Thursday and Friday September 22-23, 2016 Breaking the Class Ceiling: Economic Inequality in the U.S. CALL FOR PROPOSALS Conference Information On September 22-23, 2016, Wright State University will host the Diversity in the Multicultural Millennium Conference. This is an annual conference that explores diversity issues in higher education and its impact on the broader community. The purpose of the conference is to bring together students, faculty, staff, and community members to encourage commitment to enhancing diversity and inclusion. Conference Theme The 2016 conference theme is “Breaking the Class Ceiling: Economic Inequality in the U.S.” Over the last several decades, the inequality of economic outcomes has widened sharply in the United States. Ensuring equal access to economic opportunity is widely accepted as a desirable goal; however, there is little consensus regarding exactly what is meant by equality of opportunity and the appropriate role of public policy in promoting it. The following questions are provided to guide you in generating a topic for your conference proposal, whether they concern theoretical issues, empirical analyses or the implementation of policies. Communities 1. The U.S. ranks 64th in the world in regards to income inequality (e.g. 63 nations are more equal than the U.S.) What is happening today in terms of income and wealth distribution? What do you think the causes are? 2. What efforts are people or organizations in your community doing to address issues of economic inequality? 3. What are the challenges posed by income disparity and strategies for closing the gap? 4. What steps would you recommend to empower everyday people to become advocates for change and inspire them to take action on a personal, community or political level to address issues of inequality? Economy 1. In looking at the government’s investment in jobs, training and aid (food stamps, Head Start, Medicaid, etc.), do you feel that we have or have not lost the War on Poverty? 2. In 2015, Walmart Stores pledged to end poverty wage pay by raising the hourly rate of 500,000 workers. Other companies followed with similar increases for their lowest-paid workers. Will their announcements spur broader efforts to reduce income equality? What else can be done to lift the standard of living for the working poor? 3. What role do large corporations play in income inequality? 4. What is the economic impact of new technology? Is income inequality an inevitable consequence of technological development or does the development of new technology always create income inequality? 5. How can we make our current economic system to serve the vast majority of citizens, not only a few wealthy? 6. Should Wall Street be reformed by capping executive pay? Education 1. How can investment in education—from early learning all the way through higher education—reduce inequality in this country and create economic growth that reaches everyone? 2. What teaching pedagogies and co-curricular activities can be used to help students to think critically about economic inequality in the United States? 3. How are service learning pedagogies being used to address inequality? Public Policy 1. The government sets the rules by which the market functions. Who do these rules benefit and who do they hurt? 2. Who is looking out for the American worker? What could you do to ensure that workers have an advocate in the halls of government? 3. Occupy Wall Street is an activist response to income inequality and the corrupting influence of money in politics. Is income inequality a threat to democracy? 4. How can the income tax be used as a tool to combat poverty? 5. How does the current tax code favor the wealthy and disadvantage the middle class? 6. Should the government revise the tax system by making those who earn over $1 million annually (even from capital gains) pay at least the same tax as middle class families? 7. What is the economic impact of globalization? 8. What role has government played in widening economic inequality, and what should be changed to address this problem? Proposal Criteria All proposals will be peer-reviewed and screened in a blind process. Information that would identify presenters or their affiliations should only be included on the first page of the application, not in the proposal abstract or narrative. All successful proposals will have a connection to the 2016 theme and will present new perspectives to understanding issues of social justice and diversity and particularly, how they affect education. Proposals that offer concrete steps or an action plan for positive change are encouraged. The Selection Committee welcomes proposals related to any dimension of diversity including —but not limited to—multiculturalism, race/ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, socio-economic status, disability, age, and access to higher education. All proposals should be typed, with all fields answered. Proposals may be papers, presentations, workshops, performances, or other creative modes of promoting the education and acceptance of diversity in an academic environment. Proposals may be submitted by individuals or groups composed of students, faculty, staff, community members, and other combined groups. Presenters must register as conference attendees. Priority will be given to proposals that offer unique perspectives around the 2016 theme. The Selection Committee will work to ensure that accepted topics represent a broad range of subjects and multiple institutions of higher education. All presentations will be 50 minutes in duration. Proposal Submission All proposals must be received by the extended deadline of Friday, May 13, 2016. Proposals may be submitted via email as a Word or PDF attachment to Mai Nguyen at Proposals may also be faxed to Mai Nguyen’s attention at (937) 775-2692 or mailed to: Mai Nguyen ANA Center 154 Millett Hall Wright State University 3640 Colonel Glenn Highway Dayton, OH 45435-0001 Thursday and Friday September 22-23, 2016 Breaking the Class Ceiling: Economic Inequality in the U.S. PROPOSAL APPLICATION- Submission May 13, 2016 Presenter Information (Main Contact Person – please include brief bio): _________________________________________________________________________________________ Name _________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Department/School/University/Community Organization _________________________________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Fax Email __________________________________________________________________________________________ Experience related to topic Second Presenter Information (If Applicable): _________________________________________________________________________________________ Name _________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Department/School/University/Community Organization _________________________________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Fax Email Third Presenter Information (If Applicable): _________________________________________________________________________________________ Name _________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Department/School/University/Community Organization _________________________________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Fax Email If accepted, I am committed to registering and participating in the conference. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Main Contact Person Printed Name Date Presentation Information: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Presentation Title _________________________________________________________________________________________ Technology needed for presentation Target audience(s): _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Preferred Format: □ □ □ Individual Presentation Performance □ □ Panel Presentation Workshop Other____________________________________________________________________ (please specify) Abstract (limit to 50 words below): _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Narrative (limit to 500 words below): _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ All proposals must be received by the extended deadline of Friday, May 13, 2016. Proposals may be submitted via email as a Word or PDF attachment to Mai Nguyen at Proposals may also be faxed to Mai Nguyen’s attention at (937) 775-2692 or mailed to: Mai Nguyen ANA Center 154 Millett Hall Wright State University 3640 Colonel Glenn Highway Dayton, OH 45435-0001