Assessor (DOCX, 186KB)

NZQA Assessment Support Material
Unit standard
Demonstrate care and timeliness as an employee
Vocational pathways
Primary Industries
Assessor guidelines
The following guidelines are supplied to enable assessors to carry out valid and consistent
assessment using this internal assessment resource.
As with all assessment resources, education providers will need to follow their own quality control
processes. Assessors must manage authenticity for any assessment from a public source,
because learners may have access to the assessment schedule or exemplar material. Using this
assessment resource without modification may mean that learners' work is not authentic. The
assessor may need to change figures, measurements or data sources or set a different context or
topic. Assessors need to consider the local context in which learning is taking place and its
relevance for learners.
Assessors need to be very familiar with the outcome being assessed by the unit standard. The
evidence requirements and the explanatory notes contain information, definitions, and
requirements that are crucial when interpreting the standard and assessing learners against it.
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Assessor guidelines
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 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016
This activity requires learners to describe and demonstrate care and timeliness as an employee.
Level of performance expected
This is a level 1 standard. This means learners should be:
Using basic general and/or foundation knowledge in theory questions;
Applying basic solutions to simple problems and applying basic skills required to carry out
simple tasks;
Working in highly structured contexts, taking some responsibility for your own learning
interacting with others.
Conditions of assessment
Assessment can take place in a real or simulated workplace.
A real workplace means one where the learner is employed (either full-time or part-time) or a
workplace where the learner is on work experience. For students on work experience, work
experience will ideally occur on a regular, planned and sustained basis, for example as part of a
Gateway programme.
Assessment may only take place in an education organisation providing the workplace
environment is realistically simulated. A simulated workplace means one in which the conditions of
the simulated workplace fully reflect the environment and requirements of the workplace that is
being simulated (for example, a training hairdressing salon in a tertiary institute).
Resource requirements
Documented policies and procedures or established protocols for workplace performance.
Additional information
Workplace verifiers may include their own workplace attendance records routinely used in the
workplace. Note however that verification is required for other aspects of this standard ie Health
and Safety, equipment and materials, use of language, meeting deadlines.
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Assessor guidelines
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Assessment Schedule
Unit standard
Demonstrate care and timeliness as an employee
Evidence for achieved
Outcome 1
Judgements for achieved
Describe care and timeliness as an employee.
Evidence requirements
Task 1
Task 1
Describe care and timeliness as an employee
worksheet and workplace verification.
Answers are consistent with the workplace and job
See sample answers for examples of appropriate
Workplace supervisor confirms that learner has
accurately described workplace requirements.
Personal presentation requirements are
described in terms of suitability for the work
performed and meeting organisational
standards including those for safety.
Range requirements include – clothing, footwear,
grooming, personal hygiene.
Appropriate use of language in relating to
supervisors, co-workers, and any customers
and/or visitors is described in accordance
with workplace requirements.
Personal behaviour that can lead to
disciplinary action, including dismissal, is
described in accordance with workplace
Workplace verification is signed and dated by
appropriate person in the workplace.
Responses are given to cover compulsory range
statements for 1.3 and 1.5.
Range behaviour includes – theft, assault, fighting,
intoxication, damage to property,
Minimum personal obligations under the
HSE are described in terms of health and
safety in the workplace.
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Responsibilities as an employee are
described in terms of timeliness in the
Range working day, breaks, meetings,
appointments, absences, deadlines.
Outcome 2
Demonstrate care and timeliness as an employee.
Range for 20 working days.
Task 2
Task 2
Evidence requirements
Care and timeliness recording sheet.
See sample answers for examples of appropriate
Workplace supervisor confirms that learner has
consistently met workplace requirements for a
consecutive 20-day period.
Care and timeliness as an employee are
demonstrated in the workplace in
accordance with workplace requirements.
Equipment and materials are treated with
due care and attention in accordance with
workplace requirements.
Use of language in relating to supervisors,
co-workers, and any customers and/or
visitors is in accordance with workplace
Any additional comments made by the workplace
supervisor confirm that care and timeliness
demonstrated by the learner meet workplace
Workplace verification is signed and dated by
appropriate person in the workplace.
Judgements should be holistic, rather than based on a checklist approach.
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Sample answers for unit standard 4249
Task 1
Describe care and timeliness as an employee
General Information about my workplace
What sort of workplace are you working in?
eg Farm, butchery, vet, garden nursery – Dairy farm
What is your role?
Dairy worker
Appropriate language in the workplace
Use an example to describe what is considered appropriate language in your workplace
when talking to supervisors, co-workers, customers and visitors.
I can joke with my supervisor but I still have to be respectful.
I can joke with my co-workers, I have to use language that makes sure I don’t get offside
with people. We have one Phillipino working in the farm so we try to speak clearly and don’t
use swear words to them.
Customers and visitors
Polite English.
Personal presentation
Give two examples of your workplace presentation requirements for each of the following:
1. Overalls all the time.
2. Aprons on top of overalls In the milking shed.
Gumboots all the time.
No other footwear requirements but we hose down our gumboots when we go in the
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No particular requirement for grooming.
Personal hygiene
Hosing down gumboots when going into the shed from outside in the yard.
Clean overalls everyday.
Behaviours that might lead to disciplinary procedures
Describe three (3) behaviours that might lead to disciplinary action in your workplace and
what these actions might be.
Being late to work – warnings, and eventually dismissal.
Not having clean overalls everyday – warnings and eventually dismissal.
Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol warnings and/or instant dismissal.
Health and Safety in Employment
The Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 requires certain things of you in the
workplace. Give a Health and Safety example from your workplace for each of the following:
Something you must do to avoid causing harm to yourself or someone else
Wear a helmet on the quad bike.
What to do if you notice a hazard
Let everyone else on the farm know; report it to the supervisor and write it in the health and
safety register.
Using equipment and machinery
In the milking shed if there is any sort of problem we always turn the rotary platform off.
Getting treatment for an accident or injury
There is a first aid kit in the smoko room; if milking is in progress I can’t leave without letting
my supervisor know.
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What are your workplace rules or guidelines for timekeeping in relation to:
Starting & finishing work
Start work:
Have to be at work by 5.30am, two days a week; 6.30am the other days.
Finish work: 4 or 4.30pm depending on start time.
Break times (eg lunch, morning tea, afternoon tea)
1 hour for breakfast after morning milking is finished and two hours for lunch depending on
what else needs to be done, usually lunch starts at about 12.
We have a weekly meeting to discuss productivity during Wednesday lunchtime that we are
expected to attend. If we can’t make it we must let the supervisor know.
Medical appointments (eg doctor, physio, dentist)
Have to let my boss know in advance and check permission before making appointments.
Absences (sickness, other)
Have to call my boss at home early if I am going to be off work sick
Give two examples of work/task deadlines you have had to meet at work recently.
1. Have to get the cows into the shed by 6.30 am every day.
2. When the cows are coming back from their dry off winter break at the run off, I had to be
at the yard at 1pm to unload from the stock truck, so I couldn’t have a two-hour lunch
break that day.
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Care and timeliness recording sheet
(/ ×
Assessment criteria
Learner attended work over a continuous 20-day period:
Started work on time every day and returning to work on time after lunch breaks,
smoko etc
Explained Absences were explained and advised promptly
Appointments eg doctor were approved in advance.
Note days worked below. Add any comments relevant to attendance and timekeeping
including any unexplained absences
Assessor note: 20 days must be clearly indicated.
No absences; three physio appointments – asked first and took early appointments so still at
work by 9am
Learner took appropriate care of equipment and materials, such as cleaning tools,
safe and secure storage
Add any comments relevant to use of equipment and materials below
Takes good care of own knives etc; good at clearing up at the end of the day; listens
carefully during training on machinery.
Learner took appropriate care with personal presentation, such as wearing required
PPE or uniform
Add any comments relevant to personal presentation below
Always wears the uniform provided for the shop - aprons and polo shirts.
Learner used appropriate language with supervisors, co-workers and customers and
Add any comments relevant to use of language in the workplace below
Likes to Joke about a bit but good with customers – friendly and polite.
Learner completed all set tasks according to work deadlines. These requirements
were explained before the 20-day period started.
Add any comments relevant to task completion below
Always gets on with anything asked to do – shows interest and well motivated.
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Assessor guidelines
ASM version 1
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December 2013
 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016