COA SSSP Fact Sheet for Nov 21 DEC and PBC

The goal of the Student Success and Support Program is to increase student access and success by providing
core SSSP services, including (1) orientation, (2) assessment and placement, and (3) counseling, advising, and
other education planning services with the goal of providing students the support services necessary to assist
them in achieving their educational goal and declared course of study.
Beginning this year, our matriculation funding is based on a new formula that includes each service provided
to students (assessment, orientation, abbreviated ed plan, comprehensive ed plan, follow up services,
especially to students identified as at risk (students enrolled in basic skills courses, students who have not
identified an education goal and course of study, or students on academic or progress probation.
SSSP funding is NOT new funding, it replaces Matriculation funding which had taken drastic and draconian
cuts during the last several years of the state budget crisis. And unlike how matriculation was previously
funded, future funding for SSSP is contingent on FTES and documented delivery of core services.
SSSP funding must and can only be expended on core services as identified in legislatively specific language.
SSSP core services are:
 Orientation
 Assessment
 Abbreviated SEP
 Counseling & Advising
 Comprehensive SEP
 Follow-up for at risk students defined in (§55525): enrolled in basic skills; no identified ed goal or
course of study; on academic/ progress probation.
o Colleges may use program funds to pay for communication or early alert systems designed to
notify students of their academic standing or intervention services that may include related
workshops targeting students on probation or facing dismissal and referral to other support
Core services do not include student health/ mental health; tutoring; FTES generating courses.
Members of the COA SSSP Plan Core Team:
 Dr. Amy H. Lee – Interim Dean of Enrollment Services (Administrator)
 Trulie Thompson – Matriculation Coord., Counseling Chair, Academic Senate President (Faculty)
 Edwin Towle – Counselor/Student Success (Faculty)
 Anna O’Neal – Assessment Coordinator (Classified)
 Adrien Abuyen – ASCOA VP of Programs (Student)
COA SUCCESS Academy Workgroup (in addition to COA SSSP Core Team above):
 Maha Elaidy – Counselor
 Vivian Virkkila – Counselor/Transfer
 Mary Shaughnessy – EOPS Counselor
 Caitlin Fischer – Assessment/LRC
 Paula Armstead – EOPS/CARE
College of Alameda SSSP Allocation for 2014-15
Main Components of College of Alameda’s SSSP
 Assessment (including discussions on multiple measures)
 Fabulous Friday New Student Welcome
 Counseling 201
 ESL Orientation
 Online Orientation (to be available in multiple languages)
 Special Program Orientations (i.e., EOPS/CARE, CalWORKs, DSPS, Veterans, etc.)
 Online Student Education Plan/Academic Advising Module
 Comprehensive Review of Academic Progress/Probation/Dismissal Process
 Institutional Research and Data Collection to Ensure Capture of Core Services for MIS Reporting
 Professional Development for Staff/Faculty to Implement and Improve Delivery of SSSP Core Services
Some Key Budgetary Components of the College’s SSSP Planned Expenditures as Submitted to the State
 Only $10,000 of the total allocation of $780,881 will go towards Administrative Salaries
 $198,000 (plus benefits) for Adjunct/Hourly Counselors (Faculty)
 One (1) FTE Full-Time Counselor position (Faculty)
 One (1) FTE Counseling Staff Assistant (Classified)
 One (1) FTE Tutorial Services Specialist (Classified)
 One (1) FTE Program Specialist-Outreach (Classified)
 $50,000 for Student Employee Assistants (Student Ambassadors, Tutors, etc.)
 $33,350 for Professional Development for Staff/Faculty to Attend Conferences and Trainings
 $90,000 for the Creation and Distribution of Publications and Materials Surrounding SSSP Core Services
To Ensure Campus-Wide Oversight of the College’s Student Success and Support Program Moving Forward,
the College has established a SSSP Committee as part of its Shared Governance Standing Committee.
COA SSSP Committee Membership:
 Vice President of Instruction (Co-Chair)
 Vice President of Student Services (Co-Chair)
 Director, Business and Administrative Services
 Dean of Enrollment Services
 Faculty, Student Services (2)
 Faculty, Division I (2)
 Faculty, Division II (2)
 Faculty, SSSP Coordinator
 Financial Aid Supervisor
 Classified Professionals (2)
 ASCOA Student Representative
(4 administrators, 7 faculty, 3 classified professionals, 1 student)