Case Study – Technology and Population Growth Theory: Population is limited by technology change. One hypothesis is that technology change increses with population, since there are more minds available to generate new technology. Thus, large population should be associated with more technology change, and thus more population growth. The Malthusian model believes population increases after major technological advances. Data: Population (in Millions) and subsequent annual growth rate for 37 time periods from –1M BC through 1980. Year -1000000 -300000 -25000 -10000 -5000 -4000 -3000 -2000 -1000 -500 -200 1 200 400 600 800 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800 1850 1875 1900 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 Population (Mill) .125 1.000 3.340 4.000 5.000 7.000 14.000 27.000 50.000 100.000 150.000 170.000 190.000 190.000 200.000 220.000 265.000 320.000 360.000 360.000 350.000 425.000 545.000 545.000 610.000 720.000 900.000 1200.000 1325.000 1625.000 1813.000 1987.000 2213.000 2516.000 3019.000 3693.000 4450.000 5333.000 Annual growth rate (prop) .00000297 .00000439 .00003100 .00004500 .00033600 .00069300 .00065700 .00061600 .00138600 .00135200 .00062300 .00055900 .00000000 .00025600 .00047700 .00093100 .00188600 .00117800 .00000000 -.00028170 .00194200 .00248700 .00000000 .00225300 .00331600 .00446300 .00575400 .00396400 .00816400 .00830600 .00916400 .01077200 .01283200 .01822600 .02015100 .01864600 .01810100 . Period Length 700000 250000 15000 5000 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 300 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 . Explanation of annual growth rate (stated as proportion in previous table): Going from 1980 to 1990: P1980 (1 gr1980 ) pl1980 4450(1 .01810100)10 4450(1.1964888) 5324.4 P1990 In general, to get the growth rate between periods t and t+1, of length lt : P grt t 1 Pt 1 / lt 1 Plot of growth rate versus population with ordinary least squares fit (population converted to billions, growth rate converted to percent): Linear Regression grow thp = -0.00 + 0.52 * popb R-Square = 0.92 2.00 growthp 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 popb 4.00 5.00 OLS Regression Analysis and Durbin-Watson Statistic: Model Summaryb Model 1 R .960a R Square .922 Adjusted R Square .919 Std. Error of the Estimate .17287 Durbin-W ats on 1.097 a. Predictors: (Constant), POPB b. Dependent Variable: GROWTHP Coeffi cientsa Model 1 (Const ant) POPB Unstandardized Coeffic ients B St d. Error -.002 .036 .524 .026 St andardiz ed Coeffic ients Beta .960 t -.064 20.290 Sig. .950 .000 a. Dependent Variable: GROW THP Note that the critical values for the Durbin-Watson Statistic with 1 predictor and 37 observations are dL = 1.419 and dU = 1.530. Since 1.097 lies below both values, we reject the null hypothesis of no autocorrelation among the residuals. Plot of Residuals versus Time Order: .6 .4 .2 -.0 -.2 -.4 -.6 1 3 5 7 9 Case Number 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 Weighted Least Squares – Weights are Period Length Expecting less uncertainty in average growth rates over longer periods. WLS Estimation: ^ W ^ W n Choose 0 and 1 that minimize Q wi (Yi ( 0 1 X i )) 2 W i 1 Create new variables: Yi* wi Yi and X i* wi X i where in this problem, the weighting variable is period length. Then fit OLS on transformed Y and X. WLS Regression Analysis: Model Summaryb,c Model 1 R .918a R Square .844 Adjusted R Square .839 Std. Error of the Estimate 1.14562 Durbin-W ats on .845 a. Predictors: (Constant), POPB b. Dependent Variable: GROWTHP c. Weighted Leas t Squares Regres sion - Weighted by PRDLNGTH Coeffi cientsa,b Model 1 (Const ant) POPB Unstandardized Coeffic ients B St d. Error .000 .001 .504 .037 St andardiz ed Coeffic ients Beta .918 t .336 13.741 a. Dependent Variable: GROW THP b. W eighted Leas t Squares Regres sion - W eighted by PRDLNGTH Sig. .739 .000 Testing for Heteroskedasticity Among the Residuals We might suspect that the variance of the residuals is proportional to the reciprocal of the period length, since we can loosely think of having averaged over the years of the period. That is : V (Y ) 2 n Also, we might expect that measurement error is worse the further back in time we go (at least proportionally). To test for heteroskedasticity, we first collect the squared residuals from the OLS and WLS regressions fit previously, then regress them on the reciprocal of period length and year. 1) OLS Squared Residuals a) Regressed on Inverse Period Length and Year: Model Summaryb Model 1 R .569a R Square .324 Adjusted R Square .284 Std. Error of the Estimate .05616 Durbin-W ats on 1.739 a. Predictors: (Constant), YEAR, INVPL b. Dependent Variable: RES_OLS2 Coeffi cientsa Model 1 Unstandardized Coeffic ients B St d. Error (Const ant) 1.698E-05 .012 INVPL 1.015 .255 YEAR -4. 91E-11 .000 St andardiz ed Coeffic ients Beta t Sig. .999 .000 .999 .001 3.977 -.001 .569 .000 a. Dependent Variable: RES_OLS2 b) Regressed on Inverse Period Length Model Summaryb Model 1 R .569a Adjusted R Square .304 R Square .324 Std. Error of the Estimate .05535 Durbin-W ats on 1.739 a. Predictors: (Constant), INVPL b. Dependent Variable: RES_OLS2 Coeffi cientsa Model 1 Unstandardized Coeffic ients B St d. Error (Const ant) 1.977E-05 .011 INVPL 1.015 .248 a. Dependent Variable: RES_OLS2 St andardiz ed Coeffic ients Beta .569 t .002 4.094 Sig. .999 .000 2) WLS Squared Residuals a) Regressed on Inverse Period Length and Year: Model Summaryb Model 1 R .575a Adjusted R Square .292 R Square .331 Std. Error of the Estimate .05800 Durbin-W ats on 1.701 a. Predictors: (Constant), YEAR, INVPL b. Dependent Variable: RES_WLS2 Coeffi cientsa Model 1 (Const ant) INVPL YEAR Unstandardized Coeffic ients B St d. Error -.001 .012 1.066 .264 -9. 98E-10 .000 St andardiz ed Coeffic ients Beta t -.060 4.046 -.017 .576 -.002 Sig. .952 .000 .986 a. Dependent Variable: RES_W LS2 b) Regressed on Inverse Period Length Model Summaryb Model 1 R .575a R Square .331 Adjusted R Square .312 Std. Error of the Estimate .05716 Durbin-W ats on 1.701 a. Predictors: (Constant), INVPL b. Dependent Variable: RES_WLS2 Coeffi cientsa Model 1 (Const ant) INVPL Unstandardized Coeffic ients B St d. Error -.001 .012 1.066 .256 St andardiz ed Coeffic ients Beta .575 t -.059 4.161 Sig. .953 .000 a. Dependent Variable: RES_W LS2 Thus, we can see that for both OLS and WLS models, the squared residuals are proportional to inverse period length. Source: M. Kremer (1993). “Population Growth and Technological Change: One Million B.C. to 1990”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 108, #3,. pp681-716.