Qualification details

Qualification details
New Zealand Certificate in Mines Rescue (Level 4) with strands in Surface and
Underground, and an optional strand in Supervision
Qualification type
105 (135 with optional strand)
030303 Engineering and Related Technologies>Process and
Resources Engineering>Mining and Resources Engineering
Qualification developer
MITO New Zealand Incorporated
Next review
December 2020
Approval date
August 2015
Strategic purpose statement
The purpose of this qualification is to provide the mining industry
with people who have the knowledge, skills and experience to
undertake responsibilities in mines rescue operations as a mines
rescue team member.
This qualification is targeted at skilled and experienced
miners/operators, typically with at least two years’ of relevant
industry experience or similar relevant skills. Learners will
typically be employed within a surface or underground mining
workplace, and will have previously completed the proficiency or
induction training required to be a mines rescue trainee team
Learners will benefit by having a qualification which recognises
skills and knowledge in emergency preparedness and mines
rescue to enable improved job performance and a credential to
enhance employment opportunities.
Organisations will benefit by having people with the skills and
knowledge to undertake planning, emergency preparedness and
mines rescue operations in the event of an emergency.
Graduates will operate under broad guidance within the
structured hierarchy of mines rescue activities.
The strands recognise the specialist skills and knowledge
required to operate as a mines rescue team member in either the
surface or underground sectors of the mining industry.
Underground mining can include mining or tunnelling.
The optional strand includes the supervision of a mines rescue
Graduate profile
Qualification Reference 2784
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015
Graduates will be able to:
contribute to pre-emergency risk assessment and undertake
dynamic risk assessment during an emergency situation in a
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mine to ensure personal and team safety
contribute to a work team in the mines rescue environment
carry out emergency preparedness and response tasks
related to mines rescue
apply advanced first aid and prepare a patient for
transportation using extrication devices according to current
pre-hospital emergency care practices.
Graduates of the Surface strand will also be able to:
maintain and operate specialist equipment and atmospheric
testing devices for surface mines rescue to ensure personal
and team safety, at a surface mining site.
Graduates of the Underground strand will also be able to:
maintain and operate specialist equipment for underground
mines rescue, at an underground mining site
test gases and interpret atmospheric monitoring results
specific to underground mines rescue operations to ensure
personal and team safety.
Graduates of the optional strand in Supervision will also be able
Education pathway
supervise a mines rescue team undertaking planning,
emergency preparedness and mines rescue operations in
the event of an emergency in a mine.
This qualification may follow on from the New Zealand Certificate
in Surface Mining and Quarrying (Level 3) [Ref: 2785] or the New
Zealand Certificate in Underground Mining (Level 3) [Ref: 2786].
It may lead to the:
Employment pathway
New Zealand Certificate in Mining and Quarrying (First-line
Supervision) (Level 4) with strands in Surface and
Underground [Ref: 2783]
New Zealand Diploma in Mining and Quarrying (Supervision)
(Level 5) with strands in Surface and Underground
[Ref: 2787]
New Zealand Diploma in Mining and Quarrying
(Management) (Level 6) [Ref: 2788].
Graduates are able to volunteer as surface or underground
mines rescue team members in the industry sector in which their
programme of study or industry training programme was
Qualification specifications
Qualification award
Qualification Reference 2784
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015
This qualification may be awarded by MITO New Zealand as the
qualification developer and the industry training organisation
arranging training leading to the qualification under section 5 of
the Industry Training Act 1992.
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This qualification may also be awarded by an education
organisation accredited under section 250 of the Education Act
1989 to deliver an approved programme leading to this
The formal document certifying the award of this qualification will
display the NZQF logo and may also include the name and/or
logo of the awarding education organisation.
Evidence requirements for
assuring consistency
All Tertiary Education Organisations (TEOs) either arranging
training or delivering programmes that lead to the award of the
qualification are required to participate in a consistency process
scheduled by NZQA.
This will involve reviewing evidence associated with graduate’s
achievement of outcomes, and agreeing acceptable thresholds
for qualification outcome achievement, and areas for
To demonstrate how graduates are achieving the qualification
graduate profile outcomes, TEOs are required to produce their
own evidence in a high level report.
Evidence will include the following:
Employer surveys to determine if graduates of the
qualification meet the graduate profile outcomes
A range of workplace evidence demonstrating that graduates
meet the graduate profile outcomes.
Evidence may include:
Any other relevant evidence as appropriate.
Further information on the consistency process can be found on
the NZQA website.
Minimum standard of
achievement and standards for
grade endorsements
The minimum standard of achievement required for award of the
qualification will be the achievement of all graduate outcomes in
the graduate profile through successful completion of an NZQA
approved programme.
Other requirements for the
qualification (including regulatory
body or legislative requirements)
Candidates entering programmes leading towards this
qualification must have previously met the minimum competency
requirements for mine workers in accordance with the Health and
Safety in Employment (Mining Operations and Quarrying
Operations) Regulations 2013.
General conditions for the programme leading to the qualification
General conditions for
Qualification Reference 2784
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015
The programme context will be determined by the candidate’s
workplace environment.
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Conditions relating to the Graduate profile
Qualification outcomes
Programmes must include:
Contribute to pre-emergency
risk assessment and
undertake dynamic risk
assessment during an
emergency situation in a mine
to ensure personal and team
Unit standard 24469
Programmes may include:
Unit standard 17602
Unit standard 26856
Credits 10
Contribute to a work team in
the mines rescue environment.
Programmes must include:
Unit standard 17279
Credits 10
Unit standard 15672
Unit standard 11101
Carry out emergency
preparedness and response
tasks related to mines rescue.
Credits 30
Programmes must include:
Unit standard 16697
Unit standard 17744
Unit standard 16687
Unit standard 24473
Programmes may include the following topics:
Apply advanced first aid and
prepare a patient for
transportation using extrication
devices according to current
pre-hospital emergency care
Hazardous substances
Geotechnical failure/natural disaster
Motor vehicle incidents
Rescues from height or depth.
Programmes may include:
Unit standard 25412
Unit standard 23406
Unit standard 10618
Unit standard 16947
Credits 10
For the Surface strand
Maintain and operate specialist
equipment and atmospheric
testing devices for surface
mines rescue to ensure
personal and team safety, at a
surface mining site.
Qualification Reference 2784
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015
Programmes must include:
Pre-and post-operation equipment checks and any required
remedial action
Unit standard 3272
Unit standard 19859
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Credits 45
Unit standard 25510
As relevant for the candidate’s workplace context, programmes
may include an appropriate selection of standards covering
equipment related to:
Rope rescue
Hazardous substance spillage
Vehicle extrication and stabilisation
Confined space rescue.
For the Underground strand
Maintain and operate specialist
equipment for underground
mines rescue, at an
underground mining site.
Credits 30
Test gases and interpret
atmospheric monitoring results
specific to underground mines
rescue operations to ensure
personal and team safety.
Programmes must include:
Pre- and post-operation equipment checks and any required
remedial action
Unit standard 19858
Unit standard 19863
Unit standard 19859
Programmes must include:
Unit standard 21281
Credits 15
For the optional Supervision strand
Supervise a mines rescue
team undertaking planning,
emergency preparedness and
mines rescue operations in the
event of an emergency in a
Credits 30
Programmes must include:
Unit standard 19864
Unit standard 22445
Programmes may include:
Unit standard 21335
Unit standard 27564
Transition information
Replacement information
This qualification replaced the National Certificate in Extractive
Industries (Underground Mines Rescue) [Ref: 1279].
The last date for entry into programmes leading to the replaced qualifications is 31 December 2017.
The last date for completion of those qualifications is 31 December 2020, at which time they will be
designated as discontinued.
Candidates currently working towards any of the replaced qualifications must complete its requirements,
or transfer to a programme of study or training leading to this qualification, by 31 December 2020.
It is anticipated that no existing candidates will be disadvantaged by these transition arrangements.
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© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015
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However, anyone who feels that they have been disadvantaged may appeal to MITO at the address
below. Appeals will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
MITO New Zealand (Inc.)
PO Box 10803
Wellington, 6011
0800 88 21 21
04 494 0006
Qualification Reference 2784
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015
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