Public investment in women care giving role Czech Republic Gender Equality Unit

Sharing and balancing life-work responsibilities
Public investment in women care giving role
Czech Republic
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Gender Equality Unit
Lucia Zachariášová
General remarks
• Gender Equality Unit (Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs)
• Coordination and preparation of strategies of the government
gender policy
• Secretariat of Government Council for Equal Opportunities of
Women and Men and its committees and working group
• Balancing work, private and family life
• important for other areas within gender policy such as:
o higher participation of women in decision-making positions
o strengthening economic independence of women
o combating violence against women
o etc.
Adoption of Antidiscrimination Act
• Effective from 2009
• General law prohibiting discrimination
• including gender as one of the discrimination grounds
• Areas covered by Antidiscrimination Act
• Employment
• Entrepreneurship
• Social Security
• etc.
• Above mentioned areas are closely linked to solutions for
balancing work, private and family life
Committee for Balancing Work, Private and Family Life
of the Government Council for Equal Opportunities of Women and Men
• Government Council for Equal Opportunities of Women and Men
• advisory body of the Government established in 2001
• Committee for Balancing Work, Private and Family Life
• established in 2009
• preparation of proposals, recommendations and initiatives for the
Council (than it may be submitted to the Government)
• two main areas
1.) child-care services (especially pre-school age children)
2.) flexible working arrangements
• Members: public administration, employers’ associations, trade
unions or representatives of NGOs
• Crucial is membership of representatives of NGOs (for example
Network of Mother Centers).
Network of Mother Centers
• First Mother Center established in 1992
• Network of Mother Centers founded in 2002, more that 300
Mother Centers
• Contributions of Mother Centers:
• strengthening self-confidence of mothers
• emphasis to active citizenship, influence social development and
political decisions
• child-care (meet the demand in the Czech Republic)
• building of caring community and solidarity
• open for all social classes, races, refugees and many others
• focusing on different groups, including employers and employees
• Membership in international subjects
• GROOTS International (from 1999)
• partnered with the Huairou Commission
• initiated the establishment of MINE
Working Group Men and Gender Equality
of the Government Council for Equal Opportunities of Women and Men
• Established in 2012
• One of the topics: men and care giving
• Members
• state administration
• academia
• representatives of NGOs (for example The League of Open Men)
How To, Dad?
Project of Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Implemented in 2010 and 2011
Main objectives
increase the number of men actively involved in parenthood
show men what they personally gain from parenthood
promote the value of fatherhood
fighting a discrimination of women in the labour market
balancing work and family life
encourage employers and society to spend more time thinking about fathers
qualitative and quantitative survey
media campaign
conferences of experts
Media campaign focused on married, single, divorced, biological or
adoptive fathers, experienced father as well as beginners
Counterbalance to the negative images of fatherhood in society and media
„Child Group“
Legislative proposal of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
• Capacity of child-care services reduced due to demographic
• New institute of so called child group
• alternative to other types of child-care services
• established and operated (usually) by employers for their employees
• less strict standards
• Tax deduction for employers who establish a child group for their
employees - motivation for employers
• Strengthen social responsibility and solidarity of employers
• Strengthen higher loyalty of employees and positive working
• Influence return and position of women on the labour market
after parental leave
• Pilot project of child group in the Ministry of Labour and Social
Affairs – good example for public administration and employers
• Care giving role is an important part of lives of both, women and
• Direct line between care giving role and balancing work, private
and family life
• Balancing work, private and family life enable women to develop
care giving role and at the same time pursue their professional
needs and ambitions (they don't need to choose)
• Sharing of care giving role between women and men and
involvement of men is important
• Cooperation of state administration and NGOs is important
• Overcoming gender stereotypes
Thank you for your attention.
+420 221 923 487
+420 777 467 571
Gender Equality Unit
Section of the Deputy Minister for
Social Inclusion and Equal Opportunities
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Na Poříčním právu 1
128 01 Prague 2