
28th Annual Forum on Workplace Inclusion Highlights
March 29 -31, 2016 •Minneapolis, MN
About this Template…
We’ve all been there. You’re back at the office after a conference and your
leadership, or your team, wants to know what were the take-aways - and the
all important question - how did your time away for three days benefit you and
the organization? This presentation template is provided for you to:
1. Document conference highlights and what you learned.
2. Share your learning and keep it alive.
3. Start conversations that will help make all the difference!
Check out the slide notes section for additional bold conversation ideas and
presentation tips.
What is The Forum on
Workplace Inclusion?
The Forum, presented by the University of St. Thomas Opus College
of Business, facilitates connections, learning and progress for people
seeking to grow their leadership and effectiveness in the field of
diversity and inclusion by:
2016 Conference Features
General Sessions with Speakers and Panels
Bold Conversations on Race
The Forum Marketplace
Career Fair and Career Coaching
Spotlight Series
Seminars & Concurrent Sessions
Networking Events
Day 1 Themes: Ignite
 What stood out on Day 1?
Day 1: Seminars
 If you attended a seminar on Day 1,
please include your key points here
 Consider a bold question you’d like the
group to consider after presenting what
you’ve learned. Shape your presentation to
prepare for that conversation
Day 2 Themes: Illuminate
“What does it mean to truly
be a global leader?”
 What stood out on Day 2?
Critical Trends
Day 3 Themes: Impact
“What does it take to make
a difference?”
 What stood out on Day 3?
Day 3 Morning Panel
 Insert information here that you learned
during the morning general session
 Intel
 Starbucks
 Major League Baseball
 Wells Fargo
What is our “True North?”
 Add your take-aways
from Bill George’s
closing comments
about leading change
The Forum Marketplace
 Highlight the intel you gathered from the
Visual Forum, Exhibitors, or Spotlight
Concurrent Session Learning
Highlight what you learned from the
concurrent sessions you attended
Go to The Forum website or app to
download any handouts you would like
to share
Key Topics Relevant to Us
Highlight conference topics that are
most relevant to you team or
What I learned at The Forum…
Summarize what excited or
surprised you about what you
heard and experienced at The
What bold conversations do you
think are most needed?
What new directions do you
What is Inclusion?
Why it’s important for us?
 How does it benefit the organization?
Your answer…
 How does it benefit our team?
Your answer…
 How does this benefit you?
Your answer…
Now what?
Moving Forward…
 What actions might we take
individually, as a team or as an
organization to evolve or thinking and
take action to deepen or advance our
inclusion work?
Additional Resources
• Webinars
• Forum hosted free webinars:
• Events
• Diversity Insights sponsored by The Forum at the
University of St. Thomas:
28th Annual Forum on Workplace Inclusion Highlights
March 29 -31, 2016 •Minneapolis, MN