Personal and Professional Data for faculty members at the Chemistry Departments of the University of Debrecen Name: Year of birth: Qualification: university degree year: major: ------other: other degree: Employer: Job title: University of Debrecen other: --------------- ------other: Scientific or academic degrees: member of HAS year: corresponding member of HAS year: D.Sc. degree year: habilitation year: Ph.D. year: field: ----- other: C.Sc. year: field: ----- other: Hungarian Personal Scholarships: Széchenyi Professorial Fellowship duration: Széchenyi István Fellowship duration: Bolyai János research fellowship duration: Békésy György postdoctoral fellowship duration: OTKA postdoctoral fellowship duration: other (name and duration): Beginning year of employment as a faculty member: Tick if you teach at least one specialized (optional) course: Five most important courses ever taught: 1. Years of teaching: Short name of course: Students: ------- 2. Years of teaching: Short name of course: Students: ------- 3. Years of teaching: Short name of course: Students: ------- 4. Years of teaching: Short name of course: Students: ------- 5. Years of teaching: Short name of course: Students: ------- Total number of scientific publications (not in conference proceedings) total: last five years (in 2000 and later): Total number of scientific publications in international refereed journals total: last five years (in 2000 and later): Lectures and poster presented at Hungarian and international meetings total: last five years (in 2000 and later): Five important teaching-related publications during the last five years: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Five most important scientific publications (journal article, book section or book, only ones that are different from those listed in the previous question) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Check if you are a member of the Hungarian Chemical Society. Check if you are a member of the Public Chamber if the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Check if you are a member of a Working Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. If yes, give the name of the working group here: Duties (current or former) at the University of Debrecen and their duration: Membership in Hungarian professional or scientific societies: Membership in international professional or scientific societies: Three most important visit to other academic institutions (year, institution, duration) 1. 2. 3. Two most important current scientific collaborations (name and institute of collaborator) 1. 2. Check if you are a full-time employee of more that two higher education institution. Thank you for taking the time and effort to complete this form.