Qualification type Certificate
Credits 55 – 75
120301 Mixed Field Programmes> Social Skills Programmes>
Social and Interpersonal Skills Programmes
Qualification developer Careerforce
31 December 2019 Next review
Approval date
Strategic purpose statement
July 2015
This qualification is an entry level qualification intended for people who require specialised support with their learning. They are people with learning disabilities, including those with an intellectual disability.
Graduates will be able to self-manage participation in social, cultural, family/whanau and community contexts, with supervision and/or be encouraged to seek further skills and knowledge to improve their educational and employment pathway.
There is an optional strand for those candidates who wish to gain specific skills and knowledge required for the workplace.
This qualification recognises the aspirations and cultural identities of the disabled communities, and that of Māori and
This qualification allows the Aotearoa New Zealand community, employers and educational institutions to recognise the graduate ’s potential to enhance their participation in the community, as a contributing citizen.
Graduate profile
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© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015
In social, cultural, family/whanau and community contexts, graduates of this qualification will be able to:
Demonstrate self-management of day to day living situations
Maintain personal safety, health and well-being
Participate and interact in everyday situations
Participate in planning a future pathway to achieve personal goals version 2 Page 1 of 6
Education pathway
Employment pathway
Community pathway
Apply problem-solving techniques strategies to resolve day to day issues
Apply literacy and numeracy skills required for day to day living
Graduates of the Skills for Working (optional strand) will be able to:
Apply basic skills required to plan a work pathway
Apply basic skills and practices required to carry out tasks in a work context
Act in accordance with the basic rights, responsibilities and requirements needed for work
This qualification may lead to:
- New Zealand Certificate in Foundation Skills (Level 1) or other qualifications on the New Zealand Qualifications
Framework at levels one and two.
Graduates of this qualification with the optional strand in Skills for
Working will have the skills and knowledge to work in a structured context, with supervision.
Graduates will contribute to the Aotearoa/New Zealand by participating in their community.
Qualification award This qualification will be awarded to people who have met the requirements of the outcomes. Credit gained for an outcome may be used only once to meet the requirements of this qualification.
Awarding bodies for this qualification will be any education organisation accredited under section 250 of the Education Act
1989 to deliver a programme leading to the qualification. The certificate will display the NZQF logo and the name and logo of the awarding body.
Evidence requirements for assuring consistency
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All education organisations either arranging training or delivering programmes that lead to the award of the qualification are required to participate with the qualification developer in a scheduled consistency process, in accordance with published national guidelines.
Evidence of the following may be provided for New Zealand
Certificate in Skills for Living for Supported Learners consistency reviews:
Teaching and assessment programme
Effective internal and external moderation processes, including external moderation results relating to graduate profile outcomes. version 2 Page 2 of 6
Minimum standard of achievement and standards for grade endorsements
Feedback from graduates, current students, tutors/assessors, and next-users (such as employers, next programme provider, the community/other stakeholders), and actions taken by the education organisation in response to feedback
Actions arising from benchmarking or collaboration activities with other education organisations and providers. This could include PTEs, secondary, ITP or post-graduate destination providers.
Surveys from employers, employment agencies, graduates, parents and caregivers, hapu and iwi, destination providers and other agencies supporting graduates
Programme data and course results
Graduate destination data.
The minimum standard of achievement required for the award of the qualification will be the achievement of all the graduate outcomes in the graduate profile.
There are no grade endorsements for this qualification.
Other requirements for the qualification (including regulatory body or legislative requirements)
There are no mandatory prerequisites to meet regulatory body or legislative requirements for this qualification.
General conditions for programme
Outcomes should be integrated across programme design.
Programmes should demonstrate integrated assessment.
The assessment of graduate profile outcomes should also be integrated into meaningful contexts, which may include community participation and/or work experience. The context is respectful to Te
Tiriti o Waitangi.
It is necessary for secondary and tertiary providers to work together to consider the learning journey for the target learners. It is suggested that learners may achieve some learning in secondary and be credited with unit standards. They may then continue their pathway of learning at a tertiary organisation towards the Social
Skills qualification.
The programme leading to this qualification recognises the:
-Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers Rights
-Role of the Health and Disability Commissioner
United Nations ‘International agreement on the rights of disabled people’ to ensure disabled persons are aware of, and understand their basic rights.
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It is recommended that the programme leading to this qualification recognises that the candidate will require a longer period to acquire and consolidate the skills and knowledge required. The programme may require a longer period of learning than the 550 hours of teaching and learning, as determined by the 55 credits assigned to this qualification. Normally 1 credit equates to 10 hours of teaching and learning. For candidates of this qualification, 1 credit may equate to 20 hours of teaching and learning.
Assessment opportunities will occur in the learner’s wider community in order to increase their participation and advance their self-determination.
Evidence of achievement must occur on more than one occasion.
Evidence statements can be collected from observers and participants, using appropriate technology.
Anticipated support may be utilised as required e.g. cues and adaptive communication tools.
Responses could be verbal, written or non-verbal and include the use of adaptive or assistive technology. It is expected that the level of support is reflected in the evidence statements.
Supported Learning unit standards may be used to assess parts or all of the qualification outcomes.
Qualification outcomes Conditions
1. Demonstrate self-management of day to day living situations
Credits 12
2. Maintain personal safety, health and wellbeing.
Credits 8
3. Participate and interact in everyday situations.
Credits 16
Personal Safety includes:
- physical, emotional, online and financial safety.
Programme includes:
- basic rights and responsibilities of a citizen
Level One Tikanga Concept unit standards may be used to assess parts of this outcome.
Programme may include:
- local and NZ history, and current affairs.
None. 4. Participate in planning a future pathway to achieve personal goals.
Credits 4
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5. Apply problem-solving strategies to resolve day to day issues.
Credits 5
6. Apply literacy and numeracy skills required for day to day living
Credits 10
Programmes may include the use of:
- digital technology.
Outcomes for Skills for Working (optional strand)
1. Apply basic skills required to plan a work pathway
Credits 4
3. Act in accordance with the basic rights, responsibilities and requirements needed for work.
Credits 8
2. Apply basic skills and practices required to carry out tasks in a work context.
Credits 8
Programme includes:
- basic rights and responsibilities in the work place.
Replacement information This qualification replaced the National Certificate in Work and
Community Skills (Supported Learning) (Level 1) [Ref: 0853].
Existing candidates may either complete programmes leading to the replaced qualification or transfer results to this qualification.
The last date for entry to programmes leading to the replaced qualification is 31 December 2017.
The last date to meet the requirements of the replaced qualification is 31 December 2019. At that point the qualification will be designated discontinued and from that date no results can be reported against the qualification.
It is the intention of Careerforce that no existing trainee should be disadvantaged by these transition arrangements. Any person who considers they have been disadvantaged may appeal to:
PO Box 2637
Wellington 6140
Email: info@careerforce.org.nz
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Version 2 of this qualification was republished in April 2016 to insert Careerforce as the qualification developer.
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