Qualification details New Zealand Certificate in Foundation Skills (Level 1)

Qualification details
New Zealand Certificate in Foundation Skills (Level 1)
120199 Mixed Field programmes > General Education
Programmes > General Education Programmes not elsewhere
Qualification developer
NZQA Qualifications Services
Next review
December 2020
Approval date
December 2015
Strategic purpose statement
This qualification is intended to assist people engaging or reengaging with learning to prepare them for further learning and
It recognises the importance of core capabilities such as
confidence, basic knowledge and skills, and literacy and
numeracy, in a range of simple and structured contexts.
Outcome Statement
Graduate profile
Education pathway
Graduates of this qualification will be able to:
understand self-management strategies to organise personal
life, maintain well-being and continue learning
interact positively with people from their own and other
cultures, both individually and in group environments including
work and community
reflect on progress towards achieving personal and career
organise, interpret, and communicate information using basic
literacy and numeracy skills in relevant contexts.
Holders of this qualification will be able to progress to study or
training in industry or sector-focused qualifications at NZQF level
2, and/or the NCEA (Level 2) [Ref: 0973] and/or New Zealand
Certificate in Foundation Skills (Level 2) [Ref: 2862].
Some graduates may be able to progress directly to study or
training at NZQF Level 3.
Employment pathway
A graduate will be able to participate effectively in their whānau
and wider community, and work in structured entry-level roles.
Qualification specifications
Qualification Reference 2861
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015
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Qualification award
This qualification may be awarded by the education organisation
with which the learner is enrolled, provided that organisation is
accredited under section 250 of the Education Act 1989 with an
approved programme towards this qualification.
Evidence requirements for
assuring consistency
Evidence may include the following:
Minimum standard of
achievement and standards for
grade endorsements
Other requirements for the
qualification (including regulatory
body or legislative requirements)
programme review reports and statistics including retention,
qualification completion, graduate enrolment and progression
data, and learner feedback
reports from internal and external moderation
graduate and/or stakeholder/end-user feedback on outcome
achievement, including further education and employment.
General conditions for the programme leading to the qualification
General conditions for
Programmes are supported by processes to ensure people are
studying at an appropriate level.
Programmes specify one or more contexts, with content clearly
linked to specified destination programmes. There is evidence of
clear, acceptable pathways for further study and training.
Programmes integrate te ao Māori content informed by local
Programmes are based on a coherent set of capabilities required
for learning and self-management relating to one or more
contexts and specified destination programmes.
Programmes explicitly build relevant skills in literacy, numeracy,
digital literacy, and learning.
Graduate profile outcomes are integrated within and across the
programme and not taught as individual components.
If unit standards or achievement standards are used for
assessment for this qualification, the credits awarded may
contribute to gaining the National Certificate of Educational
Achievement (NCEA) (Level 1) [Ref: 0928].
Qualification Reference 2861
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015
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Conditions relating to the Graduate profile
Qualification outcomes
Understand self-management
strategies to organise personal
life, maintain well-being and
continue learning. Credits 15
Interact positively with people
from their own and other
cultures, both individually and
in group environments including
work and community.
Credits 15
Reflect on progress towards
achieving personal and career
Credits 5
Organise, interpret, and
communicate information using
basic literacy and numeracy
skills in relevant contexts.
Credits 25
Transition information
Replacement information
This qualification replaced the:
 National Certificate in Employment Skills (Level 1)
[Ref: 0231].
The last date for enrolment into the replaced qualification is 31 March 2017. People currently working
towards the replaced qualification may either complete the requirements for that qualification by 31 March
2018 or transfer their results to this qualification.
It is the intention of the qualification developer that no existing learner should be disadvantaged by these
transition arrangements. However, any person who considers they have been disadvantaged may
contact the qualification owner at the address below.
NZQA Qualifications Services PO Box 160 Wellington 6140
Republication information
Version 1 of this qualification was republished in March 2016 to amend the information in the Education
pathway relating to credits and move this information to the General conditions section.
Qualification Reference 2861
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015
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