
RESER- European Association for REsearch on SERvices
Individual member: An individual member is defined as any individual who has paid
the current annual subscription to RESER (hereafter ‘paid-up’ member). Each member
has one vote.
Institutional member: An institutional member is a corporate body (University,
Chamber of Commerce, etc) that has paid the current annual institutional subscription to
RESER. Each institutional member has one vote.
Council Members: Council Members are elected by the members at the Annual General
Assembly (AGA). Council Members are trustees i.e. those to whom the management of a
property (assets, reputation, etc) is committed in trust for the benefit of others (the
Quorum: A quorum shall exist at the AGA if the number of members personally
present is at least five, excluding Council Members. In the event that a ballot is required
at the AGA ‘every issue is decided by a majority (50%) of the votes cast’. Voting via email is permissible.
The official languages of RESER are English and French.
1) Council Members: Election and Retirement
1.1) Composition and Term of Office
1. The Council shall consist of up to 12 (TWELVE) Members. Normally, no more
than two Council members will be recruited from any country2.
2. The organizer of the RESER Conference shall be co-opted to the Council for a
period of no more than 18 months.
3. Save in the case of the President, the maximum number of successive terms of
office which any Council Member shall serve is normally two. In the event that
no new candidates present themselves for election to the RESER Council an
existing time limited Council Member may stand for re-election for another term
of office. A ‘term’ is a period of three years.
4. The Treasurer and Web Administrator shall be appointed by the President with
the agreement of the full RESER Council and the AGA. The post holders can
remain in office as long as they are willing to undertake the relevant
responsibilities and as long as RESER Council, the President and members are
The document was considered at the AGA in Budapest (September 26th, 2009) and adopted subject to
minor revisions to section 4 that are added.
Defined by their primary institutional affiliation.
RESER- European Association for REsearch on SERvices
satisfied with the performance of these responsibilities. These are important posts
and RESER Council and the RESER President shall ensure that arrangements for
succession planning are in place.
5. Other specific tasks may be assigned to individual Council Members with the
agreement of the full RESER Council. The Council will report on these
assignments and their performance in its report to the AGA. The post holders and
task holders are solely responsible for any misconduct in the performance of their
6. A Council Member shall normally stand down for a year after serving for two
successive terms. Re-election for a maximum of two further terms shall then be
7. In order to ensure rotation3 of Council Members account will be taken at the next
AGA of length of service. Election of new RESER Council members should
occur every year. This safeguards the Council as it would ensure continuous
renewal occurred rather than the election of a completely new Council every three
years. There shall be an annual election of at least two new Council Members
consequent upon the standing down of Council Members who have completed
their terms of office (see Clause 1.1.3 and 1.1.6)
8. A Council Member shall cease to hold office if he/she is:
i. Incapable, either mentally or physically, of managing his or own
ii. Resigns by written notice to the President (but only if at least 4
(FOUR) Council Members shall remain in office).
iii. Ceases to be a member of RESER or
iv. Is responsible for serious misconduct.
1.2) Elections to Council: The Process
1. Nominees for election to the RESER Council shall be nominated and elected by
the members and bring with them the responsibilities of a Trustee of the Society.
The Council Members are trustees as the members entrust the assets of RESER to
the management of the RESER Council.
2. Nominees for election to the RESER Council shall be of good standing and must
have a good working knowledge of RESER and relevant research or
organisational experience for the vacancy to which they are seeking election. It is
also advisable for potential nominees to discuss their plans with the current
President or Vice-President or any other member of the RESER Council.
3. To stand for election nominees shall:
a) Provide a 75 word biographical note that will accompany the ballot
papers. If the word length exceeds 75 words, only the first 75 shall be
included. The biographical notes shall be sent out to Members together
with the notification of the AGA.
Commencing in 2010 rotation will be implemented over a number of years.
RESER- European Association for REsearch on SERvices
b) Include two signed supporting letters or emails from two proposers
who shall be paid-up RESER members of good standing, together with
a brief summary of why the candidate is considered suitable for
election to the Council. Proposers may only support one candidate for
a position on Council in any one year.
c) Be present at the AGA. Nominees for election who are not present at
the AGA will be disqualified. Deposit the appropriate documentation
with the RESER Secretary to arrive no later than 1st September in the
year of the election.
4. Elections shall take place by ballot in person at the AGA or by electronic voting
via e-mail4.
2) RESER Council: Conduct of Meetings
1. The Council shall hold at least five (FIVE) meetings each calendar year.
2. A quorum at a meeting of the Council shall comprise 50% of the Members. Coopted Members of the Council are full Members of Council and shall have equal
voting rights to elected Members.
3. A meeting of the Council shall be held either in person or using such other
suitable electronic or other means agreed by the Members that allows all
participants to communicate with all the other participants. The Council will
provide a report on each of its meetings to all RESER members.
4. In the event of a ballot, the matter shall be determined by a simple majority of the
votes cast. Each Member, including the President, shall have one vote on each
issue; in the event of a tie the President shall have the casting vote.
5. The RESER Council shall take decisions throughout the year that are wherever
possible informed by proposals that have been presented and discussed at the
preceding AGA. If the Council and the President is required to take decisions on
any new matters or initiatives that have arisen during the year following the
previous AGA, these shall be reported and, if appropriate, discussed at the next
6. Whenever a Council Member has a personal interest in a matter to be discussed at
a meeting of the Council or at an AGA they shall:
a) Declare an interest before discussion of the matter begins.
b) Withdraw from the meeting for that item unless expressly invited by the
Chair to remain in order to provide information.
c) Not be counted as part of the quorum for that part of the meeting.
d) Withdraw during the vote and have no vote on the matter.
3) President and Vice-President
The President and Vice-President shall be identified and selected by the Council
Members from amongst their number either:
Members that decide to vote by e-mail must send their vote via their own registered e-mail address at least
seven days prior to the AGA. The e-mail should be sent to the RESER secretary. They must also declare
that they have paid their RESER membership
RESER- European Association for REsearch on SERvices
a) At the Council Meeting held prior to the AGA at which the current
President and/or Vice-President will retire from office; or
b) If there is no President or Vice-president at the next following Council
c) In the event that b. applies, the candidates selected by the Council shall
then be presented to the next AGA and the members approve, or
otherwise, the recommendations made by the RESER Council.
d) The President and Vice-President shall (unless otherwise resolved) hold
office from the close of the AGA following his/her election until the close
of the third AGA thereafter.
e) Irrespective the number of terms served, a Council Member elected as
President shall serve on Council for the duration of his/her terms of office.
The President shall not be required to be re-elected as a Council Member
during this period.
4) RESER Council: Co-opted Members
1. The Council may co-opt a person to fill any vacancy on the Council and
will report to the next AGA. In selecting candidates for co-option the
Council shall only consider individuals who are fully paid-up members of
RESER. Co-opted members shall join the Council on a temporary basis
for the purposes of a special project or to fill a vacancy that has arisen.
The Council may co-opt up to three (THREE) additional Council
Members during the term of the Council (for a three year period).
2. Any member co-opted by Council to fill a vacancy shall stand down at the
close of the first AGA following their co-option but may then be elected to
Council at the next AGA for a further term.
5) RESER: The Annual General Assembly
At an Annual General Assembly the members will:
1. Receive the Council’s report on activities since the previous Assembly.
2. Approve the balance sheets for the previous financial year and approve a budget
for the next financial year.
3. Discuss and determine any issues of policy or deal with any other business put
before the meeting.
4. Accept the retirement of those Council Members who wish to retire or who are
retiring by rotation.
5. Elect persons to be Council Members or to fill vacancies arising.