Intro. Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions Introduction and History of the Field. Manuel Calderón de la Barca Sánchez A relativistic heavy ion collision: Two nuclei colliding at √s ~ 1 – 10000 GeV Thousands of new particles are produced. The product of the collision is NOT a simple superposition of elementary nucleon-nucleon collisions. 6/28/20 Phy 224C 2 1950’s, the early days Natural accelerator: cosmic rays. Location of lab: Stratosphere! Balloon flights. Detector: Nuclear emulsions 6/28/20 Phy 224C 3 Fermi: Description of high-energy hadronic collisions using a statistical thermal model. Formation of a highly excited intermediate state: fireball Thermal equilibrium is reached in fireball. Decay into final state particles follows statistical rules 6/28/20 Phy 224C 4 Landau : Energy is deposited in small volume. ~ size of Lorentz-contracted nuclear overlap. Leads to formation of transient state. State undergoes hydrodynamical expansion. System cools down while expanding. Reaches a freeze out temperature. Tf ~ mp Below Tf, hadrons become free particles. 6/28/20 Phy 224C 5 Hagedorn: Study mass spectrum of hadronic resonances. Many of these were just being discovered. Observed a limiting temperature in mT spectra. Conjecture: A multi-hadron state should be described by thermodynamics with a limiting temperature. Assume spectrum of resonant states is exponential. As higher states are populated, T increases. If number of states increases exponentially, T saturates. Hagedorn temperature ~ 160 MeV ~ mp. r(m)µ ma exp(m / B) Þ Critical Temperature TC = B 6/28/20 Phy 224C 6 mid-1970s: Collins and Perry PRL 34 (1975) 1353 “Superdense matter: Neutrons or Asymptotically free quarks?” QFT approach to relativistic many body problem 6/28/20 Phy 224C 7 mid-1970s: Cabibbo and Parisi PLB 59 (1975) 67 “Exponential hadronic spectrum and Quark Liberation” Applied to MIT “Bag” model: Expect phase transition both at high T and at high density. First “phase diagram” for hadronic matter 6/28/20 Phy 224C 8 Realization from QCD: At high temperatures and densities, hadronic matter should undergo a phase transition to a state of ~free quarks and gluons: the QGP. Lattice QCD: numerical calculations of QCD on a discrete space-time. More precise predictions. Slightly more elaborate phase diagrams... 6/28/20 Phy 224C 9 Phase diagram of nuclear matter in equilibrium rC @ (1- 2)GeV / fm 3 TC @ (150 -170)MeV Where to explore these regimes? Early universe Ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions 6/28/20 Phy 224C From the 1983 NSAC Long Range Plan. 10 Temperature The phase diagram of QCD. Early universe quark-gluon plasma Tc critical point ? hadron gas nucleon gas vacuum nuclei r0 color superconductor Color-Flavor Locked Phase Neutron stars baryon density Need experiments to explore the phase diagram of QCD Heavy Ion Collisions at RHIC and LHC create conditions sufficient to “melt” matter into a quark gluon plasma 11 10-44 sec Quantum Gravity Unification of all 4 forces 1032 K 10-35 sec Grand Unification E-M/Weak = Strong force 1027 K universe exponentially expands by 1026 E-M = weak force 1027 K creation of nucleons 1013 K creation of electrons 6⋅109 K 10-35 sec? Inflation 2 10-10 sec Electroweak unification 2·10-6 sec p-p-bar pairs 6/28/20 Phy 224C 1015 K 6 sec e+e- pairs 3 min Nucleosynthesis light elements formed 109 K 106 yrs Microwave Background recombination transparent to photons 3000 K 109 yrs ? Galaxy formation bulges and halos of normal galaxies form 20 K 12 Quark-Hadron Transition in the Early Universe K.A. Olive, Science 251 (1991) 1194 Initial Hot and Dense Epoch Universe expands and cools. Einstein’s Equations + Energy conservation + homogeneous/isotropic radiationdominated universe: t sT 2 2.4 N(T ) 7 N(200MeV ) = [2(N C2 -1)+ N C N f ] 2 -5 t s (200MeV ) » 10 s 6/28/20 Phy 224C 13 “The Quark-Hadron Transition in the Early Universe” E. Suhonen. PLB 119 (1982) 81 Eq 1 and 2b: Einstein field equations, plus energy conservation, written in terms of the energy density 6/28/20 Phy 224C 14 Because we can study the Thermodynamics of the Strong Force. The strong force exhibits intriguing phenomena. Confinement. Chiral-Symmetry breaking. Strong interactions give rise to most of the mass we see! We are only just beginning to understand how the strongest of all the forces behaves. 6/28/20 Phy 224C 15 Bevalac-LBL, and SIS-GSI fixed target max. 2.2 GeV 1980s AGS-BNL fixed target 1992 Au+Au 1994 Pb+Pb E864/941, E802/859/866/917, E814/877, E858/878, E810/891, E895, E910 … max. 4.8 GeV SPS-CERN fixed target max. 17.2 GeV NA35/49, NA44, NA38/50/51, NA45, NA52, NA57, WA80/98, WA97, … Nuclear Fragmentation Resonance Production Strangeness near threshold Resonances Dominate Large Net-Baryon Density Strangeness Important Charm production TEVATRON-FNAL (fixed target p-A) 2000 Au+Au 2010 Pb+Pb max. 38.7 GeV RHIC-BNL Collider BRAHMS, PHENIX, PHOBOS, STAR Low Net-Baryon Density Hard Parton Scattering max. 200.0 GeV LHC-CERN Collider ALICE, ATLAS, CMS Beauty Production max. 2.76 TeV (5.5 TeV to be done) 6/28/20 Phy 224C 16 Longitudinal Expansion (left, middle) Projectile and Target nuclei (forward/backward light cone) Central region (z~0, yCM): Deconfined QGP Interactions bring system into local statistical equilibrium. Thermalization. Evolution described by relativistic hydrodynamics. Note: Hydrodynamic evolution needs to start at t < 1 fm/c. Surfaces of constant t : hyperbolae, “hypersurfaces” Transverse expansion (right) 6/28/20 Phy 224C 17 Chemical Freezeout (Tch ≤ Tc ) : inelastic scattering stops Kinetic Freezeout (Tfo ≤ Tc ) : elastic scattering stops 6/28/20 Phy 224C 18 Bjorken Hydrodynamics: Boost invariant midrapidity region. 6/28/20 Phy 224C 19 Nucleons interpenetrate opposing nucleus. Baryons remain in the forward/backward pancakes. (g>>1) Consider system of quanta in region between the pancakes. d E 3 dN ch For a nucleon-nucleon collision dy » 2 dy E At midrapidity, we can measure dNch/dy Assume nucleus is a dilute gas of nucleons i.e. Each nucleon is separated by r > 1 fm. Then, Energy production is additive. 6/28/20 Phy 224C 20 Lorentz-boost invariant observables: Transverse Momentum: pT æE+ p ö 1 z Rapidity: y = ln ç ÷ 2 è E - pz ø Boost in z: y ® y - tanh-1 b = y - y' Pseudo-Rapidity: æ æ q öö 1 æ p + pz ö h = -ln ç tan ç ÷÷ = ln çç ÷÷ è è 2 øø 2 è p - pz ø Transverse Energy: E = E sin(q ) T Invariant Cross-Section: 6/28/20 Phy 224C Ed 3s d 3s = 3 dp df dypT dpT 21 Average energy per particle. At midrapidity: E = mT cosh(y) » mT Number of particles per unit rapidity dN ch dN ch dN ch = J y ( pT ) » dy dh dh Formation time: tf. Effective overlap area: S. For central collisions of identical nuclei: 6/28/20 Phy 224C S » pR 2 22 Negatively charged hadron spectra STAR, PRL 87, 112303 (2001) pT = 0.508 ± 0.012 GeV/c dN hdh = 280 ±1± 20 Including extrapolation to b=0, Jacobian, average mass, Nh- to Nch , r0=1.16 fm, t<1fm 6/28/20 Phy 224C 23 Energy density e ≥ 4 GeV/fm3 : ~ 7×eC. Secondary particle spectra: Tch~170 MeV First evidence that we reached the high temperature phase of QCD. 6/28/20 Phy 224C 24 Substantial collective flow The system behaves more like a liquid than a gas. Jet quenching The system is opaque to fast partons. The liquid has almost zero viscosity Properties close to those of a perfect fluid. Quark number scaling observed in flow of different particles Suggestive of a quark intermediate state: “partonic collectivity” Bottomonium is suppressed A probe of Deconfinement at high temperature? 6/28/20 Phy 224C 25