved up in the agenda as requested 7. Monitor, analyze and make recommend ations regarding the Career Pathways Trust Grant and AB86 Adult Education Regional Planning B.2. Partnerships A.2. Student Success In the presentation by Director Karen Engel the following topics were addressed: Last week the American Federation of Teachers had a Workforce Development Summit. We are at a global competition for jobs and the best option is CTE. We are working on national issues, partnerships and how we partner in our regions which is essential in moving forward how our programs and who they work for our students. (Power point presentation in DEC DropBox.) CTE Subcommittee Update: AB86 Adult Education- CTE conference on January 15, 2015, to discuss changes in curriculum. Hope different colleges send representatives. State Academic Senate meeting. Both projects are at critical junctures. The plan is due in draft form at the end of December. How our two systems overlap/split this work is important to focus on. December 4, 4 pm -7pm at Merritt, the colleges will be looking at ESL, basic skills, short term CTE, and adults with disabilities. This is the last opportunity to have input in these areas. Minutes approved. Power Point in Dropbox Draft of plan due in Dec. Next CTE meeting Dec. 4 at Merritt. IV. College SSSP Plans (VPs of Student Services from each college) III.Memo from the DTC regarding Distance Education- 2. Monitor, analyze and make recommend ations regarding student success in completion of degrees and certificates 4. Monitor, analyze and make recommend ations regarding students’ completion of SSSP core services. The distribution of funds from the K-12 system to community college system has been discussed. There will be funding in the Governor’s budget. CPT- December 4 CPT meeting is critical: 8:30 am – 1:30 pm. VP/Deans 1:30 pm-3:30 pm. Improve job placement for our students. Each college is launching a Career Center. The Career Center funding for all the college will have to come from a variety of sources. A.2. Student Alameda- Matriculation funding is based on the new funding formula. Future funding is contingent on FTEF. The conversations are ongoing and what COA Success C.1. and C.2 Student Success 5. D.3. Institutional Monitor, Effectiveness analyze and make recommend ations has tried to do is to add tutoring funded from other sources. State wants an Equity Plan and a SSSP plan. BCC- The present status of the SSSP implementation was presented. Student success has been a “buzz” word across the college campus. Assessment and orientation have been updated to include SSSP. At BCC they work together and have shared funding support. Laney-Working on video production for online assessment in multiple languages. SSSP philosophy noted. The data core services are assessment, orientation, ad counseling. There is a plan for providing the core servicesassessment, orientation, and counseling. SSSP staffing plan: hire SSSP staff with the goal of restoring and enhancing staff and faculty. SSSP program plan: expanding and enhancing services- early alert program, student mobile application, expand counseling course offerings, expand ESL core services, update assessment to the State common assessment in 2015. Merritt- The committee has begun some deep discussions. The SSSP and Student Equity Plan are in the final stages of editing and have been throughout the college’s shared governance process. There was a memo sent from District Technology committee to the DEC. The DTC memo addresses a matter of considerable concern to the DTC. It was stated that Peralta doesn’t have the appropriate compliance matters in place for DE. This is likely to be an ACCJC recommendation. How can compliance be assured? This is mentioned in every accreditation self-evaluation as an actionable improvement item. It is highlighted in all of the colleges’ selfevaluations. Next meeting have a recomme ndation. Motion: Establish a Distant Education Subcommittee . (DE Coordinator Dr. Fabian Banga) Dr. Banga made the following comments. This is a conversation we have been having with the Academic Senate for a couple of years. We have everything in place from ACCJC and Sacramento (State Chancellor’s Office). However, one component that we cannot implement is the assessment of classes. We don’t have anything in place and the ACCJC is putting more emphasis on assessment of online classes than regular classes. We have to find a way to assess the online classes. We cannot implement without the support of the DEC. A recommendation was made by the DAS that the DEC form a Distant Education Subcommittee. So moved. What would the objective be? Distant Education in principle is using the same content used in courses taught face-to-face. While DE courses are taught using the same content as in-person classes, nevertheless there are compliance issues to ensure we are meeting ACCJC policies and procedures. There is need for coordination of DE classes districtwide. There is a need for additional training for DE Coordinators. We do have a .25 release time for DE Coordinators at each college and they meet monthly. We have a full-time Moodle person who assists with the tech support for DE faculty and 24/7 online support. We do have good system-wide support. This means that we determine that we are meeting the assessment guidelines. We have a Moodle person and Helpdesk person. We have a well-organized DE coordinating system in place that is district wide. We have a committee that meets every month. regarding student success in achieving learning outcomes at course, programs and institutiona l levels It was move to establish a DE subcommittee. Seconded. Approved. Discussion: There are several approaches in creating standards for DE. Before someone can teach a course they have to show the committee that they have the needed skills before it can go live. We need to expand it to the curriculum reps and then move to the union. We have a student population that is native to our area and that is not well suited to any DE courses, including hybrid. We are offering them, they are taking them, and they are failing them. We need to have something that addresses the issues and make some corrections. A recommendation on the charge and membership of the subcommitee will come back at the next DEC meeting. IV. Summer Four- 2. Day SchedulesMonitor, analyze (Louis Quindlin) and make recommend ations A.2. Student The following provides points made regarding this agenda item. The Summer four-day work schedule has created certain problems, such as the Success A.3. Student Success work of hiring committees; Laney had to put off a committee because of the summer schedule. There is a problem regarding SSSP assessment and counseling , since services are only offered four days a week and not five. The proposal is that Peralta run a normal 40 hour, five-day week for the summer. The premise for the four-day week is that we are saving energy. Yet if you tour Motion: To go back to 5 day week during the summer. Recommendation from DEC to PBC. regarding student success in completion of degrees and certificates the colleges on days the colleges are closed, everything is running full blast on the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We need to bring in students to get to our cap. The schedule is worked out with summer schools and union. Both staff unions have to agree to the schedule. Also this issue needs to go to District Facilities Committee. Motion by Jenny Lowood, seconded by Don Petrilli. Peralta went to a four-day week because many other colleges in the State went on a four-day week. And yet at this point in time, we require more information regarding the cost savings. This is an issue of classes over five days and an issue of services to students over five days. Motion: To go from four days to five days in the summer at the colleges, and at the college’s discretion. Friendly amendment: Whoever has the data, colleges and district supply the data about the impact of changing from a four-day summer work week to a five-day work week and share that information with the Academic Senate and the unions and that they review it and have open discussions about the information. Vote on the friendly amendment: 8 in support; 4 opposed; 4 abstained. Send this entire matter to the college Academic Senates, the unions and the Chancellor. Before it goes to the Chancellor, it has to go to PBC. Send to the District Facilities Committee, as well. Adjournment Next meeting: December 12, 8:30 am-10:30 am 10:29 am Minutes taken by: Laura Leon-Maurice Attachments: All documents and/or handouts for this meeting can be found at: Friendly amendment: Colleges and District supply data about the impact of changing to a four day what that move accomplished. Share with the Academic Senate and the unions. Move this to the DFC, PBC and return to DEC with any comments. March deadline.