INTERPROFESSIONAL CENTER FOR COUNSELING & LEGAL SERVICES COUNSELING SERVICES REFERRAL FORM Fax completed form to 651-962-4815 ∙ If questions, call 651-962-4820 PERSON CALLING: RELATIONSHIP TO CLIENT: AGENCY: CLIENT NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE: ___________ STATE: Age: Sex: M / F Primary Phone: Secondary Phone: E-mail : Insurance Y / N ZIP: Date of Birth: Relationship Status: Okay to call? Y / N Okay to call? Y / N Okay to receive e-mails? Y/N Type: If calling on behalf of child please let us know who the child lives with _______________________ PRESENTING PROBLEM: (WHAT DO YOU WANT HELP WITH) (Programs, ____________________________________________________________________ check all that apply) Individual Therapy Family Therapy Couples Therapy Case Management Psychological Testing Other ________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Primary Language Spoken: _________________________________________________________ ____________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Problem List (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) _________________________________________________________ Depression or mood changes Relationship Problems Personality changes Low Self-esteem ______ Suicidal Family problems Alcohol Grief/loss Major Mental Illness Self Harm Drugs Housing issues Poor supports Anxiety Chronic relapse Other School problems Legal Issues Disordered eating _________________ Work Problems Withdrawal Anger CLIENT’S RELEASE By signing below, I authorize the Interprofessional Center for Counseling and Legal Services to acknowledge my enrollment in the program. Subsequent contacts with the referral source will require additional releases. Name For official use only Intake Date: ___ ___________ Intake Completed By: ________________________ Date & Time of 1st Appt._______________ Therapist Assigned: __________________________ Date Communication and Follow-Up Date of Contact Initials Notes/Status