TEACHING ENHANCEMENT GRANT APPLICATION University of St. Thomas Center for Faculty Development Submit electronically to the Faculty Development Center (facdevctr@stthomas.edu) by 4:00 pm on March 1. Name: UST ID number: Department: Email: College/School: Campus mailbox: Submission Date: Faculty status: _ Full Prof _ Assoc. Prof _ Asst. Prof Tenure status: _ Tenured _ On tenure track _ Clinical _ Adjunct _ Not applicable_ Other: __________ Date of Initial Tenure-track appointment at UST (if applicable): Academic year of proposed work (Semester & Year): Total amount requested: Please note that TEG funding is not available for new course development. Please indicate the year/semester you last taught the course you are proposing to revise: Title of Proposed Project: Abstract of the project. Briefly describe project goals, methods, and anticipated outcomes. (150 word limit, 12 point font, single spaced): Revised Form (3/16/15) Grantee Agreements: _______I do not have any Final Reports due for previous Faculty Development grants. _______I agree to cover charges in excess of expenses provided by Faculty Development grants from my personal or departmental funds. _______I understand that if my research will involve human subjects, I will be required to obtain approval from UST's Institutional Review Board (IRB) before beginning the project. See the IRB website for information: (http://www.stthomas.edu/irb). _______I agree to submit to the Faculty Development Committee a Final Report, which includes a project evaluation and an accounting of funds spent, by October 1, for a summer project, or by March 1, for a fall or J-term project. Applicant signature:____________________________________________ Date submitted: ______________________ Revised Form (3/16/15) List sources of external and internal funding for scholarly activity over the past six years. List the grant type(s), year(s) of the awards, and project titles. Briefly describe the outcomes of that work or how it has contributed to your scholarly activity during this time. Include ALL Faculty Development grants received except Distinguished Visitor grants. Expand the number of rows, if needed, by using tab key. Grant Project Title and Year Outcomes of the work BUDGET Itemization of Budget. Complete the following budget form by entering the requested amounts in the appropriate categories for funds requested from the Center for Faculty Development and for any other funding sources for this project for which you have applied. This grant may not duplicate release time or a stipend provided for this same project by other UST internal funds. FD Fund Request Stipend Total Cost Supplies Travel Other (specify) TOTAL Justification of budget expenses Provide justification for the budget request for each category of support requested as it pertains to the proposed activities described in the narrative. If the budget request involves travel funds, please break those down into categories with amounts specified for transportation, lodging, and meals. Revised Form (3/16/15) NARRATIVE: (limited to 5 pages, double-spaced, 12 point font). Provide information for all of the following topics (see instructions for more details). 1. Rationale and need for project 2. Goals and objectives 3. Activities 4. Evaluation 5. Dissemination Please use separate pages for each appendix APPENDIX 1 – TIMETABLE APPENDIX 2 – BIBLIOGRAPHY (works cited and general references) APPENDIX 3 – CURRICULUM VITAE (limit 4 pages, single spaced; include information only under the following headings o o o o o o Name and contact information (email, campus mail, campus phone) Education (years and degrees) Academic appointments (years and titles) Grants and other honors or awards (last 10 years) Courses taught (last six years) Publications, especially those relevant to the current project (last 10 years) with complete list of authors and journal reference information o Other professional activity relevant to the project (e.g., consultancies, travel, organizational leadership, collaborations) APPENDIX 4 – SUPPORTING MATERIALS Revised Form (3/16/15)