Peralta Community College District District Education Committee Date of Meeting: December 12, 2014 Present: Chair/Co-Chair: Mike Orkin/Joseph Bielanski Guests: Facilitator/Recorder: Linda Sanford/ MaryBeth Benvenutti Absent: Agenda Item Committee Goal PCCD 2014-2015 Strategic Planning Goal and/or Institutional Objective Meeting Called to Order 1. Agenda Review Time: starting at 8:53 am Facilitator 2. Review of Minutes Facilitator 3. CPT Grant, AB86 Adult Education Regional Planning, and CTE Committee updates Discussion 7. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding the Career Pathways Trust Grant and AB86 Adult Education B.2. Partnerships A.2. Student Success Additions to the agenda: Memorandum- Recommendations from the District Academic senate to DEC. To be added to item #3. Motion to adopt the agenda as amended. Approved. Not available. They will be reviewed and voted on for acceptance at the next meeting in February 27, 2015 (start time 8:30 am). Report from Karen Engel about CPT Grant, AB86 Adult Education Regional Planning, and CTE Committee. There was much discussion on various topics regarding this initiative and Karen will keep the DEC informed and the work moves forward. Follow-up Action Decisions (Shared Agreement/ Resolved or Unresolved} Regional Planning Director Karen Engel 2. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding student success in completion of degrees and certificates Presentation from Rebecca Lacocque. Updates about the Career Pathways Trust. The main focus on the second regional meeting held on December 4 was on improved placement (Long Beach model) and duel enrollment strategies (Santa Barbara model). BCC has an agreements with High Schools. High schools have an agreement with the district, they can go to any of the four colleges, therefore there is disagreement that BCC has an agreement with specific High Schools; ex. Berkeley High. This is an equity issue that affects everyone. There needs to be a larger counseling discussion. The Career Pathways team has made the decision to have information outside of their website through Connected Studios; a resource space where people can get information. Importance of using the same strategy for multiple measures at the four colleges. Memorandum from the District Academic Senate The discussion began by noting the it is essential that instructional and student services faculty are involved in this process. There was a discussion about faculty choosing stipends over release time. 4. College Equity plans – Goals & Objective VPs of Student Services 5. Equity Plans Funding 8. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding the PASS achievement Gap programs and services and College Equity Plans. A.2. Student Success 8. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations A.2. Student Success A.4. Student Equity Planning When they select to receive stipends rather than release time, they may have to miss meetings. The intention of each of the colleges’ budget for CPT is for faculty to be given time to have a role in these activities. Motion to have adjuncts with expertise, increase the pool of faculty. Suggestion to change the word “nonstipends” in the memo. Amendment to the memo; changing the word release to re-assigned time. Where do they want the memo to go? It can’t go directly to the Chancellor. It will be sent to the four College Presidents and Vice Presidents. 4 abstentions. Presentation from VPs of Student Services from each college on the Equity Plan Goals and Objectives. Merritt College- It was suggested to set the goal for African Americans higher than 2%. (Merritt had a handout and reviewed activities aligned with each goal.) CTE will be added in front of certificates. Berkeley City College- They are looking at the gaps in their 5 target groups. (PPT presentation.) COA- Data driven and faculty driven plan. Laney College- Campus based research. VC Rinne could not attend the meeting. AVC Linda Sanford distributed the 2014-15 Student Equity Distribution 6. Formation of Distance Ed Committee (charge and composition) regarding the PASS achievement Gap programs and services and College Equity Plans. A.4. Student Equity Planning 2. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding student success in completion of degrees and certificates A.2. Student Success A.3. Student Success C.2 Student Success document. AVC Linda Sanford was not in the position to give details about the distribution, but she will take the questions back to the people who made the decisions. The money from SSSP goes directly to the colleges. The money for the Equity Plans comes to the district for allocation to the colleges. It was noted that the District was taking 25% which became a major question as to why?? What are the deliverables? Motion to the Chancellor- A memo will be sent to the chancellor and will include the following questions: Who made the decision? What was the process by which this percentage was determined? What are the expected deliverables? And how is this aligned with the process initiated by the state Chancellor’s Office where the funding goes to the college based on their own Equity Plan. The memo will be distributed to members for their review. 1 opposition. Details were provided about the formation of a Distance Education Committee. The distributed document was only a draft; it was brought to the committee for approval. Suggestion to change the second to the last bullet “to be appointed by the DAS”. This document does not include information about the chair position. Suggestion to change the word “Transparency” to “Communication” AVC Calvin Madlock suggested that 7. FTES Update 8. Adjournment 1. Review progress in meeting the District-wide FTES target and make recommendat ions for improvement in meeting the target. Review progress three times a year. A.1. Student Access the membership should include Information Technology. Motion to accept this document as a preliminary chart of the membership of the committee so it can begin. When the committee convenes they can review the chart and bring a more solid document in the next DEC meeting. In Favor- 12 Opposed- 3 Abstain- 3 Not discussed at this meeting E.1. FTES Target Prior to adjournment it was recommended as a future meeting to address the process and guidelines to form sub-committees. Time: 10:45 am (meeting time was extended) Minutes taken by: Attachments: All documents and/or handouts for this meeting can be found at: