ENGR 2723 Spring 2016 Instructor: E-mail: Phone: Office hours: Web Page: Text: ISBN: Class hours: Mr. Mark Polson mpolson@cameron.edu 581-2893 225H 10:00 to 11:00 AM Tuesday and Thursday or by appointment. www.cameron.edu/~mpolson Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications, Hambley, 6th, 2014 9780133413984 (with Mastering Engineering code) 11:00 – 12:15 PM, Tues. and Thur. Prerequisite: PHYS 2015 and MATH 2235 and *ENGR 2713 Course Description: The study of the elements of electrical engineering: AC and DC circuits, mesh and node formulation of network equations, steady-state response to sinusoids, energy, power and power factor. Course Learning Outcomes: 1. Analyze electric circuits for DC, transient, and AC voltage and current responses. 2. Evaluate circuit’s analysis techniques and choose an appropriate technique for a particular circuit. 3. Calculate power in DC and AC circuits (using the concepts of complex power). 4. Analyze Y-Y connected balanced three phase circuits. 5. Use a circuit’s simulation program (MATLAB) to predict circuit behavior. ATTENDANCE POLICY Refer to “attendance” in the university catalog. Regular class attendance is highly recommended although not required. Attendance for scheduled exams is required. There will be NO MAKE-UP EXAMS and no exams will be given early. GRADING Points toward the course grade will be apportioned as follows: 3 exams Final Exam Mastering Engineering assignments Quizzes Total Points 300 150 200 100 ------750 Grade Distribution: 90 – 100% 80 – 89.9% 70 – 79.9% 60 – 69.9% < 60% A B C D F As the instructor I reserve the right to award letter grades higher than the percentage earned would guarantee. The last date to drop the course and receive an automatic “W” is April 6. After that date the grade will be either “W” or “F” depending on whether you are passing or failing. You must initiate the withdrawal procedure. I cannot. Ceasing to attend class without official withdrawal guarantees an “F” as the course grade. The session ends with a comprehensive final on May 3 from 10:15 to 12:15 PM. EXAMS Regular exams will be one hour long. Numerical constants and some formulas will be provided. The final exam will be comprehensive and will be two hours long. HOMEWORK AND QUIZZES Approximately 11 homework assignments will be given. These assignments will be due by the end of the class session specified. No homework will be accepted after this time. The highest 10 homework assignments will be used to compute the homework grade which allows the student to miss one homework assignment without penalty. Students are encouraged to work together and discuss homework problems outside of class. However, the homework that is turned in should be your own work and not copied off another’s paper. Use the following link to register for Mastering Engineering: http://www.pearsonmylabandmastering.com/northamerica/masteringengineering Course ID: ENGR2723POLSON University Policy: Cameron University discourages lecture and/or laboratory attendance by any person not enrolled in the course. Included are student’s friends, student’s spouses, and student’s children. Tobacco product use is not allowed in any building on Cameron University campus. Accommodations of Disabilities: It is the policy of Cameron University to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant to federal and state law. Students with disabilities who need classroom accommodations must make their requests by contacting the Office of Student Development at (580) 581-2209, North Shepler, Room 314. Academic Honesty: Each student is expected to engage in all academic pursuits in a manner that is above reproach. Students are expected to maintain complete honesty and integrity in the academic experiences both in and out of the classroom. Any student found guilty of academic dishonesty will be subject to disciplinary action. TENTATIVE EXAM SCHEDULE EXAM NUMBER 1 2 3 Final CHAPTERS DATE 1 and 2 3 and 4 5 Comprehensive (1 – 6) Feb 2 Mar 3 Apr 7 May 3 ENGR 2723 Tentative Schedule Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Topics Introduction of Circuits, Currents, Voltage Introduction to Circuit Elements Resistances in Series and Parallel, Network Analysis, Voltage-Divider and Current-Divider Circuits, Node Voltage Analysis Mesh-Current Analysis, Equivalent Circuits, Superposition Principle, Wheatstone Bridge Exam 1 Capacitance in Series and Parallel, Physical Characteristics, Inductance Practical Inductors, Mutual Inductance, Symbolic Integration and Differentiation (MATLAB) First Order RC Circuits, DC Steady State, RL Circuits RC and RL Circuits, Second Order Circuits Exam 2 Sinusoidal Currents and Voltages, Complex Impedances, Circuit Analysis Power in AC Circuits, Equivalent Circuits, Balanced Three- Phase Circuits Exam 3 Fourier Analysis, Filters, and Transfer Functions, FirstOrder Lowpass Filters, Decibels, Cascade Connection, Log Frequency Scales Bode Plots, Series Resonance, Parallel Resonance, Ideal and Second-Order Filters Final Exam Sec. or Chapter 1 1 2 2 1-2 3 3 4 4 3-4 5 5 5 6 6