NZQF 1 Application for Approval to Develop Qualifications at Levels 1-6 1. Qualification Developer Details Qualification developer name MoE No. Contact name and title Contact details Will the qualification(s) be jointly developed? If Yes, include other TEO name(s), MoE No(s), and titles of the qualification(s) they jointly developed 2. Proposed Qualification(s) Please attach a separate draft qualification document for each of the new qualifications Proposed Qualification Title Level Credits Developer’s File Ref 1 Qualification Type 2 3 3. Reviewed Qualification(s) The following qualifications are intended to be replaced or discontinued Ref or Id Qualification Title Level Credits 1 2 3 4. Replacement Relationships (if applicable) Ref or Id Reviewed Title(s) New Qualification Title(s) Ref or Id Reviewed Title(s) New Qualification Title(s) Ref or Id Reviewed Title(s) New Qualification Title(s) A B C Version 1.2 July 2013 NZQF 1 5. Strategic Need for New Qualification(s) Summary of strategic need Confirmation of NZQF search and identification of substantially similar qualifications for each of the qualification(s) in the application other than those that are being reviewed Where duplication does exist – justification for proposed new qualification(s) 6. Stakeholder Profile for Qualification(s) Stakeholder name Reason for Inclusion Nature of involvement (Individual, group or organisation) (Why they are appropriate, credible, representative) (What contribution they made to the initial development process) Explanation and justification for proceeding where one or more mandatory stakeholders have not supported the new qualification(s) 7. Attachment Checklist Evidence required Attached No. of attachments A Needs Analysis or Report confirming the need for the qualification(s) Attestations (NZQF2) completed and signed by key stakeholders identified in Section 6 (upload PDF) Separate document(s) for each qualification (prepare in Word Template – upload PDF version when applying, and then email Word documents to Service Support, with the Case number in the Subject line) Outcomes of a Qualification Review: Changing the Status of Current Qualifications (NZQF4) Version 1.2 July 2013 NZQF 1 Appendix Summary of Forms and Documents Required for Approval to Develop and Approval to List NZQF # Title of Form Approval to Develop Approval to List 1 Application for Approval to Develop Qualification(s) at Levels 1-6 2 Involvement in Pre-Development Stakeholder Attestation 3 Application for Approval to List Qualification(s) at Levels 16 4 Involvement in Qualification Development Stakeholder Attestation 5 Report of the Qualifications Review 6 Outcomes of a Qualification Review: Changing the Status of Current Qualifications Other documents Approval to Develop Needs Analysis or Report confirming need Qualification Document(s) Response Report addressing issues raised at Approval to Develop and any other changes Transition Checks and Change Report for National Qualifications Approval to List Optional Version 1.2 July 2013