Schedule (DOC, 893KB)


Assessment Schedule 19748


19748 Version 1 Level 4 (10 credits)

Title: Demonstrate knowledge of the history and political development of reo Māori media in Aotearoa


Special note :

Reo Māori media includes but is not limited to; radio, film, television, print, internet

Activity 1

Examine the chronology of events in Resource 1 and research key information on the advocacy groups, key people, events and actions that were significant to the development of reo Māori broadcasting.


Sample answers that dates 1972

Waiata: Sample

No te tau whitu te kau ma rua

Te petihana mo te reo i

Whakatakotoria ki te whare paremata


A chronological account of reo M āori broadcasting events that includes people significant to the development of reo Māori broadcasting is presented.

Make notes that you will use to develop a waiata that will give a detailed chronological account of reo Māori broadcasting events that include people significant to the development of reo

Māori broadcasting.

Ka mahuta ake, ko te ha mo te reo

Ka tipu ki te wiki mo te reo Māori me ngā pahotanga o te reo

Ki te reo tataki e

The chronological account dates from 1987 – 2008.

(Performance criteria 1.1)

Activity 1a

You will research and represent a Māori political group and deliver a speech to the rest of the class. You will then take notes on a group different from your own by listening to another class member present their group. You will then have evidence for two groups that lobbied for change and what the impact of their pressure on

Nga Kaiwhakapūmau I te Reo

Key People –

Huirangi Waikerepu

Piripi Walker

Deregulation of broadcasting and plans by govt to sell off

Factors which led to the emergence of two Māori political group to support changes to legislation in relation to reo Māori broadcasting are clearly identified and explained.

/ X

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the development of reo Māori broadcasting was.

Select a Māori political group that lobbied for change in reo Māori broadcasting. You will act as a representative of this group.

Groups may include but are not limited to – New

Zealand Māori Council, New Zealand Māori

Congress, Nga Tama Toa, Te Kaiwhakapumau I te Reo Māori, Māori Party.

Research your chosen group (key people, events, actions etc) and the factors that led to the formation of the group. You may be able to interview key people that were associated with your chosen group and locate archived footage or material that you can view and present.

Factors that led to the emergence of your group may include but are not limited to – political crises, demise of reo Māori, economic crises, obstacles to Māori participation including Māori leadership, lack of Māori presence and Māori content within the broadcasting industry, Māori

Television Service (Te Aratuku Whakaata Irirangi

Māori) Act 2003. You must identify and explain at least two factors. broadcasting assets that pushed Nga Kaiwhakapūmau i te

Reo to lodge a claim with Waitangi Tribunal for a share of the broadcasting assets for the preservation and promotion of te reo Māori through broadcasting

Waitangi Tribunal determined that Māori are entitled to a share of broadcasting assets owned by NZBC and held up the sale of NZBC establishment of a 3 rd independently owned 3 rd television.

The NZ Māori council lobbied govt for the third channel for the preservation and promotion of te reo Māori. The crown pressed on for the 3 rd channel so the NZ Māori Council took legal action against the crown using the Waitangi Tribunals decision that Māori are entitled to a share of the state owned broadcasting assets.

Two factors are required.

Factors may include but is not limited to –

- political crises,

- demise of reo Māori,

- economic crises,

- obstacles to Māori participation including

Māori leadership,

- lack of Māori presence and Māori content within the broadcasting industry,

- Māori Television Service

(Te Aratuku Whakaata

Irirangi Māori) Act 2003.

Two Māori political groups are identified.

Groups may include but is not limited to –

- New Zealand Māori


- New Zealand Māori


- Nga Tama Toa,

- Te Kaiwhakapumau I te

Reo Māori,

- Māori Party.

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Activity 1b

Develop a speech that you will deliver to your class that explains:

- who your chosen group is and key people

- what your chosen group is lobbying about (at least two factors that led to the emergence of your group

- the impact of your pressure (such as increased number of Māori presenters, increased percentage of air time, broadcasting in reo Māori, new learning programmes to support Māori language development, changes to legislation

Your classmates may ask you to repeat or clarify information for their own notes.

- Listen to a speech delivered by another class member for a different political group from your own. Takes notes that explain who the chosen group is and key people

- what the group is lobbying about (at least two factors that led to the emergence of the group

- the impact of the group’s pressure (such as increased number of Māori presenters, increased percentage of air time, broadcasting in reo Māori, new learning programmes to support Māori language development, changes to le gislation’

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Interview your classmate for further information to ensure that you can clearly describe the group, the factors that led to its emergence to support changes to legislation and the impact of the group’s pressure on the development of reo

Māori broadcasting.

(Performance criteria 1.2, 1.3)

Activity 2

Select a reo Māori broadcasting event and examine its impact on the development of broadcasting in New Zealand. You can elect an event such as hui-a-iwi, Māori wananga, national or local competitions, hui taumata, tangihana etc.

Research information associated with the chosen event so that you can identify and explain:

- the background and historical development

- purpose of the event

- the impact of the event on reo Māori broadcasting such as accessibility of te reo Māori and culture, visibility of te reo

Māori and culture, quality to attract and retain audiences, focus on reo Māori and culture

Write a commentary for radio, television that could be broadcast live that explains the impact of the event on broadcasting in New Zealand.

(Performance criteria 2.1, 2..2)

Reo Māori Broadcasting Event:

Waitangi Day – 6 February

The signing of the Treaty of Waitangi between the crown and iwi.

Every year around the ¾ Feb Ngapuhi gather at Te Tii Marae to prepare to host the Waitangi Day celebrations

4 Feb – Ngapuhi kawe mate to Te TII marae and begin wananga issues pertinent to the treaty.

Te reo o Te Taitokerau (network of Tautoko FM, Ngati Hine

FM and Te Hiku o te Ika) also begins its annual broadcast from Te Tii marae, which is linked to 21 iwi stations who may or may not pick up the broadcast.

5 Feb – The motu iwi organisations, govt officials and politicians are welcomed to Te Tii Marae by Ngāpuhi.

Workshops and wananga begins next door at Tou Rangatira


Māori Television Services sets up for its coverage of the celebrations at Waitangi to 6 Feb and the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. A live broadcast is set up and programming content about the signing and how people are celebrating at

A reo Māori broadcasting event is selected.

An event may include but is not limited to – hui-a-iwi, hui

Māori, wananga, national or local competitions, hui taumata, tangihana

The events impacts on the development of reo Māori broadcasting in New Zealand are clearly explained.

Impacts may include but is not limited to - accessibility of te reo Māori and culture, visibility of te reo Māori and culture, quality to attract and retain audiences, focus on reo Māori and culture

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different locations locally and internally.

Sample commentary :

Tēna ra koutou katoa e whakarongo mai nei ki tēnei o ngā pāhotanga o te Reo o Te Tai Tokerau atu i te marae o Te Tii.

Kai te whakaeke tonu mai ko ngā whānau, hapū o Ngapuhi ki te kawe mai i o rātou roimata.

Ka titiro atu ki Tou Rangatira kua tūtū mai ngā mākii me ngā toa hokohoko kakahu, kai otirā ngā momo tāonga ka kitea hei hoko.



Assessment Result:

Candidate signature

Assessor signature

Assessor comments:

If applicable, reasons why Candidate has not achieved unit standard:



Proposed re-assessment date:


Not achieved

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