NZQA registered unit standard 10670 version 5 Page 1 of 4

NZQA registered unit standard
10670 version 5
Page 1 of 4
Develop, implement, and evaluate a strategy to counter racism to
support Māori management situations
People credited with this unit standard are able to develop,
implement, and evaluate the effectiveness of a strategy to
counter racism to support Māori management situations.
Māori Business and Management > Māori Management Generic
Available grade
Explanatory notes
Institutional racism may be defined as policies and practices in an organisation which
discriminate against a racial group. Another type of institutional racism is where a
racial group does not receive equal treatment despite apparently non-discriminatory
policies and practices.
Personal racism refers to racism practised by individuals against other individuals or
Māori management situations refers to tikanga or management situations involving
Māori staff or clients and may include – personnel issue, any personal issue,
management and board issue, external relationship issue, stakeholder relationship
Māori organisation is an organisation whose kaupapa is whānau, hapū, iwi, and/or
hapori Māori-based. Modern-day examples include: Ahu Whenua Trusts, Crown
Forest Rental Trust, Iwi Asset Holding Company, Iwi Authorities, Māori Council,
Māori Wardens, Māori Women’s Welfare League, Marae Trusts, NZ Māori Council,
Rūnanga, Tribal committees, Trust Boards, Urban Māori Authorities, Whānau Trusts.
Key actions refer to performing important activities such as taking direct action,
changing the rules, developing new ideas, communicating, educating, monitoring,
and/or providing feedback.
Kaimahi is a worker.
The context of this unit standard is limited to local rohe or takiwā. Where local rohe
are also occupied by a number of other iwi or hapū, the tangata whenua or mana
whenua view will take precedence. Other iwi or hapū views should be encouraged in
order to enrich and enhance understanding of key Māori concepts and practices.
NZQA Māori Qualifications Services
SSB Code 194
 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016
NZQA registered unit standard
10670 version 5
Page 2 of 4
Resource support includes:
Gadd, B. 1976. Cultural Differences in the Classroom: The Special Needs of Maoris
in Pakeha Schools. Auckland: Heinemann.
Spoonley, P. 1988. Racism and Ethnicity. Auckland: Oxford University Press.
Spoonley, P. MacPherson, C. and Pearson, D. 1996. Nga Patai: Racism and Ethnic
Relations in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Palmerston North: Dunmore Press.
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 2007 available at
Legislation relevant to this unit standard includes: Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975;
Employment Relations Act 2000; Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992; Human
Rights Act 1993; Privacy Act 1993; Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975.
Outcomes and evidence requirements
Outcome 1
Develop a strategy to counter racism to support Māori management situations.
Evidence requirements
Circumstances of racism in Māori management situations are described in
terms of their effects on Māori.
A strategy is developed that incorporates key actions and steps required to
achieve implementation.
Roles and responsibilities are defined in accordance with organisational
Legislation, formal and informal policies and procedures, and organisational
commitment to counter racism are identified.
roles may include but not limited to - management, human
resources, staff support, personnel;
evidence of three roles and their responsibilities is required.
one each of – legislation, formal policy and procedure, informal
policy and procedure, organisation commitment.
Outcomes are identified in terms of countering racism for the organisation.
outcomes may include but are not limited to – positive change in
behaviour, new or changed human resource management
policies, introduction of disciplinary procedures, cultural
effectiveness audit, organisational effectiveness in respect of
evidence of any three outcomes is required.
NZQA Māori Qualifications Services
SSB Code 194
 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016
NZQA registered unit standard
10670 version 5
Page 3 of 4
Outcome 2
Implement a strategy to counter racism to support Māori management situations.
Evidence requirements
Implementation follows procedures developed for the strategy.
Implementation includes discussions with kaimahi to gauge changes in personal
behaviour, attitude, and actions taken.
evidence of pre and post-implementation discussion is required.
Any changes to human resource management policies as a result of
implementation are identified and reported in accordance with organisation
Outcome 3
Evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy to counter racism to support Māori management
Evidence requirements
A methodology is developed to evaluate the strategy in terms of its
effectiveness to counter racism.
Implementation of the strategy is evaluated in consultation with all parties
concerned and in terms of organisation procedures.
Implementation of the strategy is evaluated using methods that measure actual
outcomes against the desired outcomes.
Evaluation determines whether the developed strategy was appropriate to
establish an effective process that meets the needs of the organisation.
Evaluation determines whether the sources of information, and methods
selected and used, were appropriate to carry out the strategy.
Any revisions to the strategy are in accordance with the outcomes of the
evaluation and are made in consultation with the organisation.
Planned review date
NZQA Māori Qualifications Services
SSB Code 194
31 December 2017
 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016
NZQA registered unit standard
10670 version 5
Page 4 of 4
Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions
Version Date
Last Date for Assessment
21 May 1997
31 December 2012
8 February 2001
31 December 2012
25 October 2002
31 December 2012
9 December 2010
31 December 2017
Rollover and
20 August 2015
Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference
This CMR can be accessed at
Please note
Providers must be granted consent to assess against standards (accredited) by NZQA,
before they can report credits from assessment against unit standards or deliver courses
of study leading to that assessment.
Industry Training Organisations must be granted consent to assess against standards by
NZQA before they can register credits from assessment against unit standards.
Providers and Industry Training Organisations, which have been granted consent and
which are assessing against unit standards must engage with the moderation system that
applies to those standards.
Requirements for consent to assess and an outline of the moderation system that applies
to this standard are outlined in the Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR). The
CMR also includes useful information about special requirements for organisations wishing
to develop education and training programmes, such as minimum qualifications for tutors
and assessors, and special resource requirements.
Comments on this unit standard
Please contact NZQA Māori Qualifications Services if you wish to
suggest changes to the content of this unit standard.
NZQA Māori Qualifications Services
SSB Code 194
 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016