Biology Classroom Policies -2015-renu.doc

Biology Classroom Policies
1. Arrive at least (15) minutes before your assigned starting time. (enough time to make
sure the projector is working and the lab materials you need are in order).
2. Please do not cancel a class without notifying the Chair/Associate Chair. In case of an
emergency notify your supervisor first.
3. Ten minutes before your assigned starting time, inspect the classroom for any
hazardous conditions, materials left out or glassware not properly cleaned and put
away. Please notify the Associate Chair of any materials not taken care of and notify
both the Associate Chair and the Campus Director of any hazardous conditions. Do not
let the students in the classroom if a hazardous condition exists.
4. Use all the time available for your class, but vacate the classroom 10 minutes before the
start of the next class. This includes any cleanup or putting away of equipment
especially any specimen slides that were used. (Plan your class accordingly- leaving
enough time for student and instructor clean up to be completed 10 minutes before
the next class).
5. Do NOT disturb any class in session, even if they are overtime (still in class 15 min.
before the next class). Please, just email the Associate Chair concerning any continuing
overtime violations. The Associate Chair will contact the offending instructor and take
appropriate action. Please do not try and enforce these rules yourself, that’s the
Associate Chair’s job.
6. You will not be able to access the classroom except during your assigned times. Please
do not impose on any other instructor’s class time. If you need something in another
instructor’s class room, get it in the 10 minute buffer time or ask that instructor when
you might acquire the materials. (Maybe on the classes’ break). You must ask
permission before entering another instructor’s class if you must but try to get in and
out ASAP.
7. Remain in your classroom except during class breaks. No cell phone use except during
the specified class breaks. You are responsible for anything that might happen in your
classrooms, so be there and be aware. Your students have paid for your class time so
make sure you give them the time assigned as a minimum.
8. Keep up with your class roster and attendance. If someone is present in your class and
not on your roster, FIND OUT WHY! If they are not on the class roster, they cannot be
in the classroom except with permission from the Dean or the Dept. Chair. This can be
a liability issue you do not want to have to deal with.
9. Never meet alone with a student in a closed room. You must have other staff witnesses
or be in plain view at all times. If you notice no one is around, move to an open area to
work or have your discussion. If you are having problems with a student, get a staff or
faculty member to be present during your discussion. It could mean your teaching
career or worse. . If you observe any irregular behavior in one of your students and
would like a counselor to observe the student in your class, contact the chair and our
office will make the arrangements.