SYLLABUS EDT 4023 – GIS Design Fall 2010 Instructor: E-mail: Web Site: Phone: Office hours: Text: Reference: Lecture hours: Lab hours: Mr. Mark Polson 580/581-2336 3:00 to 5:00 PM Monday in room 212B (or by appointment). Designing Geodatabases: Case Studies in GIS Data Modeling by David Arctur Getting to Know ArcGIS by Tim Ormsby Arranged in room 213. Arranged in room 201. OBJECTIVES: This course covers concepts in Geodatabase design, creation of data tables and spatial relationships of features. Various aspects of information management will be studied. PREREQUISITE: CAD 2023 or CAD 2063. GRADE: 100%-90%: A 89%-80%: B 79%-70%: C 69%-60%: D 59%-0: F I: Incomplete due to serious personal illness. W: Withdraw from the course. * NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to lower the number of points required to earn one or more of the letter grade categories. * The instructor does not have the authority to withdraw the student from class. The procedure must be initiated by the student. GRADE CALCULATION: Grades will be awarded for the following assignments and the grade will be based on the total percentage. Exams: Final Exam: Lab Exercises: Individual Presentation: Poster Presentation: Total Possible: 2 @ 100 points each 1@ 100 points each 10 @ 20 points each 1 @ 50 points each 1 @ 50 points each = 200 = 100 = 200 = 50 = 50 -----600 33% 17% 33% 8% 8% ------100% As the instructor I reserve the right to award letter grades higher than the percentage earned would guarantee. LAB EXERCISES: Unless otherwise stated by the instructor, all lab exercises are due one week from the date of assignment. Assignments turned in after the due date will be penalized 25%. Late work will not be accepted after the instructor has returned the assignment to the class. There will be approximately 10 lab exercises utilizing the ArcGIS software and the Trimble GPS receiver. The labs will consist of a combination of map drawing activities, data collection in the field, and case studies. EXAMINATIONS: Examinations will be composed of questions and problems discussed in class and in the lab. Problems will be taken from the reading and the lab assignments. There will be no make-up exams given unless in case of emergency. A letter from a doctor/court clerk/minister is needed to support the claim. There will be one comprehensive exam. INDIVIDUAL PRESENTATION: You will make a 10 minute presentation on one of your previously completed lab exercises. You will need to create from 5 to 10 PowerPoint slides and present the lab exercise results to the class. You will be randomly assigned one of your previously completed labs approximately one month before the presentation. A formal report consisting of at least 4 typewritten pages is also required. POSTER PRESENTATION: You will be required to create a poster for Oklahoma Research Day based on one of your research projects. You will need to create from 6 to 8 PowerPoint slides and develop a poster from these slides. You will also be required to attend Oklahoma Research Day. ATTENDANCE POLICY: Refer to “attendance” in the university catalog. Regular class attendance is highly recommended although not required. Attendance for scheduled exams is required. There will be NO MAKE-UP EXAMS and no exams will be given early. Accommodations of Disabilities: It is the policy of Cameron University to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant to federal and state law. Students with disabilities who need classroom accommodations must make their requests by contacting the Office of Student Development at (580) 581-2209, North Shepler, Room 314. Academic Honesty: Each student is expected to engage in all academic pursuits in a manner that is above reproach. Students are expected to maintain complete honesty and integrity in the academic experiences both in and out of the classroom. Any student found guilty of academic dishonesty will be subject to disciplinary action. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF LABS: 1. Cartographic Design Using ArcGIS 9 (ESRI web site – module 1) 2. Understanding Geographic Data (ESRI web site – module 1) 3. Creating, Editing, and Managing Geodatabases for ArGIS Desktop (ESRI web site – module 1) 4. Geoprocessing with ArcGIS Desktop (ESRI web site – module 1) 5. Building Geodatabases Tutorial (ESRI Tutorial) 6. Learn about 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Normal Forms, Entity-Relationship Diagrams 7. Editing Geodatabases Tutorial 8. Intro to ArcGIS 9 Geostatistical Analyst (ESRI web site – module 1) 9. Learning ArcGIS Spatial Analyst (ESRI web site – module 1) 10. Google Earth Project a. Create several buildings on Campus in Sketch It (Howell Hall, Sheplar Hall) b. Upload to Google Earth