Distinguished Visitors Grant Application Form

University of St. Thomas
Center for Faculty Development
Submit electronically to the Faculty Development Center (facdevctr@stthomas.edu).
UST ID number:
Campus mailbox:
Submission Date:
Faculty status: _ Full Prof _ Assoc. Prof _ Asst. Prof
Tenure status: _ Tenured
_ On tenure track
_ Clinical
_ Not applicable
_ Adjunct
_ Other: ________
Date of Initial Tenure-track appointment at UST (if applicable):
Academic year of proposed work (Semester & Year):
Please answer the following questions:
1. Name and affiliation of proposed Distinguished Visitor:
2. What makes this person worthy of being brought to campus as a Distinguished Visitor?
Remember that people who are well known within a discipline can be relatively unknown
outside the discipline. Attach a curriculum vitae for the proposed visitor.
3. Dates of the visit:
4. Purpose of the visit?
5. Provide a schedule for the visit. (this may be in tabular or narrative form). For each event on
the schedule, describe the (a)nature of the event itself, (b)topic to be addressed, and (c)who will
be invited.
6. What type of advertising will be done to make the visitor’s activities known to relevant
constituencies, and to the UST community at large?
7. Since Distinguished Visitors are expected to have a broad, interdisciplinary appeal to the
University faculty, and other constituencies, we require co-sponsorship (by a unit outside of the
unit making application) of each visit. Such co-sponsorship is most often demonstrated through
contribution to the expenses of the visit but may also be demonstrated through direct
participation in the programming of the visit (e.g. the schedule might include a visit to a class in
the co-sponsor’s Department.; a breakfast meeting with the co-sponsoring program’s faculty; a
multidisciplinary reading group in anticipation of the visit that is organized by a co-sponsor, etc..
Revised Form (7/20/12)
Advertising to campus faculty at large is not considered co-sponsorship.
List the Department/program(s) that will co-sponsor this Visitor and for each describe in
what tangible way(s) they will be participating in this visit:
8. When was the last time that your Department/Program was awarded a Distinguished
Visitor grant? _____________________
9. Complete the budget form below.
Budget for Distinguished Visitor Application
1. Total expected budget for this visit: _________________
2. Complete the following table. List the individual expense items (e.g. airfare, honoraria,
lodging, advertising, dinner seminar, luncheon) included in this budget and give an estimate for
the total amount needed for each expense item, the source of funding for that item and the
amount of funding provided by that source (Add more rows to the table if needed)
Total amount
needed ($)
Source of funding
Amt. funding
provided by source
3. Total amount requested from Faculty Development: _____________________
(Reminder: The amount requested from Faculty Development may not exceed $1000 or 75% of
the total budget, whichever is smaller.)
Revised Form (7/20/12)