249 version 9 28-Jun-16 1 of 5 AUTOMOTIVE ADMINISTRATION Carry out automotive industry personal workplace requirements level: 2 credit: 5 planned review date: December 2009 sub-field: Motor Industry purpose: This unit standard is for people entering into any automotive service occupation. People credited with this unit standard are able to follow instructions in the workplace, promote the company image, and carry out workplace duties. entry information: Recommended: appropriate driver's licence for the vehicle being driven. accreditation option: Evaluation of documentation by NZQA and industry. moderation option: A centrally established and directed national moderation system has been set up by the NZ Motor Industry Training Organisation. special notes: 1 Enactments and publications relevant to this unit standard include but are not limited to Consumer Guarantees Act 1993; Employment Relations Act 2000; Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992; Privacy Act 1993; Resource Management Act 1991; Traffic Regulations 1976; NZ Motor Industry Training Organisation (NZMITO) training manual (appropriate for the occupation concerned); NZ Road Code information can be obtained from the following website http://www.ltsa.govt.nz/roadcode/. 2 Reference to company policy means that the standard must comply with any policies, procedures, and requirements of the company involved, and the ethical codes of relevant professional management organisations. 3 For this unit standard, it is essential that the practical assessment evidence is obtained in the workplace under normal workplace conditions. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 249 version 9 28-Jun-16 2 of 5 AUTOMOTIVE ADMINISTRATION Carry out automotive industry personal workplace requirements Elements and Performance Criteria element 1 Follow instructions in the workplace. performance criteria 1.1 The importance of following instructions is identified. Range: safety, maintaining company work standards, adhering to stated specifications, legal requirements. 1.2 The task is carried out according to the supervisor’s instructions and with due regard to safety. 1.3 Workshop manuals, catalogues, and computer instructions are followed to support the task carried out. element 2 Promote the company image. performance criteria 2.1 Courtesy is shown to others according to company policy. 2.2 The importance of the customer with respect to company business and image is identified according to company policy. Range: includes but is not limited to – monetary terms, goodwill, customer reference, communication with others, customer retention, building up a customer base. 2.3 No damage occurs to customer's property, company property, and fellow worker's property as a result of abuse and neglect. 2.4 The company's aims and objectives as defined by management are identified according to company policy. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 249 version 9 28-Jun-16 3 of 5 AUTOMOTIVE ADMINISTRATION Carry out automotive industry personal workplace requirements element 3 Carry out workplace duties. performance criteria 3.1 Safe working practices are observed whenever workplace duties are carried out according to the Health and Safety in Employment Act requirements for employees. 3.2 The tasks to be performed are established and prioritised as agreed with the supervisor. 3.3 The sequence of the task is planned according to workshop manual instructions and supervisor’s instructions and/or steps listed in the appropriate NZMITO training manual. 3.4 The task is planned so it is carried out safely within the time specified according to manufacturer’s and supervisor's instructions and/or steps listed in the appropriate NZMITO training manual. 3.5 How workplace operation costs are made up is identified according to company policy. 3.6 A job card or sheet is completed that is legible and conveys accurately the work carried out on a job. 3.7 Labour time and parts spent on a job are recorded on a time card or sheet. 3.8 Technical and/or sales information is obtained in hard copy that will enable the task to be carried out according to the manufacturer’s specifications and/or company policy. Range: 3.9 manuals and/or catalogues; computer – one of – CD-R, DVD, or internet. Time management procedures are identified. Range: goal setting, prioritising, estimating time, setting deadlines, comparing current use of time with priorities, adhering to a plan to improve time management skills. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 249 version 9 28-Jun-16 4 of 5 AUTOMOTIVE ADMINISTRATION Carry out automotive industry personal workplace requirements 3.10 Automotive environmental hazards are identified and any obvious hazards reported promptly to the supervisor. Range: atmospheric pollution, removal of waste products and rubbish, disposal of used oil and coolant. 3.11 Duties are performed with due regard to the legal responsibilities of the workplace as defined by the employment agreement and/or company policy, and legislative requirements. 3.12 Safety requirements for vehicles and/or machines are identified and confirmed by the supervisor. 3.13 Safe driving techniques are followed according to NZ Road Code criteria. 3.14 The principles of quality assurance are defined. Range: 3.15 The kind of information useful for customer's files is defined according to company policy. Range: 3.16 adhering to the manufacturer’s specifications, replacement parts policy, supervisory and work inspection requirements, importance of documentation, Consumer Guarantees Act, customer satisfaction, customer follow-up. name, address, business and home phone numbers, vehicle registration, Warrant of Fitness (WoF) or Certificate of Fitness (CoF) date, work done and date, vehicle make, model, year of manufacture. The purpose of customer follow-up and means of achieving it are identified. Range: ensuring customer satisfaction, prospecting for business, customer communication, quality control; telephone contact; postal – friendly reminders, flyers, letters; computer action file; adherence to the Privacy Act. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 249 version 9 28-Jun-16 5 of 5 AUTOMOTIVE ADMINISTRATION Carry out automotive industry personal workplace requirements Comments on this unit standard Please contact the NZ Motor Industry Training Organisation jlane@mito.org.nz if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this unit standard. Please Note Providers must be accredited by the Qualifications Authority or a delegated interinstitutional body before they can register credits from assessment against unit standards or deliver courses of study leading to that assessment. Industry Training Organisations must be accredited by the Qualifications Authority before they can register credits from assessment against unit standards. Accredited providers and Industry Training Organisations assessing against unit standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those standards. Accreditation requirements and an outline of the moderation system that applies to this standard are outlined in the Accreditation and Moderation Action Plan (AMAP). The AMAP also includes useful information about special requirements for providers wishing to develop education and training programmes, such as minimum qualifications for tutors and assessors, and special resource requirements. This unit standard is covered by AMAP 0014 which can be accessed at http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/site/framework/search.html. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016