Steps to Delegate Salary Pools

To delegate parts of your pool to others:
Go to
and click on “Salary Increase Portal”
1. The pool manager uses his/her PennKey and Password to enter into the PennWorks
salary increase modeling tool.
2. Click “Define My Pools” link ( on left)
3. Click “Create Pool” button
4. Choose “Parent” from drop-down list- (which is your current pool)
5. Go to “Name” box and create a name for the new sub-pool
6. Go to “Manager” box and name the manager (person to whom you will be delegating)
7. “Manager May View Ratings” --If there is a check in this box the newly assigned
manager will be able to see performance ratings (current and history). – This is
sensitive data that should only be viewed by appropriate supervisors or managers.
To prohibit this access remove the check from the box.
8. Adjust “Target % Increase” if applicable. Your parent target % cannot exceed 2.75%.
9. Click “Add Employee Roles to the Pool” button
10. Click “Find” button on bottom left of page
11. Scroll down and select staff members that you want to delegate to the pool you are
creating by toggling a check mark in the box
12. Click “Add Selected to Pool” button
13. Click “OK” button in pop-up box
14. Click “Back to Pool” button on bottom left of page
15. Scroll down to review accuracy of list
16. Click “Submit” button on bottom left of page
17. Click “OK"
You have now created a new pool. An email will be sent overnight that informs the newly
assigned pool manager that they have been given the pool. That person will then be able to go
into the program and set salary adjustments for assigned staff. These salary adjustments will
come back to the overall pool manager for final approval.