Peralta Community College District District Education Committee 9-12 Date of Meeting: Present: Chair/Co-Chair: Guests: Facilitator/Recorder: Absent: Agenda Item April 17, 2015 JBielanski, FBourgoin, ACedillo, AEsquivel-Swinson, MGoldstein, DHankins, BLove, CMadlock, CMcLean, AMcMurdo, TMoore, ROlive, MOrkin, TPark, DPetrilli, LSanford, CSmith, KvanPutten, TWalton Mike Orkin, Joseph Bielanski KEngel, EGravenberg, RHolmes Linda Sanford, MaryBeth Benvenutti PArmstead, DBajrami, MBBenvenutti, JBlake, EBugg, LCelhay, MChen, LCook, MJones, TKaras, JLowood, JMears, FShah, TSingh, TVo Strategic Planning Decisions Committee Discussion Follow-up Goal and/or (Shared Agreement/ Goal Action Institutional Resolved or Unresolved} Objective Meeting Called to Order Waiting for quorum. Started @ 9:23. I. Agenda Review II. Review of Minutes 2. Monitor, analyze III. Enrollment Management Update and make recommendations Deputy Chancellor regarding student Gravenberg success in completion of degrees and certificates. Adopt agenda. Confirmed. Adopted. 3 abstained. In order to formulate something that is more comprehensive, we have moved the date of the retreat. Hope to achieve is to meet our targets for next year. We are behind in terms of enrollment target; down 900 FTES. We have to be more aggressive next year. Retention is the key to any enrollment plan. A lot of new money, how do we leverage it appropriately. If we have to look at the total impact, look at housing. Maybe a bond to build housing on the campus. Link all these things together. We have to revisit the BAM model. Look at what has worked in the past. Proposed format of our plan for next year is to kick this off with a half day session at the August summit. Look at what the campuses are doing to achieve those targets in terms of enrollment management strategies. Thereafter, 6- 8 half day sessions. Topics include 3. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding student success in completion of transfer ready and Basic Skills Curriculum. A.2. Student Success A.3. Student Success C.1. Student Success C.2 Student Success PowerPoint in the DropBox. Dr. Orkin is putting the numbers together of the impact for retention for the next board meeting. ensuring we integrate our resources more effectively, possible coordinating structures, appoint an enrollment management steering committee, look at outside resources. Questions: Do the colleges have plans? No. short term strategies. We are led by people who have no ties to the community, this has impact. If we improve our retention by 15 – 20% the enrollment crisis goes away. We have to look at how we are doing business. Has steering committee been composed? No. In process of getting input. What are the numbers of the impact for retention? This is needed to give us a sense of where we need to do the work? Dr. Orkin is putting that together for the next board meeting. Retention is tied to completion. If the persistence rate were to go up 5%, this could be predictive data. Consider in the plan, loss of fee waivers, coming up as part of the SSSP. Fall ‘15 we need to start keeping track of students no longer eligible to receive the BOG fee waiver. How many students will be affected? We need to have faculty, counselors, others from the colleges involved. We have to overcome the competition. You cannot bring people in who have no friends in the community. Now have a quorum 9:50. IV. SSSP Update 4. Monitor, analyze and make A.2. Student Success It was recommended we develop a process to inform students that they are Linda Sanford will make sure Motion: Include counselors early in the AVC Esquvil-Swinson recommendations regarding students’ completion of SSSP core activities C.1. Student Success C.2 Student Success on academic probation. We have a draft proposal. Hope to go out for Fall semesters. Funds approved for counselors instructional videos in the use of academic advising. Evaluators at colleges will use it. Working with Lasana to come up with a proposal for IT to come up with an Early Alert System. Create a manual process, and do a pilot with a handful of faculty. Working group that is faculty, teaching faculty from each of the colleges. Collecting data and doing research before we meet with your group, with teachers and counselors. One of the issues is that PeopleSoft has a nonfunctional customization that does this, if it is active. We decided to do was have this faculty group provide a list of functionality issues that they would have PeopleSoft do. Lasana is interfacing with IT. Early Alert is in PeopleSoft now. We’ve asked for Lasana to give us the requirements. All these alerts have a window; we need to know who it goes to, requirements. Once you tell us what you want we can build it. Requirement that forces faculty to let us know that students need to be contacted. Identify a uniform method of notifying when students are in trouble. Grades, attendance. Mid-term is too late for early alert. What is the structure to be meaningful? Who is going to be using it? Until we decide who is using it and how it will be going to be used, it’s ridiculous. there is Early Alert development communication process. to BCC and Passed Unanimously COA have them send the names to Adela EsquivelSwinson. If we don’t know what faculty what the next step, how do we interact with the students once the alert has been registered? Several ways and levels to do early alert. Still in developmental stages. All of these recommendations will go to a counselor, counselor refers them to tutoring, loop will be closed another screen where the counselor will check the box. This is an outline. Faculty includes counselors. If the instructor is not doing anything with the student other than checking a box. What has the instructor told? Should start with the instructor. Include faculty and counselors working together. The faculty Cleavon Smith, Jenny Lowood, Mickey Elvin, Fred Bourgoin. There our 5-6 instructors. We are making a recommendation, guided by faculty. In the past there was no incentive to follow up with the students. Now with SSSP there are funds to follow up with the students. Some schools have a retention specialist. Going to be a specific person with early alert training. Part of being an instructor is talking to the student. Please honor our suggestion about including counselor early in the early alert development process. Seconded. Who makes the appointments? Two appointments were made by DAS. Any volunteers from this committee? Ann AMcMurdo. Take back to counseling faculty at campuses. Carlos will take it to the Merritt faculty, Ann McMurdo from Laney, Rochelle Olive will take to Alameda Valerie, Cary, Jamar, Amy Lee and Toni Cook. BCC Ali Young and Susan Truong, May Chen is the dean. Linda will make sure there is communication to BCC and COA have them send the names to Adela. V. CPT Grant, AB86 Adult Education Regional Planning, and CTE Marketing Strategy Update 7. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding the Career Pathway Trust Grant and AB86 Adult Education Regional Planning Director Engel 2. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding student success in completion of degrees and certificates. B.2. Partnerships AB86 Adult Education updates: A.2. Student Success A.3. Student Success C.2 Student Success K-12 were given permission to flex Adult Ed funding and redirected them to serving youths. 2012 LAO report found the responsibility for Adult Ed has been unclear for decades with an overly broad mission. Response in 2013 Govern Brown eliminates adult schools and gave it all to the colleges. 2014 Peralta formed a consortium with USDs. Final plan submitted and in the DropBox. Across the 72 regions there is still inadequate academic, social and financial support for students. State response $500 million going to K12 adult schools. AB173 requires CDE and CCCCO to clean up their act. Peralta Regional Plan Goals are in the DropBox. Increase enrollment, SSSP, Basic Skills, Career Pathways, and English-Language Learners. Questions: How are these people going to know that we are available to do this? In our plan to create a Peralta partnership with the adult schools. The Motion: CTE subcommittee should make a recommendation as to the design team regarding the CTE pathways. Passed. 1 Abstention. Motion: PEAC (Peralta ESL Advisory Committee) be the designated body to create an English language learner design team. Passed Unanimously. Motion: Hire a coordinator to spend the money before it goes back. Grant funded half time position. Passed unanimously. Motion: DEC is requesting information on the composition of the design team. Passed unanimously. ideal is the student is enrolled in a program. Where does the adult school live? Historically they’ve been housed in high schools, traditionally there was an overlap. A lot of the former sites have to been maintained so facilities are a major issue going forward. Next steps: Create CTE pathway design teams Focus on 4-5 pathways Cohort-based Contextualize math and English Integrate GED completion Align assessments, enrollment, & student supports How we going to create design teams and determine what the 4-5 pathways will be? Looking at existing career advancement academy and expanding on that. Composition we are bringing that for your input. Anticipate the $1.5 million in stipends. The 4 lead faculty have been working extra service. We want to communicate a clear pipeline; those instructors/counselors can speak to that program leading to something, an intentionally designed pathway. At what point do the community college faculty/counselors start making their presence at the adult school? At some point we need to go there to make those relationships. We want to create an English Language Learner Design Team. Create a Consortium System “Design Team”. Hire a Consortium Coordinator, at least half time to help staff facilitate the work of the Design Teams. Steps are concurrent. Peralta ESL advisory committee. ESL want to ensure offering classes in certain neighborhoods. Delivering courses where people live. We have about $45,000 some salary saving can roll over. Hoping to use to hire the consortium coordinator. Expecting to get 1million to 1.5 million. Our anticipation that this position should continue at least as a half time position. Coordinator hired before the team is created. How would we coordinate these design teams? Not been created. We have to decide our team, both administrative and faculty. Take existing programs, need someone there to ensure work is occurring. This is inner segmental, after a year of planning these are the areas that we feel need to be addressed. How do we make these things happen? Data sharing will be extremely difficult. Facilities question will not be resolved in a couple of months. DEC make suggestions from Peralta who should be involved. We find a way to get buy in from DFC as to how these will be addressed. How are appointments made to consortium system “Design Team”? The facility committee should be informed. They are the body; engage the DFC on how that will be addressed. I would like VI. Distance Education Committee Update Interim AVC Sanford to see the makeup of this committee. What is te proposed structure to this design team? AB86 working group could make a recommendation on how we could comprise the design team. Request a report on how they will chose the design team and who that will be? Composition of the design team. Time sensitive. Endorse creating a design team. Within the concept of career concepts trust, MOU dual enrollment in DropBox draft. Feedback on draft by April 27. MOU allows course by course negotiations with the high schools. Peralta gets the FTES, we provide the books. How are the students assessed for these classes? In the MOU to be negotiated. The answers that are most important have not been negotiated. Asking for feedback on this MOU draft in DropBox. 2. Monitor, analyze A.2. Student This body was responsible for a Dist Ed and make Success committee, revisions to the charge is recommendations included. The committee has convened regarding student A.3. Student twice and reported back to the DAS and success in completion Success now reporting to you. The minutes form of degrees and face to face meeting included. Now certificates. C.1. Student there is a Distance Ed committee Success webpage. The intention is to provide 3. Monitor, analyze DAS and DEC a template for a Distant and make C.2 Student Ed plan by this semester. We are recommendations Success meeting next Monday to solidify all the regarding student success in completion D. 3 Institutional components in a Distance Ed plan. of transfer ready and Effectiveness Someway to identify the person taking Basic Skills the class actually exists. Group Online Curriculum. Education that is developing a system. 5. Monitor, analyze We don’t have standards in place for and make recommendations regarding student success in achieving learning outcomes at the course, program and institutional level. VII. Other Info Interim AVC Sanford 2. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding student success in completion of degrees and certificates. 3. Monitor, analyze and make recommendations regarding student success in completion of transfer ready and Basic Skills Curriculum. course content. The State is saying that we have to have standards. A.2. Student Success A.3. Student Success C.1. Student Success C.2 Student Success Information in your DropBox from the State system. They are trying to provide additional support to the community colleges. This is the direction that the state office is going for providing additional support. Initially will be for SSSP component. A task force to track this ensuring that we are doing what we need to do. The SSSP task has been to address some of these issues. Common assessment initiative and on line assessment initiative. We can be an early adopter. This is what is happening that we need to be informed about, things are changing quickly. Suggest that we bring this up again because work needs to be done. Next Meeting: May 8, 2015 from 9 a.m. – Noon Adjournment Minutes taken by: Laura Leon-Maurice 12:00