Peralta Community College District District Education Committee 9-12

Peralta Community College District
District Education Committee
Date of Meeting:
Agenda Item
March 20, 2015
FBourgoin, EBugg, LCelhay, MChen, LCook, AEsquivel-Swinson, DHankins, TKaras, BLove, AMcMurdo, JMears, TMoore, ROlive, MOrkin, DPetrilli, LSanford,
CSmith, KvanPutten, TVo
Mike Orkin, Joseph Bielanski
KEngel, EGravenberg, LHotep
Linda Sanford, MaryBeth Benvenutti
PArmstead, DBajrami, MBBenvenutti, JBielanski, JBlake, ACedilla, MGoldstein, JLowood, CMadlock, CMcLean, TPark, FShah, TSingh, TWalton
Strategic Planning
Goal and/or
(Shared Agreement/
Resolved or Unresolved}
Meeting Called
to Order
I. Agenda Review
II. Review of Minutes
III. Distance
DE Coordinator
Fabian Banga
2. Monitor, analyze
and make
regarding student
success in completion
of degrees and
3. Monitor, analyze
and make
regarding student
success in
completion of
transfer ready and
Basic Skills
A.2. Student
A.3. Student
C.1. Student
C.2 Student
Time: Meeting began at 9:19. Waiting
for quorum. Enrollment management is
moved to 11 because Dr. Gravenberg
can’t be here until then. Dr. Engel cannot
be here until 10:30.
Quorum reached. Adopt agenda as
Any comments or questions about the
minutes? Adopted. One abstention.
Dr. Banga is not able to be here today. In
packet are recommendations made at the
last DEC meeting. Awaiting appts. First
meeting will be at Tuesday @ 1, an
electronic meeting. Change to “will
make recommendations to DEC”. Send
electronically. Is there a motion to adopt
the charge with the 2 recommendation
changes, add a bullet point from DEC?
Passed. I will make those changes and
will send them forward. My role is to
ensure that the first meeting occurs and
that they elected a chair and then I am
dropping out of the process. I am making
a recommendation that whoever gets
elected as chair continues for the next
year. Since we have only 3 months in
this year.
Linda Sanford
will make
changes and
forward them
to committee.
Adopt the charge with
two recommendation
IV. SSSP Update:
Early Alert
AVC Esquvil-Swinson
2. Monitor, analyze
and make
regarding student
success in
completion of
degrees and
3. Monitor, analyze
and make
regarding student
success in
completion of
transfer ready and
Basic Skills
A.2. Student
A.3. Student
C.1. Student
C.2 Student
Last meeting I reported on early alert.
Working on identifying 1 or 2 faculty to
participate in a small group that will
review the early alert in PeopleSoft and
the process the instructor selects a
student for services. We have to plan to
ensure that we have a program that
benefits students. We can start as soon as
we get volunteers. We have to
disseminate to all faculty an
implementation of a process that we
have not done for some time.
Academic Advising: Discussed at SSSP
and CFT, a second district wide training
for all counselors, to learn system and
announce a timeline that the W drive will
no longer be accessible, August 31, 2015
deadline now. Identified 4 counselors
that will be the lead person at each
campus. During the summer a group of
counselors will develop training and
create some step by step videos.
Use SSSP funds for this. This will
directly affect our funding, the more
students’ you assist and document the
more funding you receive.
We have to get the phone numbers of our
students so we can alert them on their
cell phones. That is part of the new
-Two things out there, 1- This urgency to
spend money from SSSP, preliminary
recommendation. 2- What is the impact
of what the group finds? I don’t want to
click a bubble, I would like to be very
specific. Will there be resources from
what I have identified for what the
students’ needs?
-DEC make a recommendation may
Studying what human
impact is going to be
and exploring
approaches at this time.
Begin a manual process
to this early alert.
Send letters on progress
to students.
Communication put out
to students.
Have the identified role
develop a
communication plan that
is using paper format to
technology solution,
from that point to create
a campaign.
AVC Esquivil-Swinson,
to develop a
communication plan for
notifying students about
probation holds for fall
for spring registration.
impact, close the loop and make a
recommendation on what needs to
happen to PBC to do the things my
colleagues’ are talking about.
-Emphasize students having mobile
devices. In Career Pathways Trust
portals to get into pathways. We are
talking to someone getting websites
mobile friendly.
-While we are waiting for electronic set
up of the early alert systems. We need to
adopt multiple methods to reach out to
our students; we want to keep our
students here.
The group is developing a plan to assist
students who are on academic probation.
They are on last stages of how to deploy
it. Should be ready by fall.
-Connecting people with other people.
Not a formal mentoring program.
-No silver bullet connecting with
students. Have a multi prong campaign.
Have a table for a specific period of
time. Faculty reminding the students.
Students are inundated with give us your
cell number; these are the reasons we
need them from you. Those kinds of
campaigns yield results. Getting students
attention with heavy campaigns.
-Expose students who need childcare,
homeless, hungry. Stronger community
ties and partnerships.
-Early alert has never been able to get
the faculty on what their saying and get
feedback. Connection on faculty and
-Short term and long term solution to
testing out early alert on our campuses.
Retention groups of students identified
that we weren’t retaining. There is no
blanket solution other than one on one
personal contact. A system that meets the
students personal needs. Data support
does not make a difference unless we
make personal contact.
While district is looking at long term
solutions the campus look at short term
solutions. The short term solution
institutes the letters and ensures that
there is follow-up, vet out that process.
Get aggressive about getting messages
on mobile devices. We need to study the
long term impact.
-Hire part-time faculty and part-time
counselors to do this? Set aside some of
this SSSP money.
Have a campaign at each campus to get
students mobile messages and consent to
receive texts. Include instructors. Get an
Have the identified role develop a
communication plan that is using paper
format to technology solution, from that
point to create a campaign.
Recommendation seconded.
Recommend the AVC work refine alert
plan that it hits for spring. The AVC,
local administrator and financial aid,
probation academic and progress.
Adding counselors. To make a
recommendation to AVC EsquvilSwinson, to develop a communication
plan for notifying students about
probation holds for fall for spring
registration. Approved.
V. Enrollment
1. Review progress in
A.1. Student
We face a number of challenges when it
Deputy Chancellor
meeting the Districtwide FTES target and
recommendations for
improvement in
meeting the target.
Review progress
three times a year.
VI. CPT Grant,
AB86 Adult
Regional Planning,
7. Monitor, analyze
and make
regarding the Career
comes to enrollment. Enrollments are
behind compared to last year. We need
to change the conversations around
enrollment. Think differently. What
outreach can we do? We have been
doing drive by recruits. We need to
expand that definition. Getting people
trained to what enrollment management
really means. We need a discussion and
plan around enrollment management.
Proposing an enrollment management
advance(retreat). How do we leverage all
of our resources? We are improvising all
of the things we do. This will get us to
the first stage.
Big issues: Laney is falling apart; BCC
is growing needs another building. COA
is on the bubble of needing a new
facility, Merritt has room to grow. The
BAM model needs to be tweaked. We
need to leverage those great things to do
more great things. Clear delineation in
terms of responsibilities.
-Research component the first one is
April 28-30. The big issues everyone
should participate in is how do we divide
our resources?
The Laney infrastructure is crumpling
Merritt has a lot of opportunity but
students have trouble getting up to the
 Retention
 Innovative programs with
Pathways to College.
 Student Study Abroad Program
B.2. Partnerships CTE Committee memo. Motion to
endorse this recommendation:
A.2. Student
Hire and sustain a Public Information
Retreat April
Hire and sustain a Public
Information Officer.
and CTE
Marketing Strategy
Director Karen Engel
Pathway Trust Grant
and AB86 Adult
Education Regional
2. Monitor, analyze
and make
regarding student
success in completion
of degrees and
A.3. Student
C.2 Student
Officer. Use the regular hiring process.
Passed. 4 Abstentions.
Finance has worked at the business
office at each office. Grant managers
need to meet with their business office.
CTE spent time venting, grant
management. Articulate their concerns to
hire management, will be putting that
together and discussing with VC Orkin.
The amount of indirect. What are the
colleges get for that percentage? Carmen
Fairly. How can one individual manage
all of the grants that we have? We need
to look at staffing issue and provide
better services. Projection of where we
go and how we get there. What happens
when there is a disparity, individual
college initiatives and what the college
wants to do as opposed to the district.
ACCJC made recommendations that we
need to look at.
Indirect amount, the services need to be
more transparent in the process.
Concerns regarding the March 15
deadline for supplies.
Career Pathways moving ahead. More
money to help support career centers.
Ab86 would like to request a
presentation on the plan. How the
colleges are going to prioritize on the
development of non-credit and enhanced
non-credit. Work with regional planning.
Sean Brookes will discuss that at next
We need to deal with resident issues
differently than what we deal with our
international. Market the kinds of
programs that we have.
-Enrollment Management Summit. The
days selected , maximize opportunities
participation by everyone.
-Look at how money was spent; only
$1000 has gone for that mission. The rest
of the money has gone other places.
Makes it difficult to feel committed to
doing what we should be doing. Merritt
has lost 25% of our faculty.
-Tremendous opportunities that are being
explored. Build on the past that have
worked and disregard those things that
are no longer working.
Technology is critical to this equation.
It has become clear the serious impact of
a lack of integration of technology is
imparting our ability to make progress.
VII. Prioritized
Personnel Needs for
College Vice Presidents
of Instruction
6 .Review college
for hiring faculty
and classified staff
and make
to the Planning and
Budgeting Council
E.4. Support
BCC- We have moved forward with our
recommendations and we have 8
positions. We have started the process of
identifying our priorities of classified.
COA- The senate recommended the top
4. We do not have a classified list yet. 7
positions we have requested.
Laney- We will finalize the prioritized
list at the meeting on the 5th. 30 positions
on the list.
Merritt- We have not been involved in
FON or prioritized list integrated
decisions made. Broader discussion for
HR plan for district and college. More
proactive role in full dialogue on what is
coming out of cabinet.
Motion to move forward to PBC pending
additional information that we have not
received. Passed. 1 abstention.
Visiting teams said programs shouldn’t
drive budget. Needs should be the
drivers rather than the other way around.
Forward list to PBC
pending additional
information that we have
not received.
FON process becomes more transparent.
Official FON from the state is just for
the district. Calculate your college FON
and base your allocation of new
resources on those numbers.
The FON number was not 25, 17.611
that came from finance and will have to
be explained by finance. I expect a
specific explanation of that.
The 25 number does not include vacant
Next Meeting: April 17, 2015 from 9 –
Minutes taken by: Laura Leon-Maurice
Time 12:00