APPENDIX A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE BERKS SENATE CONSTITUION (Approved by the Senate Executive Committee, June 4, 2007) The Executive Committee of the Penn State Berks Senate does hereby propose that the following Amendment to the Standing Rules of the Penn State Berks Senate (duly ratified on Tuesday, May 2, 2006) be duly approved and ratified by the Penn State Berks Senate. Changes are in all caps. Deletions have a line drawn through them. Background and Rationale: There is currently a conflict between the term of the elected Vice Chair who serves as either chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee or Academic Affairs committee and the terms for other committee chairs. To reconcile this discrepancy, the following proposed amendment to the Constitution shall reduce the term of each committee chair to one year as given in Section 5 B below. Article V COMMITTEES SECTION 5 CHAIRS AND TERMS OF OFFICE (a) The term of office of the chair and committee members shall be for two (2) years beginning 1 June, with the maximum being two (2) successive terms;… (B) THE TERM OF OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE CHAIR SHALL BE FOR ONE (1) YEAR BEGINNING 1 JUNE, WITH THE MAXIMUM BEING TWO (2) SUCCESSIVE TERMS.