NZQA registered unit standard 4884 version 7 Page 1 of 5 Title Recruit, induct, and manage volunteers in a recreation organisation Level 5 Purpose Credits 6 This unit standard is intended for a person working in a recreation facility in a supervisory or managerial role with responsibility for managing volunteers. People credited with this unit standard are able to: plan and implement strategies to recruit volunteers for a specified recreation organisation; select and appoint volunteers to positions in a recreation organisation; induct and manage training of volunteers in a recreation organisation; and manage volunteers in a recreation organisation. Classification Recreation and Sport > Recreation and Sport - Management Available grade Achieved Explanatory notes 1 Organisations may include – recreation and sports clubs, societies, and organisations; territorial local authorities; and government agencies such as the Department of Conservation. 2 This unit standard covers a wide range of recruitment, selection, induction, and management processes, and calls for underpinning knowledge, understanding, and skills in human resources and equal employment opportunities. 3 Definitions Manaakitanga is the principle of the quality of caring, kindness, hospitality and showing respect for others. To exhibit manaakitanga is to raise ones mana (manaaki) through generosity. Recreation is an activity through which leisure may be experienced and enjoyed. Recreation involves freely chosen activities engaged in for wellbeing. Recreation activities include: sport, fitness and health, art and crafts, outdoor pursuits, hobbies, continuing education, ngā mahi a te rēhia, and activities with a service orientation. Participation in recreation has individual, community, and social benefits. Organisational requirements refer to the organisation’s policies and procedures and include compliance with any applicable legislation, standards, and codes. Equal Employment Opportunities principles promote equal opportunity for all persons regardless of race, colour, sex, national origin, religion, age, disability or sexual orientation. Skills Active Aotearoa Limited SSB Code 101576 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 NZQA registered unit standard 4884 version 7 Page 2 of 5 Outcomes and evidence requirements Outcome 1 Plan and implement strategies to recruit volunteers for a specified recreation organisation. Evidence requirements 1.1 Human resource needs are identified for a specified recreation organisation. Range 1.2 Position descriptions, person specifications, and selection criteria are developed and documented according to the identified human resource needs of the organisation. Range 1.3 target areas may include – past and present membership, family, friends and associates of past and present members, local community and community groups, students, volunteer agencies, people who are unemployed, service organisations. Recruitment strategies are planned and documented to meet the identified human resource needs of the organisation and volunteers’ motivations for volunteering. Range 1.6 motives, rewards, manaakitanga. Target areas are identified from which volunteers may be recruited. Range 1.5 position descriptions and person specifications may include but are not limited to – details of required knowledge, skills and attributes, responsibilities, accountability, commitment, rewards, reimbursement of costs, uniforms or costumes, number of positions available. Reasons for engagement in volunteer activity are identified in relation to the recreation organisation. Range 1.4 needs may include but are not limited to – coaching, umpiring, administration, catering, team support, management of events, projects, finance, facilities, equipment, personnel, marketing, sponsorship, technical aspects, maintenance, competitions, teams, adult supervision, activity leaders, transport, care of uniforms or costumes. strategies may include – word of mouth, poster, flyer, radio broadcast, newsletter. Recruitment strategies are implemented as planned among identified target areas. Skills Active Aotearoa Limited SSB Code 101576 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 NZQA registered unit standard 4884 version 7 Page 3 of 5 Outcome 2 Select and appoint volunteers to positions in a recreation organisation. Evidence requirements 2.1 Potential volunteers are assessed for their ability to meet the requirements of the documented position descriptions. Range 2.2 knowledge, skills, experience, commitment, constraints. Potential volunteers are assessed for their suitability to the organisation. Range suitability relates to – personality and personal attributes, availability, personal resources such as transport and flexible work hours. 2.3 Volunteers are selected and matched with roles within the organisation in terms of their skills and abilities. 2.4 Recruitment, selection, and appointment of volunteers comply with Equal Employment Opportunities principles. 2.5 Agreements negotiated between volunteers and the organisations meet the needs of the specified organisation and the volunteers, and are documented in accordance with organisational requirements. Range 2.6 agreements may include – requirements of position description, volunteer's motives and constraints, provision of rewards for involvement, reimbursement of costs. Non-selected candidates receive acknowledgement and are notified of nonselection in accordance with organisational requirements. Outcome 3 Induct and manage training of volunteers in a recreation organisation. Evidence requirements 3.1 Information relating to specified organisation is communicated to volunteers in accordance with organisational requirements. Range 3.2 information may include – communication pathways, support networks, administration procedures, legal requirements of the organisation and implications for individuals, safety procedures, social norms, organisation’s culture, access to resources, facilities. Volunteers are introduced to support people within the organisation, and the roles of support people are explained, in accordance with organisational requirements. Skills Active Aotearoa Limited SSB Code 101576 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 NZQA registered unit standard 4884 version 7 Page 4 of 5 3.3 Activity details and requirements for the volunteer positions are explained to volunteers according to documented position descriptions and in accordance with organisational requirements. 3.4 Performance objectives and review procedures are identified and communicated in writing to volunteers in accordance with organisational requirements. 3.5 The training needs of volunteers are assessed in relation to the requirements of the position description and performance objectives and in accordance with organisational requirements. 3.6 Training is organised to meet the volunteers' assessed needs and in accordance with organisational requirements. Outcome 4 Manage volunteers in a recreation organisation. Evidence requirements 4.1 Volunteers are supervised according to documented position descriptions and task details in accordance with organisational requirements. 4.2 Performance management of volunteers is implemented according to the organisation's human resource management plan. Range performance management may include – ongoing supervision and feedback, acknowledgement of work, awards, rewards, opportunities to use own initiative, team work, new challenges, non-performance, disciplinary procedures. 4.3 Strategies are developed and implemented for rewarding and/or acknowledging volunteers according to the organisation's human resource management plan. 4.4 Support and further training are provided according to results of performance reviews and in accordance with organisational requirements. 4.5 Feedback on position descriptions, agreements, and performance review results is sought from volunteers in accordance with organisational requirements. Range 4.6 feedback relates to – workload, commitment, satisfaction with tasks, satisfaction with rewards, changes in motivation, perceptions of the organisation and its management, supervision. Changes to position descriptions and/or agreements are implemented in accordance with organisational requirements. Skills Active Aotearoa Limited SSB Code 101576 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 NZQA registered unit standard Planned review date 4884 version 7 Page 5 of 5 31 December 2012 Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions Process Version Date Last Date for Assessment Registration 1 29 June 1995 31 December 2012 Revision 2 24 July 1996 31 December 2012 Revision 3 19 February 1998 31 December 2012 Revision 4 14 February 2000 31 December 2012 Review 5 22 January 2002 31 December 2012 Review 6 12 February 2010 31 December 2012 Rollover and Revision 7 20 May 2011 N/A Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference 0099 This CMR can be accessed at Please note Providers must be granted consent to assess against standards (accredited) by NZQA, or an inter-institutional body with delegated authority for quality assurance, before they can report credits from assessment against unit standards or deliver courses of study leading to that assessment. Industry Training Organisations must be granted consent to assess against standards by NZQA before they can register credits from assessment against unit standards. Providers and Industry Training Organisations, which have been granted consent and which are assessing against unit standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those standards. Requirements for consent to assess and an outline of the moderation system that applies to this standard are outlined in the Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMRs). The CMR also includes useful information about special requirements for organisations wishing to develop education and training programmes, such as minimum qualifications for tutors and assessors, and special resource requirements. Comments on this unit standard Please contact Skills Active Aotearoa Limited if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this unit standard. Skills Active Aotearoa Limited SSB Code 101576 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016