Schedule (DOC, 885KB)

Assessment Schedule 26256
26256 Version 1 Level 4 (10 credits)
Examine and profile key roles, and explore potential employment opportunities within reo Māori media industry
Special note:
Reo Māori media includes but is not
limited to; radio, film, television, print,
Sample answers
Activity 1
Examine and profile key roles within
three reo Māori media stakeholder
organisations in terms of:
 their function,
 use of te reo Māori,
 responsibilities and
 key relationships
Te Whakaruruhau o ngā Reo irirangi Māori
Activity 1A
In a table, list and compare four key
roles in each of the three reo Māori
stakeholder organisations in terms of:
- use of te reo Māori
- responsibilities
- key relationships
(/ X
X N Achieved
(The Federation of Māori Radio Stations)
The aim of the Society is to pursue and develop contact with
government agencies for the advancement of Māori Radio
communication development operations. Specifically its objects are to
represent the interests of Māori radio stations; to assist, support and
maintain continuity of Māori radio stations, to provide a representation
body to meet with the Crown; to encourage high standards of
excellence in broadcasting and to encourage predominant use of Te
Reo Māori me nga tikanga Māori.
The Table must include
- four key roles and three reo Māori stakeholders.
Each key role within each reo Māori stakeholder must be compared in
terms of their - use of te reo
- responsibilities
- key relationships
Reo Māori Media Assessment Schedule 26256
Three reo Māori stakeholders
are examined and profiled in
terms of:
their function,
use of te reo Māori,
responsibilities and
key relationships
Four keys roles within
three reo Māori
stakeholders were
appropriately listed and
compared in terms of:
use of te reo Māori
key relationships
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Activity 2
Examine and profile four key roles in
a reo Māori media production house
that may include (but are not limited
to – writing, editing, directing,
production, post-production, music,
promotion in terms of the skills,
knowledge and competencies
Production House – Te Upoko o te Ika
Key Role – Writing
Write in te reo Māori
Writing for the ear
Write for clarity
Write to convey information
- ability to identify with the purpose of Te Upoko o te Ika
- ability to create connection with stakeholders (written
- ability to complete on primary tasks and reflect on experience
(report or news writing)
Activity 2a
In a table, list and compare four key
roles in each of the three reo Māori
production houses in terms of:
- use of te reo Māori
- responsibilities
key relationships
Activity 3
Identify and explore two potential
employment roles in either reo Māori
media production houses or
stakeholder’s organisations that you
would be interested in applying for in
the future.
The Table must include
- four key roles and three reo Māori production houses.
Each key role within each reo Māori stakeholder must be compared in
terms of their - use of te reo Māori
- responsibilities
- key relationships
The pathway plan for the two potential roles that must include
- competencies required
- job availability
- entry level positions
- tertiary and workplace
Reo Māori Media Assessment Schedule 26256
Four key roles
in one reo Māori media
production house were
appropriately examined and
profiled in terms of the skills,
knowledge and competencies
Key roles included any four of
the following - writing,
- editing,
- directing,
- production,
- post-production,
- music,
- promotion.
Four keys roles within three
reo Māori stakeholders were
clearly listed and compared in
terms of their:
- use of te reo Māori
- responsibilities
key relationships
The pathway plan includes
two potential employment
roles at either a reo Māori
media production house or
stakeholder in terms of –
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Develop an pathway plan that
contains information on:
- current and future
- skills
- knowledge
- competencies required
- job availability
- entry level positions
- tertiary and workplace
- qualifications
- internships
- work experience
work experience
current and future
job availability
entry level positions
tertiary and
work experience
Use your current Curriculum Vitae to
identify how you currently meet the
requirements and what you might
need to do in the future of each role
that you are
Compare the two potential roles in
terms of:
- their use of te reo Māori
- responsibilities
- key relationships
Make a recommendation based on
the comparison as to what role you
are most interested in pursuing.
The recommendation based on the comparison of the two roles must
- their use of te reo Māori
- responsibilities
- key relationships
Reo Māori Media Assessment Schedule 26256
The recommendation
included a comparison of two
potential roles in terms of –
- their use of te reo
- responsibilities
- key relationships
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Assessment Result:
Not achieved
Candidate signature
Assessor signature
Assessor comments:
If applicable, reasons why Candidate has not achieved unit standard:
Reo Māori Media Assessment Schedule 26256
Proposed re-assessment date:
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