5565 version 4
1 of 6 level: credit: planned review date: sub-field: purpose:
Assist visitors to meet New Zealand driving requirements
December 2002
People credited with this unit standard are able to: assist visitors to meet, or confirm compliance with, legal driving requirements; inform visitors about road conditions; familiarise visitors with vehicle; and inform visitors about action required in the event of accident or emergency. entry information: accreditation option:
Evaluation of documentation and visit by NZQA and industry. moderation option: A centrally established and directed national moderation system has been set up by the ServiceIQ. special notes: 1 Road means a road of any class, and a motorway.
2 Enterprise practice refers to the expected performance required at the location in which credit for this standard is sought. Such performance may be specified in: enterprise procedures; industry guidelines and codes.
New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020
5565 version 4
2 of 6
Assist visitors to meet New Zealand driving requirements
3 Glossary of terms: enterprise procedures; industry guidelines and codes, refer to documented procedures, specific to the enterprise, which set out the standard for the business practice, and activities of that enterprise.
4 New Zealand regulation: Transport (Vehicle and Driver
Registration and Licensing) Act 1986.
Elements and Performance Criteria element 1
Assist visitors to meet, or confirm compliance with, legal driving requirements. performance criteria
1.1 International Driving Permits (IDP) and Driving Licences of all visitors wishing to drive are confirmed as being valid, and issued by a country or state whose permits and licences are accepted under New Zealand regulations.
Range: schedules of accepted IDP-issuing countries, schedules of accepted country of origin driving licences, validity.
1.2 International Driving Permit and Driving Licence held by visitor are confirmed as covering vehicle to be driven.
1.3 Validity of Public Service Vehicle Licence held by any visitor intending to drive for hire or reward is confirmed.
New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020
5565 version 4
3 of 6
Assist visitors to meet New Zealand driving requirements
1.4 Information provided about issue of New Zealand Driving Licences meets visitor's needs and enterprise practice requirements.
Range: application procedures, issuing offices and conditions, fees, timescale.
Assistance offered facilitates issue of appropriate licences to visitors.
Information provided about New Zealand traffic laws and safe driving practices meets enterprise practice requirements.
Range: speed limits, dangerous and careless driving, alcohol and drugs,
Road Code. element 2
Inform visitors about road conditions. performance criteria
2.1 Information provided about roads, signs, and markings meets enterprise practice requirements.
Range: brochures, maps, Road Code, symbolic and verbal signs.
2.2 Description of route options meets visitors' needs.
Range: travel time and pace, visitor interests, maps.
New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020
5565 version 4
4 of 6
Assist visitors to meet New Zealand driving requirements
2.3 Description of road conditions which may be encountered meets visitors' needs.
Range: hazards, weather, surfaces, traffic density. element 3
Familiarise visitors with vehicle. performance criteria
3.1 Vehicle controls are explained and demonstrated according to enterprise practice.
Visitors' ability to control vehicle is confirmed according to enterprise practice.
Vehicle accessories and systems are explained and demonstrated according to enterprise practice.
Range: breakdown equipment, fuel type, locking, fluid levels, audio and temperature systems, snow-chains.
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5565 version 4
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Assist visitors to meet New Zealand driving requirements element 4
Inform visitors about action required in the event of accident or emergency. performance criteria
4.1 Driver's responsibilities for action and notification after a motoring accident are explained in terms of the Road Code and enterprise practice.
Range: first aid, ambulance, police, others involved, insurance, rental company.
4.2 Insurance cover is provided and explained to meet visitors' needs and enterprise practice requirements.
Range: cover, policy excess, costs.
4.3 Hirer's responsibilities and options in the event of vehicle breakdown or loss are explained in terms of enterprise practice.
Range: reporting to Police, rental company, repair, replacement.
4.4 Details of assistance available to hirer are provided according to enterprise practice.
Range: phone numbers, company offices or agencies, repair garages, brochures.
New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020
5565 version 4
6 of 6
Assist visitors to meet New Zealand driving requirements
Comments to:
PO Box 25522
Wellington 6146 www.qualifications@serviceiq.org.nz www.serviceiq.org.nz by December 2002.
Please Note: Providers must be accredited by the Qualifications Authority before they can offer programmes of education and training assessed against unit standards.
Accredited providers assessing against unit standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those unit standards. [Please refer to relevant Plan ref: 0078]
New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020