Programming I
PREREQUISITE: IT 1413 (or a first programming course in Java) and Math 1513 or
permission of department
Textbook: JAVA How to Program, 7th Edition
(Pearson/Prentice Hall).
(2007) by
Deitel and Deitel
if you want to work at home and in the university lab, you will probably require a
USB flash drive (sometimes known as a jump drive)
access to a Java IDE or Java application development system
access to a program that will perform archiving and “un-archiving” (a ZIP program)
2413* PROGRAMMING II, 3 hours credit
The second course in computer programming using an Object Oriented approach. Topics
include: programming in the GUI environment, Classes, Objects, fast sorts, Abstract Data
Types, Strings, recursion, and file processing. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: IT 1413.
2413* PROGRAMMING II, 3 hours credit
This course is a 2nd course in the computer programming sequence. When you
complete this course successfully, you will have gained skills and knowledge
that will be roughly equivalent to moving to the skills of an intermediate level
programmer. We will follow the ACM curriculum guides that are used by most
universities worldwide and are considered an international standard.
Also, this course will continue to introduce the programming language JAVA.
This instruction will also be directed at an expansion of previous exposure to
object-oriented programming (OOP).
Initially, there will be a section that reviews the fundamental algorithms and
Java concepts such as assignment statements, input-output, if statements,
loops, methods (called functions in C++), classes, objects, and arrays. After
this, we will consider various other Java concepts including the Java GUI,
Object-Oriented Programming (using classes and Objects), and other Java
issues. Note that the focus will be on solving problems in the Java language
Syllabus – IT2413
Fall 2009
Upon completion of the course, each student should
Have significant expertise with the Java programming language and the Java
programming interface;
Be competent in using Java to construct programs at a level that is consistent
with the completion of Programming II as defined by international professional
societies and standards – this includes those objectives listed in the course
Objectives … Upon completion of the course, each student should
1. Being able to write programs in the Java programming language involving
advanced features of the Java language (AAS SLO-04)
2. Being able to write programs in the Java programming language involving
methods, classes, and objects (AAS SLO-04)
3. Being able to write programs in the Java programming language involving
significant utilization of arrays (AAS SLO-04)
4. Being able to write programs in the Java programming language involving use
of the Java Swing class to facilitate a sophisticated GUI environment (AAS
5. Being able to write programs in the Java programming language involving use
of Java classes and objects to program in an “Object-Oriented” fashion (AAS
6. Being able to write programs in the Java programming language involving use
of Java exception handling (AAS SLO-04, BS SLO-02, BS SLO-05)
7. Being able to write programs in the Java programming language involving
significant use of Java files and streams (AAS SLO-04, BS SLO-02, BS
8. Being able to design algorithms and write the corresponding programs that
solve problems involving basic algorithms (AAS SLO-04, BS SLO-02,
BS SLO-05)
9. Being able to design algorithms and write the corresponding programs that
solve sophisticated problems involving heavy utilization of Java methods
(called functions in C++ or subprograms in other languages) (AAS SLO-04,
BS SLO-02, BS SLO-05)
10. Being able to design algorithms and write the corresponding programs that
solve sophisticated problems involving algorithms that heavily utilize the
string and array data structure (AAS SLO-04, BS SLO-02, BS SLO-
11. Being able to design algorithms and write the corresponding programs that
solve sophisticated problems involving utilization of the class mechanism to
create sophisticated data abstractions (AAS SLO-04, BS SLO-02, BS
12. Being able to design algorithms and write the corresponding programs that
solve sophisticated problems involving understanding the concept of abstract
data types (AAS SLO-04, BS SLO-02, BS SLO-05)
13. Being able to design algorithms and write the corresponding programs that
Syllabus – IT2413
Fall 2009
-3solve sophisticated problems involving issues of Object Oriented
Programming techniques including inheritance and polymorphism (AAS
SLO-04, BS SLO-02, BS SLO-05)
14. Have significant skill in debugging techniques and use of an interactive
debugger within a modern day IDE (AAS SLO-04, BS SLO-02, BS
Appendix A….
Upon completion of the program, the student must meet the following criteria
(Cat Department, 2006). The student:
SLO-01. must understand and demonstrate application of a high ethical
SLO-02. must understand the impact that information technology has on
society as a whole and must know the importance of continual
SLO-03. must possess the ability to communicate in a variety of settings
using oral, written, multimedia techniques to a variety of audiences
and must interact with and understand diverse groups using a
strong IT vocabulary
SLO-04. must be able to choose from a variety of different problem solving
methodologies to analytically formulate a solution using a high level
programming language
SLO-05. must understand the planning, performing, and evaluation process
as it relates to information technology operations and must
understand system phases, and the Systems Development Life Cycle
SLO-06. must understand basic computer networks infrastructure and
demonstrate proficiency in assembling, configuring and
administering networks
Upon completion of the program, the student must meet the following criteria
(Carroll, BS in IT Proposal, 2006). The student:
SLO-01. must analyze, identify, and define the requirements that must be
satisfied to address problems or opportunities faced by
organizations or individuals applying current technical concepts and
practices in the core information technologies;
SLO-02. must design effective and usable IT-based solutions and integrate
them into the user environment;
SLO-03. must demonstrate an understanding of best practices and standards
and their application in order to identify and evaluate current and
Syllabus – IT2413
Fall 2009
-4emerging technologies and assess their applicability to address the
users’ needs;
SLO-04. must analyze the impact of technology on individuals,
organizations, and society, including ethical, legal, and policy issues;
SLO-05. must demonstrate independent critical thinking and problem
solving skills;
SLO-06. must communicate effectively and efficiently with clients, users, and
peers both verbally and in writing, using appropriate terminology
and must collaborate in teams to accomplish a common goal by
integrating personal initiative and group cooperation