DISTINGUISHED EARLY CAREER GRANT APPLICATION University of St. Thomas Center for Faculty Development Submit electronically to the Faculty Development Center (facdevctr@stthomas.edu) by 4:00 pm on June 1. Name: UST ID number: Department: College/School: Email: Campus mailbox: Submission Date: Faculty status: _ Full Prof _ Assoc. Prof _ Asst. Prof Tenure status: _ Tenured _ On tenure track _ Clinical _ Not applicable _ Adjunct _ Other: __________ Date of Initial Tenure-track appointment at UST (if applicable): Academic years of proposed work: 1. Title of Proposed Project: 2. Abstract of the project. Briefly describe project goals, methods, and anticipated outcomes. (150 word limit, 12 point font, single spaced): 3. Start date of project (semester/year): 4. End date of project (semester/year): 5. Itemize support for each academic year of the above designated grant period; what support do you request in terms of release time? Provide a listing of release time for each semester of each year of grant support. Revised Form (1/28/15) 6. List sources of external and internal funding for scholarly activity over the past six years. List the grant type(s), year(s) of the awards, and project titles. Briefly describe the outcomes of that work or how it has contributed to your scholarly activity during this time. Include ALL Faculty Development grants received except Distinguished Visitor grants. Use the tab key to expand the table and add more rows. Grant Type and Year Project Title Outcomes of the work Grantee Agreements: ________I agree to submit a Final Report to the Center for Faculty Development within three months of the date indicated for completion of the project. I understand that the submission of this final report is a necessary condition for further funding from Faculty Development. ________I do not have any Final Reports due for previous Faculty Development grants. (Check with the Center if you are uncertain.) ________I understand that if my research will involve human subjects, I will be required to obtain approval from UST's Institutional Review Board (IRB) before beginning the project. See the IRB website for information: (http://www.stthomas.edu/irb). _______I understand that if my research will involve animal subjects, I will be required to obtain approval from UST’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee before beginning the project. Contact Dr. Simon Emms (skemms@stthomas.edu) for more information. Applicant signature:____________________________________________ (electronic) Date: __________________________ STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE OF PREVIOUS SCHOLARLY WORK: Revised Form (1/28/15) PROJECT NARRATIVE: APPENDIX 1. BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX 2. CURRICULUM VITAE APPENDIX 3. OTHER SUPPORTING MATERIALS Revised Form (1/28/15)