Protist, Fungi, and Plant Review

Protists, Fungi, and Plants TEST REVIEW – due the day of the test
You MAY write on this review to answer the questions.
1. Protists are: (circle one)
a. prokaryotic/eukaryotic
b. most are unicellular/most are multicellular
c. autotrophs/heterotrophs/can be both
2. For each listed, explain how it obtains food.
a. Amoeba
b. Paramecium
3. Define the 3 types of protists listed below and give specific examples of each:
a. animal-like
b. plant-like
c. Euglena
c. fungi-like
4. Explain why amoeba and paramecium are animal-like protists:
5. Label the structures of amoeba:
w. _______________________
x. _______________________
y. _______________________
z. _______________________
6. List and briefly describe 3 types of structures that are used for locomotion by animal-like protists
7. What structure does amoeba use for movement?
8. Label the structures of paramecium:
A. _______________________
B. _______________________
C. _______________________
D. _______________________
E. _______________________
9. Explain how contractile vacuoles in paramecium help in maintaining homeostasis.
10. What happens in the process of conjugation?
11. What protist is responsible for malaria? What type of protist is this?
12. What is the name of the organelle that plant-like protists have that enable them to perform photosynthesis?
13. What are plantlike protists called?
14. Label structures A, B, C, and F of the euglena:
B. ______________________
C. ______________________
F. ______________________
15. What is unique about the way the euglena obtains food?
16. What structure helps euglena find sunlight?
17. What type of protists are diatoms and dinoflagellates? Why?
18. What types of protists are responsible for producing algal blooms?
19. Explain algae’s contribution to the air we breathe.
20. Which protists are multicellular?
21. What do fungus-like protists lack in their cell walls?
22. What is ecological significance of fungus-like protists?
23. Name some examples of fungus-like protists.
24. How do protists reproduce?
25. List major characteristics of fungi:
a. uni- or multi-cellular?
b. mode of nutrition:
c. prokaryotic or eukaryotic?
d. cell walls contain ______________________
26. Identify and define the following structures of fungi: fruiting body, hyphae, mycelium
27. List and describe the ways fungi reproduce.
28. How are fungi classified? Provide examples and major characteristics.
29. List and explain 2 types of fungal associations.
Plant Unit
1. Describe the characteristics of Kingdom Plantae:
a. Prokaryotic/eukaryotic?
b. Unicellular/multicellular?
c. Mode of nutrition?
d. Special organelles?
e. Cell wall composition?
2. Fill in the chart below.
Plant type
Vascular/Non? Seeds? Cones? Flowers? Fruit?
Water needed for
3. Describe the evolutionary progression of plants and give examples of each plant group.
4. List the 3 major plant tissues and describe their function.
5. Compare the two types of roots.
6. Compare the two types of stems.
7. What tissue transports water and how is it transported?
8. What tissue transports food and how is it transported?
9. What are advantages to having seeds for reproduction?
10. What are seed adaptations to help aid in dispersal?
11. Label the parts of the seed and list the function/purpose of each structure.
a. Is this a monocot or dicot? How do you know?
b. What is germination?
12. How do you know if a plant is a monocot or a dicot?
13. What is a fruit? What is its purpose?
14. What are the plant hormones and what effect they have on plants?
15. Describe the following tropisms:
a. Phototropism b. Gravitropism c. Thigmotropism 16. What are some plant adaptations that allow plants to survive in
a. The desert?
b. In water?
c. On land?
17. Describe the general reproduction cycle called alternation of generations.
18. Label the flower below; and tell the function of each part. Circle the male parts and put a square around the
female parts.