Manaaki Marae - Te Hāpai Ō Ki Muri (Kaupae 5) (DOC, 76KB)

Qualification details
Manaaki Marae – Te Hāpai Ō Ki Muri (Kaupae 5)
Qualification type
Food, Hospitality and Personal Services > Food and Hospitality >
Food and Hospitality not elsewhere classified
DAS classification
Māori > Manaaki Marae - Marae Hospitality
Qualification developer
Māori Qualifications Services, NZQA – on behalf of the sector
Next review
Approval date
Dd Mmmm YYYY
Strategic purpose statement
This qualification will provide marae, communities and the
hospitality industry with people who have operational and
strategic management skills in a culinary and manaaki context.
Graduates of this qualification will have attained the skills and
knowledge to supervise specific food preparation and cooking in
the kāuta and in the hospitality industry, and lead a team in
accordance with tikanga and kawa.
Graduate profile
Graduates of this qualification will be able to:
Te reo me ngā tikanga Māori
15 credits
 Lead a team in the kāuta/ wharekai in accordance with local
15 credits
 Facilitate team progress for a designated task in the kāuta/
wharekai (mahi tahi)
Outcome Statement
45 credits
 Manage and administer tākoha in accordance with the
tikanga of the marae
 Classify Māori flora and its use in the kāuta/ wharekai
 Analyse the economic development of food technology and
how it applies to traditional kai Māori
 Demonstrate understanding of legislative requirements for
managing a whare kai
45 credits
 Plan, run, and evaluate a catered event at a marae
 Identify traditional Māori food preparation and integrate into
modern preparation/ cooking practice
 Apply knowledge of, and demonstrate skills in, the
preservation and sustainability of traditional kai Māori
Education pathway
Qualification Reference XXXX
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 20XX
This diploma builds on from the New Zealand Certificate in
Manaaki Marae - Marae Hospitality (Level 4).
Achievement of this qualification may provide a pathway of
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further study in areas of Māori Economic Development, Business
Studies, Catering, and/or Culinary Arts.
Employment pathway
Holders of this qualification will have the skills and knowledge
required to work in intermediate/senior positions in the Tourism,
and Hospitality industries, as well as in the areas of Front Line
Management, and hapū/iwi development.
Community pathway
Holders of this qualification will also have the skills and
knowledge to take a lead role in the operational running of the
wharekai and the kāuta; as well as to contribute to the strategic
management of both.
Qualification specifications
Qualification award
This qualification will be awarded to people who have met the
requirements (outcomes) of the graduate profile.
Credit gained for an outcome of the graduate profile may be
used only once to meet the requirements of this qualification.
Awarding bodies for this qualification will be any institution
accredited under section 38 of the Education Amendment Act
2011 to deliver a programme leading to the qualification.
Minimum requirements for the qualification certificate are the:
 full qualification title
 NZQF reference number
 NZQF logo
 the name and logo of the awarding body, and
 date of award of the qualification.
If the awarding body has been awarded the Mātauranga Māori
Quality Assurance (MM QA) Mark for a programme of study
leading to this qualification, the certificate will also display the
MM QA Mark.
Arrangements for managing
The process for ensuring consistency of Manaaki Marae Marae Hospitality graduate profiles will be evidence-based,
outcomes-focussed, and grounded in the MM EQA kaupapa
Maori principles: Te Reo Māori, Tikanga, Whanaungatanga,
Manaakitanga, Pukengatanga, Kaitiakitanga, Rangatiratanga,
All institutions (either arranging training or delivering
programmes that lead to the award of the qualification) are
required to participate in a biennial consistency event with the
qualification developer. The purpose of this event will be to
confirm consistency of qualification outcome achievement by
the institutions’ graduates.
The system will be funded on a contributory basis.
The qualification developer will facilitate an initial regional
event to introduce and present the qualification.
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The qualification developer may appoint an external
reviewer(s) to manage the consistency process, review
consistency event outcomes, and prepare a report which will
be distributed to the institutions and other relevant
The biennial consistency event will involve:
 peer review of evidence associated with graduates’
achievement of outcomes
 establishing a periodic cycle for the review kaupapa
focus for the external consistency review
 agreeing acceptable standards and/or benchmarks for
qualification outcome achievement, and areas for
 identifying issues and/or improvement opportunities
associated with outcome achievement.
Credit transfer and recognition of
prior learning arrangements
The qualification developer considers that programme owners
should be responsible for determining how to evidence the
consistency of their graduates against the requirements of the
graduate profile outcomes. However, standard evidence for all
programme providers will include:
 portfolios of student work relating to the qualification
and the annual kaupapa focus requirements of the
consistency event
And one of the following:
 graduate and/or stakeholder/end-user feedback on
outcome achievement
 institutions’ moderation outcomes, which may include
moderation/benchmarking across common
 relevant MM EQA external evaluation and review data.
Each institution must have policies and procedures in place for
managing credit transfer, and assessing recognition of prior
learning (RPL) and recognition of current competency (RCC).
These policies and procedures, and associated fees must be
available to the candidates prior to enrolment.
Where recognition of existing skills and knowledge is required
by the candidate, this will be arranged by the institution
delivering the programme leading to the qualification.
To facilitate credit transfer, institutions must clearly demonstrate
the equivalency between each of the outcomes in the graduate
profile, and the assessment components of their programmes.
Minimum standard of achievement
and standards for grade
The minimum standard of achievement required for the award of
the qualification will be the achievement of all the outcomes
listed in the graduate profile.
There are no grade endorsements for this qualification.
Entry requirements (including
prerequisites to meet regulatory
body or legislative requirements)
Qualification Reference XXXX
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 20XX
There are no mandatory prerequisites to meet regulatory body or
legislative requirements for this qualification.
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Qualification conditions
Overarching conditions relating to the qualification
Conditions for programme
Conditions for programme context
Programmes leading to award of this qualification must identify
the context, and must justify the allocation of credits to graduate
profile outcomes within the programme, in light of the
requirements of the context.
Institutions offering programmes leading to the award of this
qualification are encouraged to work with their Māori
Department and/or their local marae. Their involvement will be
useful in providing the context required.
Other conditions
Programmes leading to the award of this qualification will be
evaluated using the Mātauranga Maori Evaluative Quality
Assurance (MM EQA) tools, processes, and methodologies.
Specific conditions relating to the Graduate profile
Qualification outcomes
Demonstrate understanding of
legislative requirements for
managing a whare kai
Plan, run, and evaluate a catered
event at a marae
Identify traditional Māori food
preparation and integrate into
modern preparation/cooking practice
The following mandatory conditions must be
applied to all programmes:
 Food Hygiene Regulations 1974
 Food (Safety) Regulations 2002
 Food Act 1981
 Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992
 and any other relevant legislation.
Te reo Māori me ngā tikanga Māori are inherent
and embedded within the principles and values
of this qualification.
Apply knowledge of, and
demonstrate skills in, the
preservation and sustainability of
traditional kai Māori
Lead a team in the kāuta/ wharekai
in accordance with local tikanga
Facilitate team progress for a
designated task in the kāuta/
wharekai (mahi tahi)
Manage and administer tākoha in
accordance with the tikanga of the
Apply knowledge of, and
demonstrate skills in, the
preservation and sustainability of
traditional kai Māori
Qualification Reference XXXX
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 20XX
It is recommended the following topics be
included in programme development leading to
this qualification:
 tapu and noa
 tikanga, marae kawa, and wharekai kawa
 tākoha
 manaakitanga
 kaitiakitanga
 whanaungatanga
 rangatiratanga
 mana.
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Qualification Reference XXXX
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 20XX
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