Intro. Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions The QCD Phase Transition Manuel Calderón de la Barca Sánchez What happens to strongly interacting matter at high temperature? at high density? Key Features: Intrinsic size of hadrons Hadron radius: rh » 1 fm 4 3 Need a Volume Vh » p rh to exist. 3 Implies a limiting density: 3 1 nc » = 0.23 1/fm 3 » 1.5nNM where nNM = 0.16 1/fm Vh Pomeranchuk, Doklady Akad. Nauk. SSSR 78 (1951) 2 Resonances Exponential hadron spectrum: r(m) ~ exp(m / T ) First appearance: Statistical Bootstrap Model, R. Hagedorn: Nuovo Cim. Suppl. 3, 147 (1965) 2, 16 Hadron Thermodynamics: Limiting temperature of Hadronic Matter. Tc » 150 - 200 MeV Can we go beyond nc and Tc? 6/28/20 Phy 224C 2 Deconfinement transition: Wear your colors proudly! Hadronic Matter: Colorless constituents of hadronic size Quark-Gluon Plasma: Colored constituents, pointlike. Deconfinement: Color Conductor Transition in QCD Chiral transition: Lose the weights that bind you! Shift in the effective mass of constituent quarks. At T=0 in the vacuum: quarks are “dressed” with gluons Constituent quarks Bare quark mass: mq » 0, becomes constituent quark mass:M q » 300 MeV In a hot QGP: Dressing melts. M q ® 0 Since , Lagrangian has chiral symmetry for mq » 0 M q » 300 MeV : Chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken. M q ® 0 : Chiral symmetry restoration. 6/28/20 Phy 224C 3 Chiral: “Handedness” Dirac Fields can be decomposed into “right” or “left” æ 0 0 1 0 ö handed projections ç ÷ 1- g 1+ g y = y, and y = y where g 5 º ig 0g 1g 2g 3 = ç 0 0 0 1 ÷ 5 L 5 R 2 2 ç 1 0 0 0 ÷ ç ÷ 0 1 0 0 è ø For massless particles: chirality is the same as helicity Helicity: Right Handed: direction of motion equals direction of spin. For massive particles: chirality ≠ helicity Must rely on definition of yL and yR 6/28/20 Phy 224C 4 When yL and yR transform independently QCD with two massless quarks In terms of left and right handed spinors: Define: é u ù q =ê ú d ë û so we can write: This is invariant under a rotation of qR by any 2x2 unitary matrix a rotation of qL by any 2x2 unitary matrix This symmetry is called chiral symmetry 6/28/20 Phy 224C 5 For two massless quarks, the QCD vacuum breaks the exact SU(2)RxSU(2)L symmetry. Quark condensate: y y ¹ 0 at low temperature Goldstone bosons which correspond to the three broken generators: pions. They are massive: QCD gives mass to pions, protons. y y ® 0 at large T : order parameter. Pions would be approximately massless at large T. In the real world, QCD vacuum only has an approximate SU(2)RxSU(2)L symmetry. Pions have small, but non-zero mass, at large T. Changes in the spectral properties of r meson? 6/28/20 Phy 224C 6 Diquark Matter Deconfined quarks : attractive interaction Can form colored, bosonic, “diquark” pairs QCD Equivalent of QED Cooper pairs Form QCD quark condensate Color superconductor 6/28/20 Phy 224C 7 Simplest form of Confined Matter: Pion Gas: Pp = p2 1 3T 4 » T 4 90 3 Simplest form of Deconfined Matter: Ideal, weakly coupled, Quark-Gluon Plasma PQGP = p2 æ ö 4 7 4 2 ´ 8 + [2 ´ 2 ´ 2 ´ 3] ç ÷T - B » 4T - B ø 90 è 8 B: Bag Pressure QCD Vacuum: ideal color dielectric 6/28/20 Phy 224C Expels color field Color charge is confined Bag pressure: Difference btw physical vacuum & quark-gluon ground state B1/4 ~ 200 MeV (Quarkonium Spectroscopy) 8 Compare: Pp (T ), PQGP (T ) vs. T Phase transition from Hadronic Matter at low T to QGP at high T. Critical Temperature: 2 2 6/28/20 I n c r e a s i n g T 3p 4 37 p 4 45 4 Pp = PQGP Þ Tc = Tc - B Þ T c = B Þ Tc » 150 MeV 2 Phy 224C 9 90 90 17 p Pion Gas: QGP: 1st Order phase transition, by construction: At Tc, energy density changes abruptly Discontinuous jump Latent heat of deconfinement 6/28/20 Phy 224C 10 Compare energy density and pressure Ideal Gas: “Interaction Measure”: Shows that for Tc £ T £ 2 - 3Tc QGP is strongly interacting (not ideal gas) 6/28/20 Phy 224C 11 Partition Function: Z(T,V) Thermodynamic quantities: æ ¶ln Z ö P =T ç ÷ è ¶V øT For 2, 2+1 flavors: 6/28/20 Phy 224C 12 Deconfinement Transition mq ® ¥ F (r,T ) é Nt -1 ù - QQ Polyakov Loop : L(T ) = Tr êÕU 4 ( j,n)ú = lim e 2T êë j=0 úû r®¥ F free energy of QQpair for r ®¥ QQ ìï = 0, T < T confinement L L(T ) í ïî ¹ 0, T > TL deconfinement mq ® 0 Chiral Condensate: c (T ) º yy ~ M q Chiral Transition Measures dynamically generated (constituent) quark mass ì ¹ 0, T < T chiral symmetry broken ï c c (T ) í ïî = 0, T > Tc chiral symmetry restored 6/28/20 Phy 224C 13 F. Karsch and E. Laermann: Phys. Rev. D 50, 6954 (1994 Polyakov Loop and Chiral Condensate In the appropriate limits: both transitions fall in the same universality class as the Z(3) Potts model In the real world, symmetries are not exact L(T) and c(T) still indicate a rapid change Both transitions occur at about the same temperature 6/28/20 Phy 224C 14 Interaction measure: Peaks above Tc Two regimes of QGP Strongly coupled QGP sQGP: Tc £ T £ (2 - 2.5)Tc Weakly coupled QGP wQGP: T ³ 2.5Tc Interaction measure in real QCD: interpreted as arising due to Bag pressure B. M. Asakawa and T. Hatsuda: Nuc Phy A 610, 470c (1996) or colored “resonance” states above Tc. 6/28/20 Phy 224C E. Shuryak and I. Zahed: Phys. Rev. C 70, 021901 (2004) 15 At m~0: rapid cross-over No discontinuity, no thermal singularity Strictly speaking: Phases are not distinct No phase transition between them Lattice: rapid transition. Something is changing, but how to better define/understand it? 6/28/20 Phy 224C 16 Making pudding, boiling egg Treated using “percolation” Formation of clusters Correspond to critical behavior Geometric (not thermodynamic) quantities diverge Cluster size Cannot be obtained from partition function Two-dimensional disk percolation distributed lilies randomly on surface of a pond (overlap ok) small disks, area a Pond, area A a When can ant walk across? 6/28/20 Phy 224C 17 For constituents with intrinsic scale formation of infinite connected clusters S(n):average cluster size increases with increasing density n=N/A Suddendly, at n=nc, clusters are large enough to span pond S~A Limit: N ®¥, A ®¥, n = constant S(n), and 6/28/20 dS(n) diverge dn at n ® nc Geometric form of critical behavior Phy 224C 18 2-D disks : nc =1.13 / p r 2 68 % of space covered, 32 % empty when an ant can cross, a ship cannot, and vice versa But Only in 2-D 3-D spheres (Hadrons: nc rh 0.34 / (4 p r 3 / 3) = 0.16 fm-3 : 0.8 fm ) Hadron Percolation 29 % of space covered, 71 % empty both cluster and empty space are connected nc 1.24 / (4 p r 3 / 3) = 0.56 fm-3 : 6/28/20 71% of space covered, 29% empty connected vacuum disappears Assume medium is ideal gas of hadrons and their resonances: nres (Tc ) = nc Þ Tc 170 MeV Phy 224C Vacuum Percolation 19 At high temperatures and/or densities, strongly interacting matter becomes a QGP; How can we probe its properties and its behavior as function of temperature and density? Given a volume of strongly interacting matter and an energy source, how can we determine its state at different temperatures? Possible probes: Hadron Radiation EM Radiation Quarkonium Dissociation Parton energy loss 6/28/20 Phy 224C 20 Emission of light hadrons made of (u,d,s) quarks scale ~ 1 fm ~ 1/(200 MeV) Cannot exist in hot interior Formed at transition surface btw QGP and vacuum Light hadrons are born at T=Tc independent of initial temperature Carry information about hadronization stage Experimental observable: Same relative abundances, independent of initial energy density Does it not carry any information about pre-hadronic medium? 6/28/20 Phy 224C 21 Medium is not contained Can expand freely Hydrodynamic flow Radial Flow Boosts hadron momenta Elliptic Flow Non-spherical initial state in peripheral collisions Pressure gradients are different in different directions: Azimuthal anisotropy Final configuration of system depends on hydrodynamic time-evolution Can provide information about Equation of State of hot QGP 6/28/20 Phy 224C 22 Quark-gluon Interactions Quark-antiquark annihilation photons and dileptons Key: Do not carry color Leave medium ~ without further interaction Provide information at time of their production Probe of Hot QGP Difficulty: They are produced throughout system evolution Hadron gas can also produce electromagnetic radiation Experimental goal: disentangle hot thermal radiation from QGP versus other sources 6/28/20 Hadronic/EM Radiation: produced by medium. Phy 224C Other possibilities: External probes 23 Quarkonium cc,bb bound states Smaller than other hadrons rQQ rh 1 fm Binding energies: ~0.5-1 GeV > Tc Can survive above Tc in QGP Charmonia: J / y (1S) ® rJ /y 0.2 fm c c (1P) ® rc 0.3 fm y '(2S) ® ry¢ 0.4 fm Different quarkonia: melt at different Temperatures 6/28/20 Phy 224C 24 Shoot an energetic parton (q or g) through QGP Measure energy of outgoing beam Attenuation or “Quenching” Depends on medium density, r. Increases with temperature How do we get these external probes? “Hard probes” Quarkonia, charm, beauty, jets, energetic photons & dileptons Formed early in the collision: t~1/Q Hard scale: pQCD is applicable Rate can be compared to pp, pA data 6/28/20 Phy 224C 25 Thermodynamics of the Strong Interaction There is a transition around 160-190 MeV Color deconfinement Chiral symmetry restoration latent heat increases energy density The plasma near Tc is strongly coupled. Experimentally, we can probe it using: Hadronic and electromagnetic radiation Quarkonia Jets 6/28/20 Phy 224C 26