Activity (DOC, 909KB)

Whakamahi Whenua Assessment Activity
Te āhua o te Whakamakurutanga
Activity title
Unit standard
Describe crop propagation in accordance with local tikanga
Assessed elements
Element 1
Describe the selection and preparation of a crop for propagation.
Element 2
Describe the preparation process of the propagation bed.
Element 3
Describe the propagation of crops and maintenance of the propagation bed.
All activities must be correctly completed before credits are awarded.
Your assessor will discuss with you
 how long you have to complete these assessment activities
 the methods of assessments and collection of evidence for authenticity and
 the processes for reassessment.
This is an open book assessment.
These assessment activities may be carried out in groups however each candidate
must demonstrate individual competence.
These assessments must be completed during course hours.
Assessments can be written in te reo Māori and/or English
The kaiako will photocopy pages 4-8 four times, one set of four for each crop.
Design your own cover for your instruction manual.
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Whakamahi Whenua Assessment Activity
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 Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa 2016
Special notes for guidance
Special 3
Local tikanga practices may include but are not limited to:
 the traditional use of pest control
 soil modification and development
 the use of implements
 the use of maramataka
 the process of māhiti
 the use of karakia
 whanaungatanga
 hākari.
Special note 4
Maramataka – refers to a system of gardening throughout the
lunar months.
Matariki – refers to the Pleiades star cluster, which is an
indicator/sign for seasonal plant performance.
Rīwai – refers to potato.
Kamokamo – refers to marrow.
Kānga – refers to maize, corn.
Hue – refers to gourds, the young hue was used for food, and is
similar in texture to the marrow.
Paukena – refers to pumpkin.
Instructions (please read before starting the assessment)
Observe and listen to your kaiako carefully, take notes, photographs, or do illustrations as
you go and keep them in a portfolio to use in your manual.
All the information must be relevant to the crops selected for propagation and is in
accordance with local tikanga.
Root grown crops may include but are not limited to – kūmara, rīwai, taro, beets, turnips
and parsnips;
Selection must include kūmara or rīwai and one other root grown crop.
Seed grown crops may include but are not limited to – kānga, kamokamo, paukena, hue,
water melon, silver beet;
Selection must include kānga or kamokamo or paukena, and one other seed grown crop.
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Whakamahi Whenua Assessment Activity
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 Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa 2016
Overall Activity
ROOT AND TWO SEED GROWN CROPS” to assist your whānau, hapū and/or hāpori
maintain crop resources for their māra kai.
With your whānau, hapū and/or hāpori select two ROOT grown crops and two SEED
grown crops from the appropriate lists in the instruction box.
Your manual may be presented in exercise books, folders, power point presentations, cd,
or dvd etc.
Pictures and/or diagrams
Name of Crop
A description of the pictures and/or
Type of Crop
Activity 1
In accordance with the requirements of each crop and local tikanga show and tell how
tubers or tipu (new shoots) or seeds are selected for propagation.
 Show and tell includes the size, the shape, the number of eyes, and if female or male.
Activity 2
In accordance with the requirements of each crop and local tikanga show and tell how the
tubers or tipu (new shoots) or seeds are prepared for propagation.
 Show and tell includes the quality and the preservation of the tubers or tipu and seeds
Activity 3
In accordance with the requirements of each crop and local tikanga show and tell the
preparation process in the make up of the propagation bed.
 Show and tell includes the environment, the soil variances, adequate lighting, and the
materials used to make up the bed.
Activity 4
In accordance with the requirements of each crop and local tikanga show or tell how the
soil is modified and developed for propagation.
 Show and tell includes the aeration, temperature, and drainage.
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Whakamahi Whenua Assessment Activity
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 Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa 2016
Activity 5
Use the maramataka (resource 2) and matariki and local tikanga tell and show the
propagation season for the selected crop.
Activity 6
In accordance with the requirements of the each crop and local tikanga show or tell the
propagation planting methods.
 Show and tell includes single layer, spacing, and straight line planting.
Activity 7
In accordance with the requirement of each crop and local tikanga show and tell how to
maintain the propagation bed.
 Show and tell includes the water levels, weeds, moisture, disease, animal infestation.
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Whakamahi Whenua Assessment Activity
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 Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa 2016