Code of Practice - Application for young international group students (DOCX, 35KB)

Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students – Application for
additional approval to enrol young international group students [YIGS]
Organisation Name (legal)
MoE number
Organisation type
Organisation Roll
Ages currently approved to deliver to/teach:
Principal name
Mobile number
Organisation phone number
Code contact name
Mobile number
Physical Address
Postal Address
Web site
Please indicate your current
signatory status (delete all
a. School enrolling international students in years 1-8 who live with
b. School with additional approval to enrol students in years 7-8 or 11-13
in other providers not living with parents
c. School enrolling international students in years 9-13 or other provider
enrolling international students under 18
d. School or provider enrolling international students 18 and over.
Further information
Group students means two or more international students aged 10 and over, entering New Zealand
together in an organised group and enrolling at a signatory for 12 weeks or less. [New Zealand Gazette,
No. 8822 July 2010].
Young international students are aged 11-13 years
Before making this application
Familiarise yourself with the Code, and Guidelines to support the Code, available from the NZQA web site.
You need to ensure that your organisation is aware of the Code requirements.
Complete this form in reference to Section 3 Group Students in the Guideline applicable (Schools /
Tertiary) to your organisation. The standard for the Guidelines is existing good practice in the industry.
Many providers will already have processes in place that meet or exceed the standards set out in the
The information that NZQA needs to review should exist in the organisation’s Code of Practice (CoP)
Desk Manual or similar handbook.
Supplying a brief rationale
Please attach a brief rationale for the application, likely student profile, and the experience of the staff
responsible for the day-to-day implementation of the Code. Please also include your YIGS policy. Refer to
the Attachments Schedule at the foot of this document.
Submitting an application
All documents are to be supplied as .doc, .docx, or searchable .pdf files.
The signed Statutory Declaration can be scanned as a .pdf document.
Schools can submit electronic files using a data drive or CD.
TEOs should apply online to create a new application using their usual login. Click ‘More>’, before
selecting ‘Code Practice of Pastoral Care for International Students’. Upload this completed form and any
attachments (see schedule at the foot of this document).
Retaining this application
A copy of this application and the attachments should be retained and filed with your CoP Desk Manual.
Please attach all relevant documentation as indicated in this application as separate attachments, cross
referenced by page/paragraph from this application. Refer to the Attachments Schedule at the foot of this
Legal contracts with third parties
Applicants need to be aware that NZQA cannot quality assuring any legal contracts with third parties that
may be included in this application. Applicants are advised to seek their own legal advice in relationship to
contractual arrangements. Each signatory is responsible for its own compliance with the Code – see
clause 12 of the Code on indemnity.
If you have any questions about the kind of documentation to supply, please call your NZQA
Sector or Elizabeth Douch (04 463 4247) or call 0800 697 296.
Clauses 27.3 and 27.4 –
please note:
In addition to the initial application for signatory status, signatories must
submit additional applications for approval in the following areas:
• To enrol young international group students;
• To obtain approval, signatories must satisfy the Administrator that
the group student requirements in clause 3.4 (if appropriate), the
welfare requirements in clause 13, and the accommodation
requirements in clauses 15.5, 15.6, and 15.7 have been adequately
met. This process may include a satisfactory on-site visit.
3 Group students [please also refer to the respective Guideline while completing this form]
Signatories are required to comply with the Code in relation to group students.
Please explain how each of the following criteria will be met.
Signatories must ensure that group students have:
Appropriate supervision; and
An appropriate ratio of supervisors to students.
How will these criteria be met?
Signatories organising or accepting group students who are young international
students must have approval from the Administrator in accordance with clauses 27.3
and 27.4 before enrolling such students.
How will this criterion be met?
Signatories arranging or accepting group students must have policies in place that
clearly set out the responsibilities of the provider and any third party involved in the
visit. The policy may include (but is not limited to):
Educational instruction and services to be provided;
How will this criterion be met?
Contact person and 24-hour emergency phone number;
How will this criterion be met?
Parental permission (for students aged under 18);
How will this criterion be met?
Parents’ contact details overseas;
How will this criterion be met?
Accommodation arrangements;
How will this criterion be met?
How will this criterion be met?
Assessment of risk and critical incident response;
How will this criterion be met?
Medical and travel insurance requirements;
How will this criterion be met?
Allocation of responsibility and provision for 24-hour supervision for students under
the age of 18.
How will this criterion met?
Signatories must determine, document, and maintain the following information
relating to each international student on enrolment, and hold this information at all
Full name;
Current address and accommodation type, and contact phone number(s);
Passport and visa/permit details (photocopy and/or electronic copy, or scan of title
page and current visa/permit);
How will these criteria be met?
Full names and current addresses of parents for students under the age of 18, and of
emergency contact persons and/or next of kin for students aged 18 and over; and
How will this criterion be met?
Medical and travel insurance details.
How will this criterion be met?
5 Welfare
13 Support services
Young international students [Either (a) an international student enrolled in Years 1 to 8 of a school; or (b) an
international student aged 13 and under and enrolled in any other provider.]
Signatories must contact the parents of any prospective international student under
the age of 18 prior to enrolling the student, and must establish communication
arrangements with parents that can be used in the event of an emergency.
How will this criterion be met?
Signatories must have processes in place to ensure that the developmental and pastoral
care needs of young international students are being appropriately met.
How will this criterion be met?
Students are living with, and continue to live with, a parent, or in the case of young
international students approved under clauses 15.5, 27.3, and 27.4, in accommodation as
required under Part 6 of the Code;
How will this criterion be met?
Provision for regular communication between students and parents, where students are not
living with a parent;
How will this criterion be met?
Access to first language support;
How will this criterion be met?
Access to professional counselling, preferably with first language support; and
How will this criterion be met?
Cross-cultural training for staff in regular contact with international students.
How will this criterion be met?
6 Accommodation
15 Accommodation provisions
Signatories must determine and document that all young international students are
living with and continue to live with a parent, except where the signatory has been
granted approval from the Administrator in accordance with clauses 27.3 and 27.4 to:
[NB: Approval from the Administrator under clauses 15.5.1 and 15.5.2 will be granted
only for homestays, licensed hostels, and designated caregivers.]
Enrol group students (and the student is a group student); or
How will this criterion be met?
When a signatory places young international students in accommodation approved
under clause 15.5 above, the signatory must, following the quarterly interviews under
clauses 16.3, 17.3, and 18.1.3 [16.3 Signatories must meet with each student who is
under the age of 18 at least quarterly to ensure that the homestay accommodation is
suitable., 17.3 Signatories must meet with each student who is under the age of 18 at
least quarterly to ensure that the boarding establishment accommodation is suitable.,
18.1.3 Meet with each student at least quarterly to ensure that the accommodation is
suitable.] :
Record the interviews in a form that can and must be made available to the
Administrator if requested;
Notify the Administrator, if requested, of the addresses and number of students the
signatory currently has accommodated there.
How will these criteria be met?
Signatories enrolling young international students who are group students or
accommodated in a licensed hostel are required to have approval from the
Administrator for special arrangements for weekend and school holiday care,
including (but not limited to):
Appropriate accommodation and;
Provision for regular communication between students and parents; and
Processes in place that ensure students’ developmental and pastoral care needs are
being met appropriately.
How will these criteria be met?
19 Temporary accommodation. NB: For Group students approval can only be given for homestays,
licensed hostels, and designated caregivers, however emergency accommodation plans should be developed.
Signatories must have robust procedures in place for determining that temporary
accommodation and accompanying supervision are suitable, including, but not limited
An assessment of the suitability of the accommodation;
Ensuring that group students will have an appropriate ratio of supervisors; and
Monitoring and managing any risks to the safety of international students.
How will these criteria be met?
28 Monitoring and review
Signatories must, at least annually, review their own performance and the accuracy
and relevance of all information provided to prospective and enrolled international
students to ensure compliance with the Code. The outcomes of this review must be
recorded in a form that can and must be made available to the Administrator if
How will this criterion be met?
Core Questions
Question 1
How will students communicate with their parents?
School’s response:
Question 2
What arrangements are made for weekend and after school care for your YIGS?
School’s response:
Question 3
How is group students money identifiable, and for payment towards the export
education levy?
School’s response:
Question 4
How will you ensure young group students know emergency procedures?
School’s response:
Question 5
How will the school determine risks and inform parents so they can make informed
judgements prior to their child being enrolled?
School’s response:
Question 6
Confirm signatory will determine and keep records, including parental and
emergency contact details.
School’s response:
Question 7
How will you ensure parents receive info before and during the group visit?
School’s response:
Question 8
How will you ensure students are aware of and able to access first language
School’s response:
Question 9
How will accommodation be selected and assessed to ensure it is suitable
School’s response:
Question 10
How will you ensure adequate support/communication are maintained between
signatory and homestay carers?
School’s response:
Schedule of Attachments for Application to Change Code of Practice status to include Group
Students [please include the following documents]
Brief rationale including:
 group student policy and procedures
 sample agreements between yourself and any third party involved in a group visit
Accommodation: accommodation policy and procedures
accommodation assessment tools including police vetting procedures
student accommodation interview forms
job description and sample cv for the person responsible for accommodation
homestay and designated caregiver support handbook or information