PE 2010-2011

Peralta Community College District
Annual Program Update Template 2010-2011
Each discipline will complete this form to update program reviews developed in 2009-2010. These will
be reviewed at the college level and then forwarded to the district-wide planning and budgeting
process. The information on this form is required for all resource requests – including faculty staffing
requests – for the 2011-12 budget year.
Date Submitted:
BI Download:
Dept. Chair:
John Beam/ Heather
The primary goal of the Laney College Physical Education Department is to meet
the health and fitness needs of the diverse population within our surrounding
community. We also plan to teach and educate the theory, techniques and
strategies of various sports. We offer classes to a population that consists of a wide
range of ages, skill levels, recreational interests and life development skills. We
also serve individuals who desire to participate in athletic sports. Additionally we
provide specialty classes that serve special populations such as seniors and those
with special needs. We have many students at Laney who are trying to transfer
and move on to a four year university. These students take Physical Education
classes, whose units are transferable and allow them to complete their academic
programs. Another important group of students that we serve in the Physical
Education Department include adults who take classes recreationally, utilizing
Laney classes and facilities like they would a community center, to learn and
develop life enhancement activities. Our classes provide a social setting and
gathering place for students and families who wish to expand their communities. A
large part of the students we serve are athletes in our athletic programs, taking
theory, skills, and competition classes in one of our seven intercollegiate sports.
Our physical education department in 2009 - 2010 had the largest enrollment of
students, and has increased 35% over the last three years.
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Student Data
A. Enrollment
Fall 2008
Fall 2009
Fall 2010
Sections (master sections)
Total FTES
Total FTEF
Census Enrollment (duplicated)
B. Retention
% Retained
C. Success
Total Graded
% Success
% Withdraw
Faculty Data (ZZ assignments excluded)
Fall 2010
Contract FTEF
Hourly FTEF
Extra Service FTEF
Total FTEF
% Contract/Total
IV. Faculty Data Comparables F2010 (ZZ assignments excluded) (Z assignments excluded)
Contract FTEF
Hourly FTEF
Extra Service FTEF
Total FTEF
% Contract/Total
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Qualitative Assessments
CTE and Vocational: Community and labor market
relevance. Present evidence of community need
based on Advisory Committee input, industry need
data, McIntyre Environmental Scan, McKinsey
Economic Report, licensure and job placement rates,
In response to our community’s physical fitness
needs, we offer a diverse and stimulating
Physical Education curriculum that includes
classes at a variety of times throughout the
day, to appeal to the wide variety of needs
within each of the populations we serve. This
includes early morning, mid-day, and evening
classes. We offer our Physical Education
classes in several different venues: the pool,
gymnasium, classrooms, fields, tennis courts,
cycling/yoga room, the estuary, and in our state
of the art fitness center.
We have been proactive in reaching out
to our surrounding communities and partnering
with different organizations to bring them on
campus and embrace them as part of our
learning community. We have had the Oakland
Unified School District and the Oakland Athletic
League host different athletic events on
campus. We have opened up our pool to the
non-profit Oakland Undercurrent Swim Team,
and reached out to the Alameda High School
Waterpolo team and partnered with them to use
our aquatic facility. The Police Athletic League
has used our track to run its track program, and
the award winning East Oakland Youth
Development Center’s Track Program trains
and works out at Laney College. The US
Tennis Association (USTA) and community
basketball groups utilize our facilities. We have
an ongoing partnership with the Oakland Park
and Recreation Department to run programs
and events at our facilities. We partner with the
Latino community group to provide a soccer
league for both parents and children. It has
been a huge success.
We have started a contract ed program
with both, PG&E, and East Bay MUD to provide
physical fitness training for job applicants.
Transfer and Basic Skills: Describe how your
course offerings address transfer, basic skills, and
program completion.
In Athletics, we have a unique opportunity to
work closely with our student athletes to move
them along a very specific path of courses to
enable them to transfer. Our Athletic
Department has a 4-yr transfer rate of
Our coaches and our athletic academic
counselor have articulated and visited with fouryear institutions to make sure our students are
prepared to meet the academic standards so
they may transfer.
In Physical Education, we are in the process of
creating a certificate program in personal
training. We are in the curriculum approval
process. This program would create another
vehicle for students to get a transferable set of
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courses to reach their goals for transferring into
a Physical Education Degree at a four year
The Physical Education Department does not
have any "Basic Skills" Courses such as
English and Math, but we do offer many
courses that offer/support learning basic skills
within all of our activity and sport areas. We
offer beginnning swimming….????
Student program completion rates (retention)
within our PE program vary within each activity
class that we offer . Initial numbers indicate an
overall low retention rate for P.E. But in
comparison to the overall retention rates for the
whole school, the PE department retention
rates are the equivalent. Badminton, body
conditioning, and aerobics are three classes
that we have seen students dropping during the
semester. We have found that these trends are
actually due to the popularity of these classes
and the students drop out so they can take the
class over and over without “running out” of the
number of times they may repeat a course.
We also have students who sign up for
courses as a form of recreation in their hectic
lives. When life issues come up and daily life
becomes overwhelming, P.E. activity classes
tend to be the first thing they delete from their
lives. Facing the challenges of working,
oftentimes raising families and taking classes,
students’ attempts to be healthy get dropped,
though their desires for health and fitness
activities remain.
From an athletic standpoint, studentathletes, whether in season or out of season,
may get cut from the team. This means the
student will drop or get dropped from the
intercollegiate course--which reflects negatively
on the retention rates on a superficial level.
Student athletes will drop the class if they are
cut from the team. Overall, our retention rate is
very high in our athletic department. Our
department is currently looking to change some
of our half unit PE classes to 1 unit classes.
We feel this will greatly help our success rate
for retention. Last year we changed our fitness
center from an open entry, open exit class to a
regular weekly roll class..
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VI. Strategic Planning Goals
Check all that apply.
Describe how goal applies to your program.
Advance Student Access, Success & Equity
Engage our Communities & Partners
Build Programs of Distinction
Create a Culture of Innovation & Collaboration
Develop Resources to Advance & Sustain Mission
VII. College Strategic Plan Relevance
Check all that apply
New program under development
Program that is integral to your college’s overall strategy
Program that is essential for transfer
Program that serves a community niche
Programs where student enrollment or success has been demonstrably affected by extraordinary
external factors, such as barriers due to housing, employment, childcare etc.
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VIII. Action Plan
Please describe your plan for responding to the above data. Consider curriculum,
pedagogy/instructional, scheduling, and marketing strategies. Also, please reference any cross district
collaboration with the same discipline at other Peralta colleges.
Include overall plans/goals and specific action steps.
Our three immediate priorities in the department include: updating all curriculum, removing obsolete
courses, and adding new courses to reflect industry trends to accommodate the desires of our students
and surrounding community.
Instituting mandatory P.E. district-wide, is the first step to help ensure higher retention rates. Laney
College has passed a resolution by the faculty senate in the spring of 2007 to institute mandatory PE.
We are still trying to institute this resolution systemwide. Mandatory P.E. will help legitimize physical
education, fulfill a need for students: exposure to an avenue for lifelong health and fitness. With adult
obesity rates at 60%, and child obesity at over 30%, mandatory P.E. is an opportunity for students to
learn, understand, and apply fitness knowledge to their daily lives, and hopefully one day, become a role
model of fitness for their children.
The Physical Education department has started to offer our first fee based class which is designed
to let community members continually repeat without restrictions as to the number of times it can be
taken. There needs to be a structure of courses set up that are fee based, recreational, and offer
lifelong fitness and activity. This too, will greatly diminish the drop out rate in classes, thus increasing
our retention rates.
In 2007 – 2008, Laney College’s prioritization committee had approved one additional full time
instructor. We also need to add an additional full time faculty member in physical education, because
one of our fulltime faculty members has passed away. So at this time we need to add two full time
faculty positions. One of these positions should be able to be an assistant football coach, and also have
a background in curriculum development. We need to develop either fee based or non credit based
classes to incorporate our large school age population that use our swimming pool and tennis facilities.
We are also looking to establish a senior’s program to compliment our senior pool program with land
based exercise and utilization of our fitness center.
We currently have started the building process the for our new athletic field house, which will
address our needs for a modern and up to date athletic training facility. We are putting in improvements
and building a new baseball field. Baseball facility will be lighted and have all weather turf installed,
which will allow us to expand our hours of availability and usage for our students and community. This
will also offer team rooms for both men’s and women’s teams, and will be a new cutting edge weight
training facility for all sports with dedicated space for athletic weight training. In the next three years we
need to start to address our gym size and locker room facilities for our students, and dedicated teaching
space for Yoga, Pilates and Aerobics. We are entering the eighth year of our all weather football field
and track. As has been stated before, these surfaces have an eight to ten year life expectancy. It is
now time to start the preparation and planning for resurfacing both the track and football field.
The facilities issues of cleanliness and equipment maintenance go beyond the scope of what the
PE department can modify, and it will take the involvement and commitment of administration to
increase custodial care and financial support to help retain students with clean and safe facilities.
We have currently hired one physical education instructional assistant. This person has been a
great help in maintaining our fitness center and in keeping the time keeper enrollment management
system up and running. Unfortunately the hours are limited for this person, and we need to expand it to
all hours that our fitness center is open and our students are present. We also need to develop a plan
to better utilize and monitor our eight tennis courts. Our tennis courts are a great asset to Laney college
but we are not currently utilizing them in the most effective and efficient manner. They are open to the
public from 6 am to 10 pm daily, but we have no way to secure them or monitor their use. Currently we
have too many outside groups using these courts with no coherent plan for usage.
The passage of Measure A has been a boost to the Physical Education program. We have been
able to purchase many pieces of state of the art fitness equipment to meet both, student and faculty
needs. One of the shortcomings that we have is that we have no budget to replace or repair broken or
damaged equipment. Also, because of our large number of part time faculty, we need to purchase three
more computers for use in our physical education office for our passport system for record keeping.
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Also, our athletic academic counselor has now moved down to work in the physical education office and
needs the use of a new computer. We need the help to set up a marketing plan with brochures to
advertise and to allow the community to know about our outstanding physical education program and
fitness center. Also, we need a website that will allow people to see our classes, profiles on instructors
and offerings in physical education.
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IX. Needs
Please describe and prioritize any faculty, classified, and student assistant needs.
In 2007 – 2008, Laney College’s prioritization committee had approved one additional full time
instructor. We also need to add an additional full time faculty member in physical education, because
one of our fulltime faculty members has passed away. So at this time we need to add two full time
faculty positions. One of these positions should be able to be an assistant football coach, and also have
a background in curriculum development. For part of the curriculum development, we need to develop
either fee based or non credit based classes to incorporate our large school age population that use our
swimming pool and tennis facilities. We are also looking to establish a senior’s program to compliment
our senior pool program with land based exercise and utilization of our fitness center.
We have currently hired one physical education instructional assistant. This person has been
a great help in maintaining our fitness center and in keeping the time keeper enrollment management
system up and running. Unfortunately the hours are limited for this person, and we need to expand it to
all hours that our fitness center is open and our students are present.
Currently we have six full time physical education instructors and thirty-two part time instructors. We
have one department secretary who has duties in both, physical education and athletics. We now have
two Physical Education attendants (down from four in 2009-10). The hours are limited since they work
between 11:00am - 7:30pm and are unable to cover our 6am - 11am classes and our 7:30 - 9:00pm
classes. We will need an additional PE attendant when the new field house is opened in 2010, who will
be able work flexible hours. At this time we need to hire three additional physical education attendants,
to make sure that we have a safe educational environment for our students and staff. We also have five
part time lifeguards working five days per week in our aquatics program. We have been authorized to
hire a part time 500 hour per year instructional assistant for the fitness center, and we need to hire one
additional person so that the fitness center will be manned during all open hours. We are working on
authorization for a part time instructional assistant in the athletic department. We have one person who
is paid fifty percent as an athletic trainer and fifty per cent as an equipment manager. He also serves as
an adjunct faculty member.
We need to add a minimum of two additional full time faculty members in physical education. One of
these positions needs to be filled with an assistant football coach. Our football program is authorized
three full time coaches and we currently only have two. This position is extremely important to maintain
the quality program that Laney College and Peralta expect from the football program. the large numbers
of FTS's that the football program generates is important to help balance and fund our womens athletic
Please describe and prioritize any equipment, material, and supply needs.
Currently our Physical Education Department receives approximately $2500 budget for supplies, for all the
different classes taught in our department. We need to establish two separate budget items: one for the
Aquatics program and pool needs, and the other for our Fitness Center. These are two very large and
unique segments in our department, with the Fitness Center being established in the last three years. The
Fitness Center opened three years ago but has never received an individual budget or increase in the
overall budget to meet its unique needs. The Aquatics Program has unique structural and supporting items
and safety equipment that has to be replaced on a regular basis, yet there has never been any money/
budget dedicated to cover those regular items such as: pool covers, flags, lane lines, safety equipment.
This past summer the fitness center had its two computers stolen. These were used for timekeepers, as a
way of studetns recording their attendance and hours.
We currently have started construction for the new athletic field house, which will address our needs for a
modern and up to date athletic training facility. We are improving our baseball field . The baseball field will
be lighted and will allow expanded hours of use for our students and community. This will also offer team
rooms for both men’s and women’s teams, and will be a new cutting edge weight training facility for all
sports with dedicated space for athletic weight training. The original proposal was to update our
multipurpose field and to make it all weather field and lighting. Because of budget constraints this may not
now be possible. In the last year our college has implemented a Latino Initiative, which has brought a
community based Latino soccer league consisting of children and their parents using our field. This added
use coupled with a lack of maintenance has destroyed this area. Making this an artificial field will allow it to
be used full time for our students and the community. Having lights on it will allow for extended use year
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round. We are now on year eight of our football field and track. When these were put in in2002, it was
understood that these surfaces would need to be replaced between eight and ten years down the road. We
are now in that window of time. We need to start the planning for the replacement of these two valuable
facility resources.
In the next three years we need to start to address our gym size and locker room facilities for our students,
and dedicated teaching space for Yoga, Pilates, and Aerobics. The Physical Education Department greatly
needs to store the new and expensive equipment that we have been receiving. In the last two years we have
purchased a number of pieces of large equipment, so we need to identify or build a space for storage and
safekeeping of such items. Our gym is outdated and our locker room facilities are inadequate for today’s
needs of our students. We also need to look at expanding our pool to offer a classroom area for both
teaching and coaching.
We need funding for many things to update our PE and Athletics department. Volleyball needs new posts/
net equipment. Our Athletic Training room needs several types of therapeutic equipment and tables,
washing machines and dryers. We have received bids in the amount of $75,000 to cover these expenses.
An additional $100,000 is needed to complete the weight room with weights and training equipment in our
new field house facility. Our fitness center needs to start purchasing replacement equipment as different
machines start to wear out because of heavy use. We need three desktop computers in our office for our
part time faculty to use for our passport system. We would like to purchase necessary weights and cardio
equipment to start our seniors land based exercise program.
We need a card swipe system to monitor and track student attendance in the Fitness Center. This system
would also monitor a swinging arm or turnstile that let students in or out, after the card has been swiped. We
currently have no PA system in our gym. We need to have a built in totally integrated sound system that can
act as a PA system for out sporting events, as well as be able to play music for aerobics and other Physical
Education classes. We need a new score board for out gymnasium.
Please describe and prioritize any facilities needs.
 We are now in year eight of our track and football field. When these surfaces were put in in 2002, it was
understood that they would need to be replaced between 2010 and 2012. We need to begin the
planning now to replace these valuable facilities before they become unsafe and create a danger for
 In the next two years we need to start to address our gym size and locker room for our students, and
create a dedicated space for yoga, pilates and aerobics. Our current gym size needs to expand to meet
industry standards for basketball, volleyball, and badminton. In the last two years we have purchased a
number of pieces of large equipment, so we need to identify or build a space for storage and
safekeeping of such items. Our gym is outdated and our locker room facilities are inadequate for
today's needs of our students. We also need to look at expanding our pool to offer a classroom area for
both teching and coaching.
There are significant Health and Safety issues in the Physical Education department. Much of it has to
do with outdated facilities and poor custodial and equipment upkeep of program resources. The facility
cleanliness and safety problems stem from an inadequate number of custodial crew to be able to handle
each facility. There is only one custodian for the whole physical education department, and there is no
way one person can sufficiently clean every aspect of our rooms, offices, and facilities. Equipment has
become compromised from the lack of cleaning, the accumulating grit and grime due to understaffed
custodial care. Ultimately, we lose students due to dirty facilities and subsequent broken equipment.
The fitness center has had inadequate wiring for some of the equipment and no funding for proper
upkeep and maintenance of the heavy equipment. The fitness center needs to be re-wired and updated
to handle all of our cardio equipment. At least once per week we trip a breaker, and must wait until
someone from facilities can come to fix it. Also, when it rains, the windows leak, which presents a
hazard because they are near the plugs where the cardio equipment is plugged in. This is quite a
dangerous situation.
Health concerns also include leaks and dirt. Our yoga classroom is also used as a weight training
room, so we have equipment lining the walls. Optimally yoga should have its own studio. Our
basketball hoops are malfunctioning. They are either stuck in the “up” position so basketball instructors
cannot teach classes properly or they are stuck in the “down” position and volleyball classes can’t play
properly. We are in the process of trying to order four additional portable baskets so all students in
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basketball classes can participate or work on skill development
Our locker room had now been painted and repairs made to benches, but they are still inadequate and
out of date. They are referred to as the “dungeons” by both staff and students. Many lockers are
broken and do not work properly. During the rainy season we have water leaks. Our six women’s
sports have no team rooms and must share lockers in the general physical education area. The lockers
in the general PE area are not large enough to hold the players’ equipment and personal items at the
same time, and there are not enough large lockers for all the women in a sport season. Two men’s
sports have team rooms that have not been updated since the sixties, nor have they had adequate
repairs done. The athletic training room for both sexes is located in the men’s locker room. It is not up
to electrical codes with no GFI receptacles and has holes in the walls.
Course SLOs and Assessment
Fall 2010
Number of active courses in your discipline
Number with SLOs
% SLOs/Active Courses
Number of courses with SLOs that have been assessed
% Assessed/SLOs
Describe types of assessment methods you are using
Primary assessment method is observation, followed by evaluation, skills tests, and written tests/papers.
Describe results of your SLO assessment progress
Results have shown teaching strategies to be overall successful in SLO achievements rates and
expectations. SLO assessment timeline for all PE courses has been established and is currently in use
to comply with course assessment guidelines.
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XI. Program Learning Outcomes and Assessment
Fall 2010
Number of degrees and certificates in your discipline
Number with Program Learning Outcomes
Number assessed
% Assessed
Describe assessment methods you are using
Describe results of assessment
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