Activity (DOC, 923KB)

Whakamahi Whenua Assessment Activity
Activity title
Te Whakamakurutanga
Unit standard
Plan and prepare for, carry out, and evaluate the propagation of crops in
accordance with local tikanga
Assessed elements
Element 1
Plan the propagation of crops in accordance with local tikanga.
Element 2
Prepare the propagation bed in accordance with local tikanga.
Element 3
Carry out the propagation of crops in accordance with the plan and local
Element 4
Evaluate the propagation of crops.
All activities must be correctly completed before credits are awarded.
Your assessor will discuss with you
 how long you have to complete these assessment activities
 the methods of assessments and collection of evidence for authenticity and
 the processes for reassessment.
These assessment activities may be carried out in groups; however, each candidate
must demonstrate individual competence.
Assessment activities must be completed during course hours.
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Whakamahi Whenua Assessment Activity
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 Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa 2016
Special notes for guidance
Special note 3
Local tikanga practices may include but are not limited to:
 the traditional use of pest control
 soil modification and development
 the use of implements
 the use of maramataka
 the process of māhiti
 the use of karakia
 whanaungatanga
 hākari.
Special note 4
Maramataka – refers to a system of gardening throughout the
lunar months.
Matariki – refers to the Pleiades star cluster, which is an
indicator/sign for seasonal plant performance.
Rīwai – refers to potato.
Kamokamo – refers to marrow.
Kānga – refers to maize, corn.
Hue – refers to gourds, the young hue was used for food, and is
similar in texture to the marrow.
Paukena – refers to pumpkin.
Resource 1 – A copy of the Māori maramataka.
Instructions (please read before starting the assessment)
For this unit standard you will:
 Develop a propagation plan for one crop.
 Prepare the propagation bed.
 Carry out the propagation of the crop and maintenance of the propagation bed and the
 Write an evaluation report on the production of the crop.
Activity 1 Propagation Plan
For this unit standard in consultation with your whānau, hapū or hāpori, select a crop (if
you have completed or are working towards unit standard 25469 you may choose the crop
from your instruction manual) and develop a propagation plan. Make sure the information
in your plan
 meets the requirements of the crop, and
 is in accordance with local tikanga (refer to special note 4 in the resource section).
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Whakamahi Whenua Assessment Activity
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 Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa 2016
Activity 1.1
Write the objectives for the propagation plan that includes, but is not limited to  the quality of the tubers or tipu (new shoots) or seeds
 the seed sources, and
 future prospects for the crop
Activity 1.2
Draw a layout of the land, and plan the site for propagation. Information in the plan
includes but is not limited to  environment
 adequate lighting
 orientation
 aspect, and
 soil variance
Activity 1.3
Study the maramataka Māori (resource 1) and the observations of matariki and plan the
times and seasons propagation takes place.
Activity 1.4
Use a mind map and plan the techniques for propagation that includes but is not limited
to  mounding
 broadcasting
 transplanting
 manual planting
 mechanical planting
 contour
 aspect
Activity 1.5
Evaluate the requirements of the crop in terms of planning the maintenance of the
propagation bed. Evaluation includes but is not limited to  materials
 aeration
 temperature
 drainage
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Whakamahi Whenua Assessment Activity
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 Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa 2016
Activity 1.6
Forecast any deviations to the plan in accordance with the crops requires. Forecast may
include but is not limited to  the weather conditions
 equipment shortage/breakdowns
 crop diseases.
Present your propagation plan to your whānau, hapū or hāpori for their approval.
PCs 1.1, PC 1.2, PC 1.3, PC 1.4, PC 1.5, PC 1.6
Activity 2 Prepare Propagation Bed
This is a practical activity. You will prepare the propagation bed in accordance with the
requirements of the crop and local tikanga.
Prepare the soil and ensure the soil  is weed free
 is friable, and
 maintains moisture.
Make up the propagation bed with the correct materials, to ensure the bed provides  aeration
 temperature, and
 drainage.
Prepare the appropriate tools, which includes  manual, or
 mechanical tools.
(The assessor will have a checklist to check off as you work that must be accompanied
with photographs).
PCs 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Activity 3 Propagate Crops
This is a practical activity. You will:
Carry out the propagation of the crop in accordance with  the plan
 the requirements of the crop
 local tikanga.
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Whakamahi Whenua Assessment Activity
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 Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa 2016
Carry out the maintenance of the propagation bed and the crops in accordance with  the plan
 the requirements, and
 local tikanga.
(The assessor will have a checklist to check off as you work).
PCs 3.1, 3.2
Activity 4 Evaluate Propagation
Write an evaluation report on the propagation of the crop. The report must evaluate  the techniques applied in the propagation of the crop in relation to the outcome of the
 any deviations from the plan in relation to the effects on, and the outcome of, the crop
 any improvements to enhance the future outcome of the crop.
PCs 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
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Whakamahi Whenua Assessment Activity
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 Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa 2016