1 90005 Level 1 Dance, 2005 90005 Demonstrate knowledge of a dance genre or style Credits: Four There are FOUR questions in this booklet. Read the questions carefully. You should answer ALL the questions in this booklet, using ONE dance genre or style that you have studied in class. All answers must be about the same genre or style. Answers may be in bullet-point, paragraph or essay form, with details and specific examples to support them. Identify the dance genre or style that you will write about: Note: this reproduction document for website reference does not include spaces or blank pages for answers and sketches. Use separate paper as required. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority, 2005 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without the prior permission of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. You are advised to spend at least 75 minutes answering the questions in this booklet. Do not use the same material to answer different questions. PART A: BACKGROUND QUESTION ONE Imagine that you are living at the time when this dance genre or style began. Identify and describe, in detail, THREE of the following: when and where (which country, region or continent) this was why the dance was being performed who the performers were who the members of the audience were what the performance space or setting was. (1) (2) (3) SKETCH PAGE FOR QUESTION ONE (See Note on front cover.) Sketch on this page if you want to illustrate your answers to Question One (a) and (b). Label the sketch to explain the point you are making. QUESTION TWO Answer either (a) or (b). Do not repeat material from Question One. EITHER: (a) Describe, in detail, how the dance genre or style has changed since it first began. SKETCH PAGE FOR QUESTION TWO (a) Sketch on this page if you want to illustrate your answers to Question Two (a). Label the sketch to explain the point you are making. OR: (b) Name a dancer, choreographer or dance group that has been important in the history or development of this dance genre or style: Describe, in detail, what this person or group has done that makes them important. SKETCH PAGE FOR QUESTION TWO (b) Sketch on this page if you want to illustrate your answers to Question Two (b). Label the sketch to explain the point you are making. L1 Dance 2005, 90005 – page 2 of 3 PART B: FEATURES QUESTION THREE Visitors from another culture are visiting your school. They have never seen the dance genre or style that you are studying. They ask you to describe and explain it to them. Select and circle TWO dance elements from the list below. Describe, in detail, how each dance element is used or seen in your dance genre or style. Relationships – Energy – Space – Time – Body awareness Dance Element One: Dance Element Two: SKETCH PAGE FOR QUESTION THREE Sketch on this page if you want to illustrate your answers to Question Three. Label the sketch to explain the point you are making. QUESTION FOUR Circle ONE of the design features below that is typical of your dance genre or style. Describe, in detail, how the chosen design feature adds to the dance genre or style for the audience. You may support your answer with examples from a specific dance or dances. Music or accompaniment – Props or objects – Stage set – Costume or clothing SKETCH PAGE FOR QUESTION FOUR Sketch on this page if you want to illustrate your answers to Question Four. Label the sketch to explain the point you are making. L1 Dance 2005, 90005 – page 3 of 3