Medical ICF v. 03Jan2014 INFORMED CONSENT AND RESEARCH AUTHORIZATION TITLE OF RESEARCH STUDY Investigator(s) name, Degree, University Department, & address: Sponsor(s) name and address: (if externally funded) Site(s) where study is to be conducted: Phone number for subjects to call for questions: Introduction and Background Information You/Your child (referred to as you in the rest of this document) are invited to take part in a research study because you have been diagnosed with ____. The study is being conducted under the direction of _____ (list degree), Principal Investigator. About ____ local subjects will be invited to take part in this research. The total number of subjects across all sites will be ____ (omit if study is not being conducted at multiple sites). Purpose The purpose of this study is (describe in lay language) Procedures Your participation in this study will last for _____. If you consent to participate, you will have the following procedures while you are in this study. (describe in lay language) Potential Risks The following table details the known risks related to this research and how often they may occur. (Delete those N/A. List the most serious risks in the category first.) Very Common Greater than 10% Common Between 1% and 10% (%) (%) Uncommon But Serious Between 0.1% and 1% (%) Rare But Serious Between 0.01% and 0.1% (%) Very Rare But Serious Less than 0.01% (%) There may also be other procedures required as part of the study. The risks associated with these procedures are: (describe in lay language) Other possible risks to you may include (psychological, social, economic or legal, as appropriate) Studies in animals have shown (include only if little or no human data is available) In addition, you may suffer harms that we have not seen before. Page 1 of 7 Add version #/date Medical ICF v. 03Jan2014 Possible Pregnancy Risks (as applicable) You should discuss pregnancy risks with the investigator before signing this consent form. Women who are pregnant or breast feeding may not participate in this research study. If you are pregnant or become pregnant, your unborn child may suffer harms that we have not seen before. If you (or your partner) become pregnant while in this study, the sponsor may ask to follow the outcome of the pregnancy. If you agree to allow investigator to follow your pregnancy, you will be asked to read and sign a separate consent form for permission to follow the outcome of your pregnancy. If you are a man taking part in the study and your partner becomes pregnant, the investigator may ask you to ask your partner for permission to follow her pregnancy. If she agrees, she will be asked to sign a separate consent form mentioned above. Before starting this research study, females able to have children will have a pregnancy test. Talk to the investigator about the best method of birth control to use while you are in this study. It is important that you call the investigator at _____ right away if you become pregnant or father a child during the course of this study. If you or your partner becomes pregnant, a decision may have to be made whether or not to end the pregnancy. We do not know the effects of <study drug name> on an unborn baby. There is a risk that your unborn baby could be harmed if you become pregnant during your participation in the study. (If you ask, the investigator will discuss the possible risks to your unborn child and your options should you become pregnant while in this study.) Research Involving Genetic Information (include only if genetic testing is involved) A new Federal law, called the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), generally makes it illegal for health insurance companies, group health plans, and most employers to discriminate against you based on your genetic information. This law generally will protect you in the following ways: 1. Health insurance companies and group health plans may not request your genetic information that we get from this research or use your genetic information when making decisions regarding your eligibility or premiums. 2. Employers with 15 or more employees may not use your genetic information that we get from this research when making a decision to hire, promote, or fire you or when setting the terms of your employment. Employers with 15 or more employees, health insurance companies, and group health plans must follow this law. This new law does not protect you against genetic discrimination by companies that sell life insurance, disability insurance, or long-term care insurance. Benefits Page 2 of 7 Add version #/date Medical ICF v. 03Jan2014 The possible benefits of this study include (If there are none, state: “You may not benefit by participating in this study. The information collected may not benefit you directly; however, the information may be helpful to others.”) Alternatives Instead of taking part in this study, you could choose to (List alternative procedures or courses of treatment, if any, which might be advantageous to the subject. If these treatments are available without participating in the study, state that the treatment is available without being a part of the study. Also state that the subject may choose to receive standard of care treatment or comfort care treatment, and not participate in this study.) Research Related Injury (if there is no risk of injury for participants, this section does not need to be included) If industry sponsored: (verify with individual who negotiated the study contract) If you are injured by being in this research study, the investigator will arrange for you to get medical treatment. The sponsor will pay for any reasonable medical costs related to the treatment of your injury. If you are injured, there is no money set aside for lost wages, discomfort, disability, etc. You do not give up your legal rights by signing this form. If you think you have a research related injury, please call the investigator at (provide PI’s name and 24 hour phone number here). If grant sponsored or unfunded: If you are injured by being in this research study, the investigator will arrange for you to get medical treatment. Neither Wright State University, the study site, nor the investigator has set aside money to pay for treatment of any injury. You and your insurance will be billed for the treatment of these injuries. Before you agree to take part in this research study you should find out whether your insurance will cover an injury in this kind of research. You should talk to the investigator or staff about this. If you are injured, there is no money set aside for lost wages, discomfort, disability, etc. You do not give up your legal rights by signing this form. If you think you have a research related injury, please call the investigator at (provide PI’s name and 24 hour phone number here). Compensation You will not be compensated for your time, inconvenience, or expenses while you are in this study. <OR> (If the sentence above applies, remove the paragraph below. If the statement below applies, remove sentence above.) You will be paid (state the amount and form/method of payment: cash, gift card, other) for your time, inconvenience, or expenses while you are in this study. (Payments to study subjects must be pro-rated and distributed equally, if appropriate, or distributed according to time commitment and potential discomfort for each visit.) Costs (verify language with individual who negotiated the study budget) “There may/will (choose one or the other) be additional costs to you for participating in this research study over the usual costs of your routine care outside of this research study. You will not be billed Page 3 of 7 Add version #/date Medical ICF v. 03Jan2014 for the following office visits, tests, medications, and procedures that are done for this research study: (list all not billed). The charges for these items will be paid for by the Sponsor. However, you or your insurance company will be billed for all other office visits, tests, medications and procedures related to this research study. Additionally, you or your insurance company will be billed for all office visits, tests, medications and procedures that are part of your routine medical care outside of this research study. You will be responsible for paying your co-pay that is associated with any office visit, test, medication or procedure. Some insurance companies will not pay for medical bills for people who participate in a research study. It is your responsibility to find out what costs, if any, your insurance company will cover before taking part in the study. If you need help finding out what your insurance company will cover, please ask the investigator or staff for assistance. If your insurance company does not pay for your bills associated with this study, you will be responsible for paying them.” HIPAA Research Authorization The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) provides federal safeguards for your protected health information (PHI). Examples of PHI are your name, address, and birth date together with your health information. PHI may also include your medical history, results of health exams and lab tests, drugs taken and results of this research study. Your PHI may not be used or shared without your agreement, unless it meets one of the HIPAA exceptions. State and federal privacy laws protect your health information. In most cases, health information that identifies you can be used or shared by the research team only if you give your permission by signing this form. If you sign this form your health information will be used and shared to answer the research questions described above and to make sure that the research was done correctly. The time period when information can be used or shared ends when all activities related to this study are completed. Your access to your health information will/will not (choose will or will not) be limited during this study. (If “will not” is chosen, delete the following sentence) When the study is over, you will have the right to see your health information related to this research. You do not have to sign this form. If you do not sign this form you may not participate in the study and health information that identifies you will not be shared with the research team. Site(s) where health information about you will be used or shared for this research: In our research, the research team will look at and may share information about you and your health. Federal law requires that health care providers and researchers protect the privacy and security of health information that identifies you. We may ask for your health information from the following: (list) Revocation of Research Authorization Page 4 of 7 Add version #/date Medical ICF v. 03Jan2014 You may cancel the permission you have given us to use and share your protected health information at any time. This means you can tell us to stop using and sharing your protected health information. If you cancel your permission: We will stop collecting information about you. You may not withdraw information that we had before you told us to stop. o We may already have used it or shared it. o We may need it to complete the research. Staff may ask your permission to follow-up with you if there is a medical reason to do so. You may cancel your permission by writing to the investigator at the address on page one. Information Available on (if applicable) A description of this clinical trial will be available on, as required by U.S. Law. This website will not include information that can identify you. At most, the website will include a summary of the results. You can search this website at any time. Confidentiality Total privacy cannot be guaranteed. We will protect your privacy to the extent permitted by law. If the results from this study are published, your name will not be made public. Once your information leaves our institution, we cannot promise that others will keep it private. Your information may be shared with the following (Omit any that do not apply): The sponsor (name the sponsor and CRO if applicable) and others hired by the sponsor to oversee the research, such as Data Safety Monitoring Board(s) related to the study The Wright State IRB and Office of Research and Sponsored Programs The local research team Researchers at other sites participating in the study (if applicable) People responsible for billing, sending and receiving payments related to your participation in the study People who are responsible for research and HIPAA oversight at the institutions where the study is conducted (include only if study conducted in a covered entity) Government agencies, such as: (List all that apply) o Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP), o Food and Drug Administration, o Office of Civil Rights (if PHI is being collected), and o Other (please specify) Others (please specify) Data Security Describe what methods will be used to ensure that the data collected is secured (e.g., locked in a file cabinet, kept in a secured area, or kept in a password protected computer). Page 5 of 7 Add version #/date Medical ICF v. 03Jan2014 Conflict of Interest (if study is externally sponsored) This study may involve a conflict of interest because the institution and/or the investigator will be compensated for your participation in it. Please ask the investigator how the institution and/or investigator will benefit by your participation in the study. *Significant Financial Interests (external interests) must be disclosed to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. If determined that a Financial Conflict of Interest exists, additional restrictions and appropriate consent wording will be required. This applies to all investigators and key personnel. Voluntary Participation Taking part in this study is completely voluntary. You may choose not to take part at all. If you decide not to be in this study, you won’t be penalized or lose any benefits for which you qualify. If you decide to be in this study, you may change your mind and stop taking part at any time. If you decide to stop taking part, you won’t be penalized or lose any benefits for which you qualify. You will be told about any new information learned during the study that could affect your decision to continue in the study. Termination The investigator, the IRB or the study sponsor has the right to stop this study at any point. The investigator may take you out of this study with or without your permission. Reasons why this may occur include: (describe) If you stop taking part in this study, it could harm you. You may be asked to follow these steps for your own safety: (describe) Participation in Other Research Studies You may/may not (choose one or the other) take part in this study if you are currently in another research study. It is important to let the investigator know if you are in another research study. Research Subject’s Rights, Questions, Concerns, and Complaints If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about the research study you may contact the principal investigator at ____________. You may also contact ____________ (if applicable) If you have any questions about your rights as a study subject, questions, concerns or complaints, you may call the Wright State IRB Office (937) 775-4462. You may discuss any questions about your rights as a subject with a member of the IRB or staff. The IRB is an independent committee composed of members of the University community, staff of the institutions, as well as lay members of the community not connected with these institutions. The IRB has reviewed this study. (Do not state “approved”.) Acknowledgment and Signatures This form tells you what will happen during the study if you choose to take part. Your signature means that this study has been discussed with you, that your questions have been answered, and Page 6 of 7 Add version #/date Medical ICF v. 03Jan2014 that you will take part in the study. This informed consent document is not a contract. You are not giving up any legal rights by signing this informed consent document. You will be given a signed copy of this consent to keep for your records ____________________________ ___________________________________ ______________ Printed Subject Name Signature of Subject Date Signed _______________________________________ ________________________ _____________ Legally Authorized Representative (Please Print) Signature of LAR Date Signed (include only if applicable) ___________________________________________ Relationship of Legally Authorized Representative to Subject (include only if applicable) ___________________________________________ Signature of Person Obtaining Consent Page 7 of 7 Add version #/date _____________________ Date Signed